Strangeways question.

travis bickle

New Member
In the liner notes of the original 1987 release of the Strangeways album it says that it was mastered in the U.K. by Tim Young and in the U.S. by Bobby Hata. Knowing that mastering is an art in itself and is subject to stylistic differences unique to the person performing it, I wonder if anyone has noticed anything different in the sound between the U.S. and U.K. versions.

I don't have a U.K. copy myself.

Thanks for your input. :)

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In the liner notes of the original 1987 release of the Strangeways album it says that it was mastered in the U.K. by Tim Young and in the U.S. by Bobby Hata. Knowing that mastering is an art in itself and is subject to stylistic differences unique to the person performing it, I wonder if anyone has noticed anything different in the sound between the U.S. and U.K. versions.

I don't have a U.K. copy myself.

Thanks for your input. :)


Good question. Don't have an answer but will look forward to seeing if someone else does.
Bands send their work to be mastered all over the world, so it probably refers to the same material being mastered by two different people in different locations, then released. It probably doesn't mean that the US and UK versions had different mastering.

But that's my off-the-cuff opinion...
I don't have the USA copy...

Actually, the US version is better - see Lounder Tahn Bombs, The World won't Listen and even The Queen is dead...

Ask to Flax..he'll have your answer...
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