Strangeways - Scottish mini-bus

My Brother has a five man tent. Anyone fancy carry on camping? :)

well i think in general i would be interested cause my money prob wouldnt allow a costly hotel , assuming there is no hostel there...and it would be such a shame to visit the place only for a few hours (cause it surely a beautiful island one wants to stay longer)..
and it seems i dont get a train back to glasgow on that night acc to trainsites
i dont have a sleeping bag though..maybe you guys have a blanket?
p.s is that you in the avatar?

western ferry
dunnoon.last ferry back to gourock 11.30 pm
first ferry next day 7 am

gourock last trains back to glasgow are 11.20 pm.
next will be 5.20 am

did sent you a pm scottish heart-IM IN FOR THE TENT-save me a spotlets share contactdetails closer to the date
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well i think in general i would be interested cause my money prob wouldnt allow a costly hotel , assuming there is no hostel there...and it would be such a shame to visit the place only for a few hours (cause it surely a beautiful island one wants to stay longer)..
i dont have a sleeping bag though..maybe you guys have a blanket?
p.s is that you in the avatar?

In Dunoon? Is that where you are talking about? There is no hostel, but there are 4 or 5 hotels and plenty of B&Bs.
And Dunoon isn't an island.
In Dunoon? Is that where you are talking about? There is no hostel, but there are 4 or 5 hotels and plenty of B&Bs.
And Dunoon isn't an island.
sorry teacher. peninsula then;)
well i think in general i would be interested cause my money prob wouldnt allow a costly hotel , assuming there is no hostel there...and it would be such a shame to visit the place only for a few hours (cause it surely a beautiful island one wants to stay longer)..
i dont have a sleeping bag though..maybe you guys have a blanket?
p.s is that you in the avatar?

Yeah, Moz and i in Paris 1992 before the Le Zenith concert.

Seems like a long time ago.
ok i am in the position to start booking seats for coaches and just need an idea of numbers and people interested , can i request that you use the strangeways face book page!/home.php?sk=group_168823293142843&notif_t=group_activity as a preference , if you dont have face book can you send me a private message so i can log your name

the message i put on the face book page was ...

We discussed a little while ago that we may put on a bus or two , all buses will leave from glasgow and return to glasgow after the gig , times and costs will be confirmed once i have a rough idea of numbers , in this thread can you just make how many seats you would like and for what show ( can we have no follow up comments just to make it easier to go through .... so for example , Inverness x 2 would be your reply ... thanks
I'm looking for a lift from Perth to Glasgow. Even a piggy back will do :)
Hi, this is my first time posting here and I'd be grateful for any assisrtance.

I've got tickets for the Dunfermline, Perth, Inverness and Hawick concerts but (foolishly) only this week looked into the logistics of travelling to and from the shows. I'm pretty sure I can sort travel/staying arrangements for the first three (well I live in Perth so that one's not much of a challenge) but am running into a bit of trouble with Hawick. It seems quite pricey to stay there and obviously there isn't any public transport running late on. Have I missed the deadline for the bus to Glasgow afterwards? If so, does anyone have any advice?

Again, any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
there are busses travelling from hawick
from edinburgh etc

also megasbus has expaned and added hawick (from manchester, london preston)

they all go in th early morning though..but hey its saturday why not stay awake and wait for the first bus in the morning?
i do that too on some of the dates just drink lots of coffeine..and you will survive the night ..

is there a car lift site in the UK? ( general one not for moz fans) we in germany have that where people offer place in their car and then meet up( much cheaper than german train.

travelling for perth , inverness ..good trainconnection..
buy in advance and you save money

dunfernline has a trainstation too.
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Hi Sistasheia, thanks for that. Yeah I've stayed in bus stations (Glasgow) before for Morrissey and it's a sacrifice I don't much mind making really. Will try and stay in a pub for as long as I can then just get the earliest bus I can in the morning. With it being June I'm hopeful it won't be too cold...
Well, obviously not a bus station as such in Hawick (I've never been but I assume it doesn't have one) , just somewhere similarly sheltered. I'm sure something suitable will crop up.
bus trip strangeways
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