TTY: Supreme, yet not; Morrissey's second statement on Supreme

Link from an anonymous person:

Supreme, yet not -
15 February 2016

As a matter of fact, I do not have, do not want, nor do I need, any money from the company called Supreme.

If Supreme have sent money in my name then they could track it down and reclaim it - if they had NOT printed that photograph of me for their 2016 campaign.

By running prints of the photograph they have derailed their own negotiations. This is why they are angry.

The photograph is dreadful and will help neither myself nor Supreme. Who needs it? Nobody.

Supreme were warned by my lawyer and accountant that the photograph should NOT be used. Supreme ignored this advice. Hence this mess.

I write these statements because there is no one else to write them. The joy I receive from such statements is non-existent.

thank you,
15 February 2016.

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...Never a dull moment. Thanks for your output, but to us it doesn't matter he is gay. Sure he never admitted it, nor that he ever will. He is smart enough to know that making such statement would only narrow his audience. He is popular among a lot of heterosexual men and him coming out would probably corner a lot of these fans.

Maybe Morrissey doesn't talk about his sexual life because he values his privacy. He spends a huge portion of his life dedicated to his public, it's understandable he needs to keep his private matters as private as possible.

If he is gay he has the right to come out of the closet and the right to not come out of the closet. These rights are two sides of the same coin. The same if he is hetero or humasexual (nice word). Anyway, who cares? He will not lose a single admirer because of his sexual preferences if sex is consensual.
Higher resolution photograph, much better than what ended up on the poster/t-shirt...


I love it, much better than most of the pro photos of Moz I've seen in recent years. Is he saying that the covers of Swords or WPINOYB are better? What's his beef?;)
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Because Morrissey made it ours, he posted conflicting statements for all 'to see how betrade he was'. so yes people will quiestion.
lol, no he most certainly did not make it your business, that's not how it happened at all. i suppose you're going to say he forced you into caring about it, as well? or is it your personal duty to ensure that morrissey isnt trying to cheat supreme?

if you read his second post on the subject, it's clearly a response to some attitude or accusation, either here or elsewhere. the disproportionate fuss over his financial transaction with supreme was already in place--that is, people had already made it their business, people who are not morrissey, and morrissey was simply responding, grudgingly it seems, knowing, i assume, that he didnt really owe any explanation, but wanting to address the negativity. maybe it was a pride issue for him, i dont know. i know for my own part that i care not one iota what went on financially between them (to me the real issue is that of a company using a picture of a person who has vehemently expressed their aversion to having his picture used. THAT i find profoundly disturbing). whatever happened wouldnt make one difference to me in my opinion or approval of morrissey. nor do i think it would make one difference in the negative opinion or lack of approval of morrissey in the minds of any of the abject buffoons here. his gracefully apologetic inital post sure didnt seem to do any good in their minds. it's deplorable and dispiriting in equal measure the alacrity with which some people will read negativity and ill intentions into everything he says or does, while at the same time expecting that he should feel obligated to explain himself to them.

who needs it? nobody.
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Hi Steven,

Just wondering has the money been given back to Supreme in full yet ?
I appreciate there is no one else to write these statements and you're probably very busy working on global 5* hotel inspections so a basic yes/no statement will do just to keep us all in the loop.

Thanks ttfn.

Can he not engage in one thing these days without it ending in drama, legal action, criticisms etc? He could fall out with himself in a telephone box these days...
being scottish, with a british passport, pretending to be irish, overweight with a embarrasing moz tatto on you flabby arm is no way to go thru life, irish heart british passport, for ffs straighten up your act.
and, enough of the gay stuff for one day.
everybody outside of the moz cult, knows he is super gay.
What are you talking about? Are you a messycan, Aztec doesn't like messycans, have you had a Brazilian? would you like some calamine lotion on your chest?

you call out surface, and you use the derrogatory racial epithet 'messycan'. is that a 'moz styled racist joke'? your left wing credentials have been officially invalidated.
He will not lose a single admirer because of his sexual preferences if sex is consensual.

Oh, I'm afraid he most certainly would. There are plenty of homophobic people out there, even in relatively progressive countries like the UK and USA. And don't forget that Morrissey is trying to sell his brand worldwide. Whilst I'm sure it wouldn't destroy his career (what little he has left of it), it's naïve in the extreme to think he could come out as gay without a number of bigots turning their back on him.
Oh, I'm afraid he most certainly would. There are plenty of homophobic people out there, even in relatively progressive countries like the UK and USA. And don't forget that Morrissey is trying to sell his brand worldwide. Whilst I'm sure it wouldn't destroy his career (what little he has left of it), it's naïve in the extreme to think he could come out as gay without a number of bigots turning their back on him.

exactly! it's naive to think he won't lose some fans if he comes out. Also, you are forgetting some of her female fans who would be upset if moz came out because of the whole fantasy with your fave artist thing.oh and like you said, there are still plenty of homophobic people, unfortunately
Surely any homophobes wouldn't be fans of Morrissey simply as a result of some of his lyrics. What goes through their minds when listening to songs like Dear God Please Help Me:

"Then he motions to me
With his hand on my knee
Dear God, did this kind of thing happen to you?

Now I'm spreading your legs
With mine in-between
Dear God, if I could I would help you"

or I'm Not Sorry:

"The woman of my dreams
She, she never came along
The woman of my dreams
Well, there never was one"
ive never not met anyone who knows of him that doesnt already think hes gay so i dont think it would effect much
Oh, I'm afraid he most certainly would. There are plenty of homophobic people out there, even in relatively progressive countries like the UK and USA. And don't forget that Morrissey is trying to sell his brand worldwide. Whilst I'm sure it wouldn't destroy his career (what little he has left of it), it's naïve in the extreme to think he could come out as gay without a number of bigots turning their back on him.

Or maybe, just maybe i doesnt feel that the label gay is right for him? Have you ever considered that? You arent him to know who he is. In the end you are only a fan.

I Love how the fans think they no everything about more than himself. Get over it.
Only a special snowflake like our Morrissey would come up with a label like "humasexual".
Stunningly thoughtful and accurate, particularly for this place. Excellent post, rifke.

i cant help it, i just find it so incredibly derogatory that a person should be in a struggle over the use of their own image.

unforturnately, judging by the attitudes here, supreme is at an advantage, with this erroneous image people have of morrissey being simply one who like to create trouble. because people in general dont think, because they prefer self-complacency to putting themselves out there, it's very easy, when something like this arises, to take the attitude that "oh morrissey is just being morrissey", as though he creates trouble just for the sake of it. in reality, i dont think anything could be further from the truth. sure, he seems to be many times excercising a right or a luxury most of us dont even know we have: to argue, to question, to, in the words of amy gerstler, "protest and remember everything", which in reality should be the duty of all smart, artistic, and individualistic people everytime we seen an injustice being done, any time we see someone acting clod-like or brutish. but to act in accordance with that innermost feeling that a person who doesnt stand up for what they know on principal to be right cant possibly have any real sense of self-respect, is not creating trouble, and that is a harmful judgement to perpetuate.

i get the feeling from morrissey that he likes to be liked. that getting a positive reception is important to him, that he responds to it like a plant that has been watered. i dont think he actually likes having to engage in these struggles. it may be fair to assume that he likes to assert his stance on things (because dont we all when we actually can be bothered?) but i doubt if he likes the backlash that he always invariably and unwarrantedly gets, and that he surely has come to expect, and the unfair reputation it's garnered him, that of being a "troublemaker". i have no doubt also that morrissey suffers to a degree from that thing which has always plagued artists and individuals, that which we call "world weariness": that thing which oftentimes makes the best and strongest personalities give in, become indifferent, complacent, retiring. and yet he never does give in. according to some magnificent moral code, the magnitude of which most people will never possess, he never stops arguing, questioning and protesting, even when it brings difficulty for himself, even when one imagines he must be tired and hurt from it all. and that is something quite incredible, and renders him not the kind of person that should be taken for granted in this world of complacent apathetic lifeless shallow boors--each one exactly like the one before--and brushed aside as being a "troublemaker."

the bias should not be slanted toward supreme simply because morrissey is more of a towering moral figure than most people could ever dream of being and because rather than looking at the things on which his struggles have been spent, those people who are insensitive to nuance, shade and degree, instead boorishly and undiscerningly tote them up like a tally on a chalk board.
My dad caught me "looking at" a muscle magazine, and he said it's okay son, I know you're gay and I accept it, and I said no dad, I'm huma, and now my parents have me signed up for shock treatment. After that it's military school. Thanks, Morrissey! I could have just been gay and normal. Mom was looking forward to bragging about it to her friends.
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