What is currently your favorite television show(s)?

so f***ing soon. what will i do with my life?
I wish I was watching Breaking Bad like the rest of humanity. Jesus. :squiffy:
just watched the last "Breaking Bad" don't suppose it could have ended any other way :straightface:
now to check out:

"Masters of Sex" :rolleyes: mainly because Lizzy Caplan is in it :blushing:
but my lust steered me to a good show when it came to "The Bridge" why not with this show?
will see :confused:
Just started watching The Sopranos for the first time. Am going to binge watch all six seasons. Started yesterday and am already on episode six, season one. Am pleasantly surprised that I am liking it much more than I thought I would.
best "new show" so far this fall is:

I am still giving "Masters of Sex" a chance even though I don't how much I like it :confused:
the rampant sexism it is constantly depicting should seem like some archaic thing from the past, but for me it resonates all too real
particularly here in China where chauvinism is alive and well, so much so that l have to increasingly remind myself of how I should behave
since really you can get away with anything here, maybe less as a foriegner :cool:
but almost every single Chinse man I have met cheats on his wife/gf or has in the past
its really appalling and thats just the tip of the iceberg :eek:
anyways, work almost done here tonight, time to go out maybe, then again maybe not...
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Does anybody watch The Amazing Race? I was DYING LAUGHING at last week's episode I just watched with the shoeshine guy. :rofl:

One of the pitstops was to find a shoeshine cart in the middle of a Plaza in Santiago Chile, shine a person's shoes, then pack the cart up and roll it to a storage unit a few blocks away to get the next clue. So the token gay couple finds a random shoeshine guy that wasn;t part of the race, talks him (I'm busting up laughing just typing this it was so goddam funny) into letting him shine a person's shoes with his cart, PACKS UP HIS CART AND ROLLS IT TO THIS STORAGE CONTAINER, the guy is just following along probably thinking "CRAZY AMERICANS WTH!!!?!?!??!" but he was so patient and went along with it. Soooooooo funny.

Here's the episode if anyone wants a good laugh. The babes in bikinis hugging the salt mine guy was pretty funny too.

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Anyone a fan of Rik Mayall (Drop Dead Fred, Bottom, The Young Ones?)

Well he's back on the telly, Channel 4 Friday 9:30pm

my 12 shows for this fall season:

1. The Blacklist - I really enjoy this show, Spader is awesome in it and there is a Olvia Wilde quality to Megan Boone that is just well :horny:

Once Upon a Time - what can I say, turning Mulan into a lesbian, how awesome is that!

Homeland - Carrie Mathison is one of my favorite female characters from TV of all time, I am rooting for her with all my heart every damn episode

Boardwalk Empire - still keeping me guessing, which is not easy, given I know the history of that era quite well, they play fast and loose with the details, but still fairly accurate overall

Sleepy Hollow - I can't help it, thought this show would suck, but I just like it, enough to go the effort of DLing it
I can't imagine it will be around long though, mainly because Tom Mison seems destined for the big screen, real "star power"

Masters of Sex - Lizzy Kaplan keeps me watching this, really don't like the Michael Sheen's character, but I suppose were not meant to

Castle - weird start to the season, handled interestingly, we'll see how it plays out

New Girl - still makes me laugh, but lets be honest here, I'd probably DL 22 minutes of Zooey D. doing anything :blushing:

South Park - they still got it, nuff said

The Crazy Ones - lots of gr8 1 liners and the chemistry between the actors really seems good, nice to see Mork back on TV :thumb:

Supernatural - not what it use to be, but this week had Alaina Huffman which defo made it watchable

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland - like I said before, pretty much a sucker for this genre, so gonna keep watching, hope they find the "Mad Hatter" soon though
The Tunnel, based on The Bridge, which started on Sky Atlantic. A body is found exactly half way between Britain and France in the Channel Tunnel, falling in both jurisdictions, until it is discovered that it is, in fact, two bodies.

It seems quite promising, although the persona of the French detective, played in a way that makes Mr. Spock seem like Barney the Dinosaur, was a bit annoying. Hopefully that will change.

Well worth a download if you are outside the UK. Sorry, I mean pre-order from Amazon.
The right woman won!!!!! Dom Streater, so humble and demure and daring. I LOVE that girl. Gotta admit, I was falling for Alexandria, her acceptance of criticism was noble and she was soooooooo modern. But Dom was the winner from day one. :sweet:

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my life is suddenly more busy, so a lot of show watching has fallen by the wayside
however, glad to be caught up on:

and watching a couple episodes a week of show no longer on the air:

granted what first got me interested in it is the incredible dreaminess of Rose Byrne :love:
however, it takes a lot of twists and turns, some of which I don't see coming and I really like that :)
Walking Dead. Touch. Nothing else worthwhile.
the two other Americans I work with both mentioned(& separately from each other)
a show called "Eastbound & Down" they thought I would like
and were they right!

watched 1st season of 6 half hour episodes, really funny shit and it operates on an intelectual level too, believe it or not
everybody in it is great, DLing the 2nd season now :guitar:

OK, I'll watch it again, granted I'm an easily sell when it comes to this genre :blushing:

It can only be done on a multi million pound film budget....the other option, inside our heads.

Has anyone seen that ex-Aussie popstar wannabe git on 60 minute makeover? He's ruined that show. Hate the sight of his face and the sound of his voice and the notion of his smugness. No wonder he was once with that fake boobed bimbo...another talentless sod :gun:
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It can only be done on a multi million pound film budget....the other option, inside our heads.

Has anyone seen that ex-Aussie popstar wannabe git on 60 minute makeover? He's ruined that show. Hate the sight of his face and the sound of his voice and the notion of his smugness. No wonder he was once with that fake boobed bimbo...another talentless sod :gun:
I have no idea what you are on about :confused: sorry and really, I have not kept up with this show :o
It can only be done on a multi million pound film budget....the other option, inside our heads.

Has anyone seen that ex-Aussie popstar wannabe git on 60 minute makeover? He's ruined that show. Hate the sight of his face and the sound of his voice and the notion of his smugness. No wonder he was once with that fake boobed bimbo...another talentless sod :gun:

I've seen him and he's a total airhead, rippling his tattood muscles hoping it would be enough to persuade onlookers that he has enough nous but he doesn't
It was quite amusing when the team guy made him take a frame to the designer and he'd been rumbled for being an airhead. Very funny scene. He sounds like he's taken a suck of helium on speed
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