What songs would you like to see on the setlist in October?

Fulham Road Lights

Given that it's rather unlikely that Moz will play anything different to what we've already heard for the European leg of the tour, how would you like to see him refresh the setlist come October? Also of these, what do you think he may play, and what do you think he definitely won't play? Here's mine:

Now My Heart Is Full
Trouble Loves Me
Jack The Ripper
Spring Heeled Jim
Something (anything!) from Maladjusted, both the original release and the recent reissue
Ditto for Southpaw Grammar, and the rest of the material released in '95
Anything from Your Arsenal

And then in a dream world he would play I Know It's Over, That Joke, anything from the first Smiths album...:guitar: Your thoughts?
Given that it's rather unlikely that Moz will play anything different to what we've already heard for the European leg of the tour, how would you like to see him refresh the setlist come October? Also of these, what do you think he may play, and what do you think he definitely won't play? Here's mine:

Now My Heart Is Full
Trouble Loves Me
Jack The Ripper
Spring Heeled Jim
Something (anything!) from Maladjusted, both the original release and the recent reissue
Ditto for Southpaw Grammar, and the rest of the material released in '95
Anything from Your Arsenal

And then in a dream world he would play I Know It's Over, That Joke, anything from the first Smiths album...:guitar: Your thoughts?

Good list.
trouble loves me definitely. i'd also like to hear a cover of cannibal corpse's meat hook sodomy.
Well 'How Soon is Now?' is, in my opinion, essential.

As for songs that are not on the current setlist and that I haven't heard live:

I said somewhere else about 'The Teachers are afraid of the Pupils' - I think it would sound great live. And I agree with 'Speedway' as well.

I'd also like to hear 'Asleep' live - although I think it wouldn't really fit in anywhere in a setlist and be a bit of a mood killer.

As an encore/final song, 'There is a Light....' just because of how well it sounds on 'Who Put the M in Manchester?'
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Disappointed, Alama matters, Now my heart is full, We hate it when our friends become successful, Anything off beethoven was deaf and finishing with There is a light!!! :cool:

Get well soon Moz x
Here's hoping I do get to see him in October/November...:pray:
My wishlist is:
A Swallow On My Neck
Sister I'm A Poet
Cemetry Gates
Alsation Cousin

And, if he really loses his mind, I'd like to hear Ammunition. :blushing:
Speedway, Sister I'm a Poet and Rubber Ring would be nice.
I think Sister was played in Myrtle Beach this year so there is hope for that one.
Really? Why? It's one of the first I'd drop from the current set.

It's one of my favourite songs anyway so that is one of the main reasons.

But when its played live its just incredible - both concerts I've been to it was the stand-out song for me.
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