Your Favorite Movie Quotes

Arguing over who keeps which records in the midst of a break up; Judd Nelson screams at Ally Sheedy...

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^That is actually the only scene from that film that I thought was good.

"I specifically took off work today because I thought you weren't gonna be here."
-from "Dazed and Confused" (1993)

"Man, it's the same bullshit they tried to pull in my day. If it ain't that piece of paper, there's some other choice they're gonna try and make for you. You gotta do what Randall Pink Floyd wants to do man. Let me tell you this, the older you do get the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin' man, L-I-V-I-N."

quote from Wooderson (portrayed by Matthew McConaughey)
Sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here. From As Good as it Gets.

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Basically every line from Gary Oldman in 'True Romance'
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