Your Morrissey album Top 11

And coming around the first bend.... here's the ranking based on total position so far. (Yes, I'm avoiding doing work.)

Vauxhall and I ... 43
Viva Hate... 50
You are the Quarry ... 57
Your Arsenal ... 61
Ringleader of the Tormenters ... 95
World Peace is None of Your Business ... 96
Low in High School ... 112
Southpaw Grammar ... 115
Years of Refusal ... 124
Kill Uncle ... 128

Follow along at home!
Viva Hate
Vauxhall and I
Your Arsenal
Southpaw Grammar
You Are The Quarry
Kill Uncle
Years of Refusal
Ringleader of the Tormentors
Vauxhall and I
Your Arsenal
You are the Quarry
Low in High School
Years of Refusal
Viva Hate
Ringleader of the Tormentors
Southpaw Grammar
World Peace is None of Your Business
Kill Uncle

Really fascinating to see what others think. I didn't realize there was such regard for Viva Hate and disregard for Years of Refusal.
First Division
1. Vauxhall
2. Ringleader

Second Division
3. Viva Hate
4. Your Arsenal
5. YAT Quarry
6. Years of Refusal
7. Southpaw

Third Division
8. Kill Uncle
9. Maladjusted

North West Counties Football League
10. Low in High School
11. World Peace

I'd predict that I am not going to end up listening to future releases very much, so this can probably be considered definitive.

That list is dumber than a basket of rocks covered in chocolate.

You've put the best album last. Put it on and f***ing really listen to it.
Low in High School you've placed above the best album that Morrissey has recorded and at the same time you've positioned both albums as the worst albums of his career.

You are an idiot.

To lose the idiot tag ascribed to you can only be done by admitting that you are an idiot.
On film.
Via YouTube.
In stereo.

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That list is dumber than a basket of rocks covered in chocolate.

You've put the best album last. Put it on and f***ing really listen to it.
Low in High School you've placed above the best album that Morrissey has recorded and at the same time you've positioned both albums as the worst albums of his career.

You are an idiot.

To lose the idiot tag ascribed to you can only be done by admitting that you are an idiot.
On film.
Via YouTube.
In stereo.

You took the idiot tag with that post. I was waiting for you. I saw you coming. And wham-bam!

What you need to do now is pass it on, but you're going to have to summon up more smartness than you have ever exhibited in your whole life. I believe in you, though. I know you can do it.
You took the idiot tag with that post. I was waiting for you. I saw you coming. And wham-bam!

What you need to do now is pass it on, but you're going to have to summon up more smartness than you have ever exhibited in your whole life. I believe in you, though. I know you can do it.

Are you cereals right now Cornflakes! Are you cereals!!!
Tamping! I'm f***ing tamping!

Anyone know any cereal comebacks?

Thanks. However, you're still the idiot with the idiot tag. Since you've been nice to me, I'll get out of your way and let you plan how to give it to some unsuspecting newbie. There's a fair few idiot newbies here right now, so it'd be pretty lame of you to still have it by Sunday.

ETA: I can't believe you did that. Wait til I tell your mother.
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Vauxhall and I
Your Arsenal
You are the Quarry
Low in High School
Years of Refusal
Viva Hate
Ringleader of the Tormentors
Southpaw Grammar
World Peace is None of Your Business
Kill Uncle

Really fascinating to see what others think. I didn't realize there was such regard for Viva Hate and disregard for Years of Refusal.

This forum for the most part has a lot of older fans. Refusal and the single Paris received a good bit of praise and was pretty popular but mainly with newer fans in my experience probably picked up around quarry. I’m not surprised to see it skew this way. If anything I’m more surprised it’s not tilted more so but I’m guessing some of the outraged fans don’t wanna participate in any form of fandom at the moment
1.Vauxhall And I
2.You Are the Quarry
3.Viva Hate
5.Your Arsenal
7.Low In High School
9.Kill Uncle
10.Southpaw Grammar
11.Years of Refusal

Maladjusted has really grown on me these past couple of months
1. Vauxhall & I
2. Your Arsenal
3. Viva Hate
4. Years of Refusal
5. You Are the Quarry
6. Ringleader of the Tormentors
7. Low in High School
8. Maladjusted
9. World Peace is None of Your Business
10. Kill Uncle
11. Southpaw Grammar
Love these sorts of things.

1. Vauxhall and I
2. Maladjusted
3. Your Arsenal
4. You are the Quarry
5. Southpaw Grammar
6. Viva Hate
7. Years of Refusal
8. Kill Uncle
9. Ringleader of the Tormentors
10. World Peace (could've been in the top 5 if the bonus tracks had replaced some of the album tracks)
11. Low in..

But they're all absolutely essential in my record collection. The competition within the Moz discography is just fiercely stiff. And I'm sure he has brilliant albums left in him.
1. Viva Hate
2. Your Arsenal
3. Vauxhall and Me
4. World Peace (deluxe)
5. Year of Refusal
= 6. Maladjusted
= 6. Kill Uncle
= 6. Low in High School
9. Ringleader
10. Who ate me curry
11. Southpaw Grammar

Jeff Net
Very difficult to rank! The top three are completely interchangable, and have different merits making each of them worthy of the top spot...

Vauxhall and I - his best ‘album’ by its consistant tone, bookended by arguably his best intro since ‘The Queen is Dead’ and his best ever final track ‘Speedway’.
Your Arsenal - his best collection of ‘songs’, many of which would individually beat ‘Vauxhall’ tracks, the best his band has ever sounded
Viva Hate - featuring two of his biggest hits, a brilliant debut album, his most ‘Smiths’ work, but in another sense, a definite solo album. ‘Alsatian Cousin’ and ‘I Don’t Mind If You Forget Me’ are personal favorites
Ringleader Of The Tormentors - his heaviest album of the 2000s, his best ‘modern’ track Life Is A Pigsty’ is here
Kill Uncle - love the rockabilly sound, underrated but the album does lose its footing halfway
Low In High School - Pretty good for a Moz album in 2017, certainly better than ‘WPINOYB’, his voice sounds great and there is varied musical directions, lyrically a weaker moment focusing on statement politics
Southpaw Grammar - art rock attempt, should have continued this pursuit I feel, ‘The Teachers..’ ‘Southpaw’ are both thrilling, ‘Boy Racer’ ‘Dagenham Dave’ are good pop fun, but the length of the tracks does seem to wear it down, making not as relistenable in my opinion
You Are The Quarry - great comback album, good singles, production hinders it a little though i feel, his worst opening track in ‘America Is Not The World’
Maladjusted - features two of my all time favourites ‘Maladjusted’ and ‘Trouble Loves Me’ ‘Satan Rejected My Soul’ aint bad either, but the rest...and dont even start on the dreadful, dreadful covert art!
World Peace is None Of Your Buisness
- overall a weak album, there are some decent tracks ‘Mountjoy’ ‘Oboe Concerto’ ‘Staircase At The University’ and I don’t hate ‘Kiss Me A Lot’, but the bonus tracks by large were stronger and hopefully a proper re-imagined reissue will alter that
Years Of Refusal - low down due to the fact its my most neglected album, i think with more listens and i might be on board with it, ‘Paris’ ‘Squeezing my skull’ and ‘Black Cloud’ are decent, but overall i feel its a bit of a stop-gap between the heavyness of ‘Ringleader’ and the expansion of ‘World Peace’ and thus doesnt carve out its own strong identity
Not much love for Kill Uncle so far is there! It was my first Moz Tour and holds great memories for me.

Likewise. I also saw him live for the first time on that tour & that whole period of Morrissey's music from Viva to Arsenal is my favourite, as that’s when I was really deeply interested.

I have never understood the criticism of Kill Uncle. I think it is a fine album & a lot more musically diverse & interesting than much of what followed. Sure, there are a few duff tracks but, personally, I’d say that’s true of all of Morrissey’s output; mostly due to him never having an equal songwriting partner like Marr to spur him on to create his best.

I’ve never been good at ranking but the only album he’s made with tracks I simply cannot stand to listen to & ALWAYS skip, is Low In High School (the offending tracks being Spent The Day In Bed & Who Will Protect Us). Most of the rest of his output is fine by me.

Kill Uncle would definitely rank near the top for me.

Maladjusted is probably the most forgettable, for me. Closely followed by World Peace & Years Of Refusal (though each of these albums have their moments).

Bona Drag is probably the most consistent, for obvious reasons. I also love Swords, proving that a lot of his better later songs ended up as b-sides
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