"...and I don't feel bad"

I feel great!
Haven't had a headache in over a month!!
I sleep about ten hours a night, which has been repairing me. I look ten years younger! Everyone I see that I haven't seen in a month or more is freaking out, "YOU LOOK GREAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
Not hurting.
As a result of no pain, not worrying over every minute detail of existence.
Pain can ruin your life.
It's done a fair job of gnarling my whole world TWICE now!
So, now that I am not utterly preoccupied with nonsense, my mind is free to contemplate other things.
I have also been discovering that there are a lot of things I don't recall. I guess anything above and beyond the essential is wiped. Fortunately, not much happens that I really MUST keep stock of. Life has been pretty much on hold whilst I've been "down" with this condition.
I'm going to start back at the gym, but I've been walking everyday for half an hour or more just to build my endurance back gradually. I will get my strength back and back up to the top of my game before too long if this continues.
I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who continually offer me support and words of kindness. It really helps to have a group of people with whom exchanges are always pleasant and who care enough to take the time to send a message of encouragement, concern, or even just an acknowledgement of something I've written.
It has been a source of comfort to me and I am eternally grateful.
Hopefully, this will reflect in my writing and I can start to "grow" instead of feeling stagnated and smothered!
We shall soon see!


I`m so glad you are feeling better.That is really wonderful to hear.
Also glad you're feeling better! Probably not glad enough cos I'm so f***ing out of it though. I'll write back to you soon, k?
Ah - so happy to see you cheerful and feeling enthusiastic once again, Charlie! This entry made me smile.

I certainly know how a lack of sleep can affect a person. I just went to see my doctor yesterday for insomnia. I think I've told you before that I have medication for it, but I suffer terribly the next day when I take it. Well, she gave me a new script and last night was the first night in ages that I slept sound and woke up feeling rested - without that groggy, classic hung-over feeling! I hope it continues and I'll get back on track. It would be nice to feel good again! Like you do in this entry! :)

Will speak to you soon!

Much Love to You!
Hig ♥
Thank you all!
I want to fix everybody so we all feel perfectly amazing.
Human bodies are possibly the world's worst nightmare when things go wrong! Especially given the fact that we rely on them to hold all that we are and do. They are indeed a marvel of natural engineering, but the bodsquad that we have to rely on for getting things fixed is still "practicing" their "art". Only a small percentage of medicine is pure science. And it doesn't offer the remedy for what seems to ail us most. Whatever that happens to be, it seems to always be the way.
I do so love you all to bits, though!
I hope you all feel better, and if you need a friend, you KNOW I am here for you!!
I don't want to be fixed. I just want hookers and blow, hookers and blow... Okay, so maybe I do need fixing...


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My Only Weakness
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