Fri, Mar 10 2000
"My dream date with Morrisey" - Casco Bay Weekly (Mar. 9)

Link to the Casco Bay Weekly (Portland, ME) article from Annie and also TJ:

My dream date with Morrissey
by Annie Seikonia

When I first heard Morrissey was coming to the State Theatre, I couldn't believe my ears. It seemed too incredible to be true. Imagine a place where you can be free to be exactly who you are -- however weird, dysfunctional, unlovable or alienated. This is the world represented by Morrissey. I don't particularly like rock concerts, and there are few people I would venture forth to see. "The Moz," as he is known to his sycophantically loyal fan base, is one of them.

(read full article)

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"Support of fans proves crucial as Morrisey plays to packed house" - Daily Bruin (Mar. 8)

Link to the UCLA Daily Bruin review of the Universal Amphitheatre show (with 2 photos) from alatios:

Support of fans proves crucial as Morrissey plays to packed house

MUSIC: Crowd stays excited despite technical glitches, forgotten lyrics

By Michael Ross Wacht
Daily Bruin Senior Staff

Rows of pompadours milled about, anxiously awaiting the grand pompadour of the evening. Yes, Morrissey was back in town, and he played to a packed Universal Amphitheatre on Mar. 2.

As the evening began, the lights dimmed and disco pin lights flashed on outlining in capital letters "Moz Angeles," a testament to Morrissey's love for his new home and to his confidence in his ability to woo the crowd.

(read full article)

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"Morrisey delivers the personal touch" - Orange County Register (Mar. 7)

First with the link to the Irvine review is Jeff:

Morrissey delivers the personal touch

REVIEW: At Bren Center, the crown prince of pain and asexuality gives a lush performance rife with flourishes and angst-laden posing.

March 7, 200-
Special to the Register

If you think Tori Amos or Depeche Mode fans are obsessed, you ain't seen nothin' until you've been to a Morrissey concert. More than an hour before the crown prince of pain, angst and asexuality came onstage at the University of California, Irvine, Bren Events Center on Sunday night, the fans on the floor became a jostling, roiling sea of desperation yearning to inch as close as humanly possible to the stage barricade.

But then, it has been often said that Morrissey tends to attract the obsessive types of personalities.

(read full article)

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Tour photo links

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Linder Sterling Exhibition in Manchester, from Mar. 25th

Anonymously sent:

From 25th March, at the cornerhouse in Manchester Linder Sterling has an exhibition The Return of Linderland, about spaghetti Westerns, line dancing and guns...

From Damian Morgan:

I am a picture framer and Moz fan, and yesterday I was shocked and pleased to have Linder Sterling and Micheal Bracewell in my gallery.

Linder is exhibiting some of her photography in Manchester very soon, which I will be framing for her...

By the way, she is an extremely nice woman.

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Schneider TM to cover "There Is A Light..."

From Sean:

Got this from the City Slang website. They've got some great bands on their label like Calexico, Sebadoh, and Lambchop. Incidently, I'm not one of the members of the "We Hate Morrissey Society"

Schneider TM covers the Smiths.

Schneider TM has nearly completed a cover version of the Smiths' song "There's a light that never goes out", in corporation with Kpt. Michigan. It's gonna be a Split EP (10"/CD) to be released in May. Since we are all members of the "We Hate Morrissey Society" this promises to be a lot of fun.

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Los Inrockuptibles (March 2000, Argentina) - old interview + giveaway

From Charles Byron:

...our dear Steven appears on the front cover of the March issue of the Argentine magazine "Los Inrockuptibles" (actually, is the Argentine edition of the French magazine "Les Inrockuptibles").

Inside, you can also see the last interview given by Morrissey as Smiths member before the split up.

Simply go to and then follow the link under the name "Nota de Tapa".

Plus, all the people subscribing for a year will get a free copy of Bona Drag and a free ticket for the concert.

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"The Complete Picture" DVD - some details

From Kevon Wilt:

DVD Express now has "The Complete Picture" listed in their database with a release date of April 4. Unfortunately, it looks like it is going to be a straight port of the VHS edition with minor features such as interactive menus and scene access.

Comments / Notes (6)

"March Music Madness" at Q101 (Chicago)

Morrissey is seeded #14 vs. #3 Oasis. From Torr:

Q101 in Chicago is doing a musical "March Madness".

Morrissey is taking on Oasis in the first round, voting for the English bracket takes place today (Fri) 6pmCST to Monday 6pmCST.

If he wins he'll be up against The Cure or Blur in the 2nd round.

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