First love


.....dug some old photos out today and discovered a pic of my first love.(no you can't see it coz it would be unfair to show you it without his permission.:p)

I nearly pissed myself with laughter.I shouldn't laugh really as i was going to throw my self off Southend Pier when he dumped me.

He had a purple (yes purple) a Flock of Seagulls Hairdo (those more ancient members will appreciate the true horror of this) and a penchant for Soft Cell.We used to break into beach huts and snog whilst listening to the rain and force ten gales and get drunk on cheap cider.Oh happy days.

What was your first love like?Or maybe you've not had one yet.;)
.....dug some old photos out today and discovered a pic of my first love.(no you can't see it coz it would be unfair to show you it without his permission.:p)

I nearly pissed myself with laughter.I shouldn't laugh really as i was going to throw my self off Southend Pier when he dumped me.

He had a purple (yes purple) a Flock of Seagulls Hairdo (those more ancient members will appreciate the true horror of this) and a penchant for Soft Cell.We used to break into beach huts and snog whilst listening to the rain and force ten gales and get drunk on cheap cider.Oh happy days.

What was your first love like?Or maybe you've not had one yet.;)

I haven't had one yet:( Well no one has even liked me back:tears:. I want to know what it feels like. I shall stop whining now.
My first love was a girl at my primary school. I had to leave that primary school to go to an all-boys school. I hated it.

I since found out she'd had more heartache and tragedy in her life than the average person gets in a full lifetime.

Maybe one day I'll meet her again. I'm happily married with kids and such now, but if I ever met her, I'd give her the kiss that I always meant to.

it was just for a 3/4 year..he was my first and ever love..i was 19 and he was a bit older..had blonde hair and green eyes..he was from the netherlands..i got to know him in the holidays with my dad..he was the son of the hotel owner..just a small bed & breakfast was quite a nice time..but it was too far for a real relationship..

he was a huge music and soccer we visited a lot of matches and concerts..had a lot of fun together..the chemistry was very good..but i think we both knew that we were more friends than a closer thing..we still call each other or visit us..but's ok for me to be long as it not hurt..i think it's a nice feeling to do whatever and whenever you want to do..simply independent;)
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My first love was the boy I dated for about 3 yrs in college who loved Morrissey & The Smiths! He had a quiff and was upset that he couldn't grow sideburns like Moz. Our first summer spent apart, he wrote me a snail mail letter everyday (it was before the days of high speed internet). He was a very good first love. :o
My first love was the boy I dated for about 3 yrs in college who loved Morrissey & The Smiths! He had a quiff and was upset that he couldn't grow sideburns like Moz. Our first summer spent apart, he wrote me a snail mail letter everyday (it was before the days of high speed internet). He was a very good first love. :o

He sounds adorable- why aren't there any men i know like that??
.....dug some old photos out today and discovered a pic of my first love.(no you can't see it coz it would be unfair to show you it without his permission.:p)

I nearly pissed myself with laughter.I shouldn't laugh really as i was going to throw my self off Southend Pier when he dumped me.

He had a purple (yes purple) a Flock of Seagulls Hairdo (those more ancient members will appreciate the true horror of this) and a penchant for Soft Cell.We used to break into beach huts and snog whilst listening to the rain and force ten gales and get drunk on cheap cider.Oh happy days.

What was your first love like?Or maybe you've not had one yet.;)

I'm not gonna bang on about love n shite like that but what you did bring back to me was about the breaking in to beach huts & suppin cider, we did a similar thing when I was a young lad, I lived in a seaside village just outside of Plymouth & there was a holiday chalet place near the sea, so during winter when it was closed we used to go in to the chalets with ill-gotten cider & colt45 lager (it was all the rage back then, crikey) & get drunk, easily! Oh yes oh happy days, why do we have to grow up? I s'pose it wouldn't be the same now I can legally go buy cider etc! :mad:


My first love was a girl at my primary school. I had to leave that primary school to go to an all-boys school. I hated it.

......Maybe one day I'll meet her again. I'm happily married with kids and such now, but if I ever met her, I'd give her the kiss that I always meant to.


Awwww....if that story were a film, it would be a real "tear-jerker."

I am marrying mine.

That's awesome!
Most of my erm friends have boyfriends (or in one case, a queue) and they always seem to be unhappy with something they have or haven't done.

I've learnt to make myself my main priority. I'm not any happier but I feel it's better than settling for anyone and convincing myself that they're 'amazing'.

What also annoys me is when (usually slutty) girls claim that all men are bastards etc.! Which is absolute rubbish.
Anyway this isn't really the right thread for this so I'll shut my trap.

congratulations..all the best for the future..and longer;)

I haven't had one, I don't think.
I feel that maybe for a couple of months I love someone, but, I don't really, I can't if I get over them so soon, can I?
What is love? :p
The boyfriend I met my/our junior year (he went to the crosstown 'rival' high school) and we dated until our first year of college. He 'lived' in the basement of his parents house so that's where we hung out a lot ;) He had a cool older Saab we'd tool around in and we had a lot of fun times (even with our families) together. He got me hooked on 'the oldies' kind of music. Besides being my first 'real love' he was also my 'first time'. We still keep in touch once in awhile even tho we both have families. It's just one of those things. And harmless. Unless our sig others find out.... :o :p
My first "love" was a strange but pretty Canadian girl I met during a summer trip in my early teens. She was much much older than I was, almost 30 I think. I wrote her a letter professing my love and gave it to her (+plus a hug) as I left to go home. She wrote back saying it was very kind of me, then I never heard from her again. It really hurt at the time, but it didn't take me long to snap out of it.

^^^^^Corrissey that is adorable!
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