Information regarding reports of 'retirement' -

Maverick! Morrissey.. hugs to you and Madonna. auf wiedersehen.... love from Holland.
I've been miserable since I heard - overjoyed now- morrissey see u I Manchester
They had no truth in reporting that. The Juice interview said nothing of the sort. Journalist who lie.....

Where is the lie?

Here is the Juice article content. Read it again.

"You once said that you don’t foresee yourself performing past 55. Is that still true?

Yes. I am slightly shocked to have gone as far as I have. This is my 30th year, and I’ve aged a lot recently, which is bit distressing for me, as it must be for everyone. The body changes shape and there’s nothing you can do about it. Do I continue as a modern day Andy Williams? I take one hour at a time. We will all probably be blown up by the Syrian government soon, anyway, so it hardly matters in the great scheme of things [laughs]."

So he said yes to that he doesn't see himself still performing post 55.

This was then read as possible retirement in 2014. Is it gilding the lily? Without question. It certainly not a lie though.

Really I am sick to the back teeth of the journalist bashing on this site. It's tiresome and so incredibly unimaginative.

But oh, lets hear you bleat out another Morrissey quote.
Well, if Leonard Cohen and Tom Jones can do it, why not him? He can still be cool and sing.
Good News . Now can we please smoke Mr. Proper and (and Wally too...) OUT of retirement?
Apparently Morrissey has decided to continue as a modern day Andy Williams ;) But let's be honest, isn't that what most of his fans want?
Morrissey stated that Yes he doesnot SEE himself performing past 55, not that he WILL retire at 55.

Viva Morrissey.
Yesterday's papers selling yesterday's news.

But what a tease Morrissey is when he knows very well that everyone is much more exercised since that recycled article by positions he may be taking on other things, notably his decision about the NME apology and the other 'surprise' item! Actually the less self-righteousness about the courtcase dissolution the better - none preferably, just yay or nay. Tis all happening. :p
Where is the lie?

Here is the Juice article content. Read it again.

"You once said that you don’t foresee yourself performing past 55. Is that still true?

Yes. I am slightly shocked to have gone as far as I have. This is my 30th year, and I’ve aged a lot recently, which is bit distressing for me, as it must be for everyone. The body changes shape and there’s nothing you can do about it. Do I continue as a modern day Andy Williams? I take one hour at a time. We will all probably be blown up by the Syrian government soon, anyway, so it hardly matters in the great scheme of things [laughs]."

So he said yes to that he doesn't see himself still performing post 55.

This was then read as possible retirement in 2014. Is it gilding the lily? Without question. It certainly not a lie though.

Really I am sick to the back teeth of the journalist bashing on this site. It's tiresome and so incredibly unimaginative.

But oh, lets hear you bleat out another Morrissey quote.
he also states in the sentence after the andy williams commet that he will take it day by day.
Oh no, don't tell us you are going to go on and on and on...Mate, you are looking well f***ing ROUGH these days. Smell the coffee. It's time to retire!
oh bugger! i'd made a cake for him and had a whip-round to get a carriage clock from Elizabeth Duke of Argos for him for his mantlepiece.

Owen H get your facts straight next time!
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