Liverpool - Moz walks off stage

Re: Moz walks off stage

i think the saddest thing of all on this site is to see how much some of you care and have invested in morrissey and how little hes done for you. He doesnt deserve this kind of devotion:tears:

He has done everything for me. Everything. He doesn't just deserve this devotion, he commands it.
Re: hmmm

LuvMozzy, are you living in a fantasy land?

The world is full of crude people, you and I are one of them.
You read Heat mag / Daily Mail, laugh at some people in them, don't you?

Site administrator has nearly 13 years of experiences of running this site.
It's simply impossible to control forum users, therefore it is leniently moderated.

You know the fact that some people come to Morrissey gigs are yobs, Morrissey can't stop them.

Who is the thick one who doesn't realise that this site is dealing with the same situations as Morrissey?

Firstly, I am not crude. Rude, maybe, but not crude.

Heat magazine and the daily mail aren't niche communities, like this is. They don't have sections specifically to slag off other readers of Heat/ the Daily Mail towards the back. It's a bit like the Gay Times giving a column to Richard Littlejohn and expecting people to still read it. Do you think they would? Doesn't make much sense does it?

Yobs come to the gigs, but you don't HAVE to give them a voice HERE. If someone joins up called Ihatemoz why even give them the key to the door? Fair enough, it takes time to spot trolls sometimes, but when they are called something like 'exfan' it's not exactly made hard for you, is it?

You could walk off, like Morrissey did. You could have principles like me.
It's not fantasy land to stand up for things you believe in, or up for people you care about. It's called being a human being.
Re: Moz walks off stage

This cannot go by without comment:

Who is the thick one who doesn't realise that this site is dealing with the same situations as Morrissey?

Another Kewpie classic, keep em coming....
Re: Moz walks off stage

I'm mailing him one of these for the rest of his tour...


...or maybe this one, instead...


Go back to usa coz you belong in that selfish heartless empty country

Yes, please. I'll gladly welcome him back with open, selfish, heartless arms, and he can nuzzle my bosom while I blowdry his hair. And I promise not to throw anything at him unless, of course, he decides to recite Sorrow Will Come in the End. Then I can't be held responsible for my actions.
Re: Moz walks off stage

The way I see it, is that Morrissey doesn't give a 'show', or a 'performance' - he does what he does because he really means it. So if something's not right then why should he grit his teeth and carry on? I would rather not see him at all than see him just going through the motions of a performance.

I know how gutting it is to be stood there at a gig when he cuts it short (I was at the Roundhouse and Swindon) - you can't quite believe it is happening and you desperately want him to come back on, but I also know what it's like to be there when Morrissey is on top form, singing his heart out, and no way would I want to see him carry on if he can't deliver this.

Morrissey is real, he's human, which is why I love him, and will continue going to see him, no matter how many gigs he abandons, cos when he gets it right, it's worth it all.
Re: Moz walks off stage

Location: liverpool
Posts: 14 Re: Moz walks off stage


please f*** off you little freak.
Kewpie, why do you even let someone called 'ex fan' join the board? Are the numbers looking a bit low in your hallowed little pigsty? Ugh.[/QUOTE

Because I make you look like the charmless, humourless, bore that you r

Nice one ex fan ----mr luvmozzy is obviously about seventeen aspires to be as "cool" as his photo but really looks and dresses like a young Les Dennis --hes obviously got a small penis as well as hes incredibly angry-his contribution to this forum seems to be telling people who criticise Saint Morrissey in any way to f*** off and get out of his forum...which is about as literate as he gets-----no doubt he will now tell me to f*** off and then hell cry to his invigilator mates to ban me--like im arsed--someone needs to get a girlfriend/boyfriend, grow up read a book to extend an already limited vocabulary and move out of their parent's house
for your interest

Nice one ex fan ----mr luvmozzy is obviously about seventeen aspires to be as "cool" as his photo but really looks and dresses like a young Les Dennis --hes obviously got a small penis as well as hes incredibly angry-his contribution to this forum seems to be telling people who criticise Saint Morrissey in any way to f*** off and get out of his forum...which is about as literate as he gets-----no doubt he will now tell me to f*** off and then hell cry to his invigilator mates to ban me--like im arsed--someone needs to get a girlfriend/boyfriend, grow up read a book to extend an already limited vocabulary and move out of their parent's house


LuvMozzy does not have a willy. In fact she's a combative feminist who adores Courtney Love.
Re: Moz walks off stage

Location: liverpool
Posts: 14 Re: Moz walks off stage


please f*** off you little freak.
Kewpie, why do you even let someone called 'ex fan' join the board? Are the numbers looking a bit low in your hallowed little pigsty? Ugh.[/QUOTE

Because I make you look like the charmless, humourless, bore that you r

Nice one ex fan ----mr luvmozzy is obviously about seventeen aspires to be as "cool" as his photo but really looks and dresses like a young Les Dennis --hes obviously got a small penis as well as hes incredibly angry-his contribution to this forum seems to be telling people who criticise Saint Morrissey in any way to f*** off and get out of his forum...which is about as literate as he gets-----no doubt he will now tell me to f*** off and then hell cry to his invigilator mates to ban me--like im arsed--someone needs to get a girlfriend/boyfriend, grow up read a book to extend an already limited vocabulary and move out of their parent's house

Yeah I have a REALLY small penis. Teeny tiny!!!
And not only have a read a book: Ive written one! Now f*** off, kiddiot.
Re: Moz walks off stage

Location: liverpool
Posts: 14 Re: Moz walks off stage


please f*** off you little freak.
Kewpie, why do you even let someone called 'ex fan' join the board? Are the numbers looking a bit low in your hallowed little pigsty? Ugh.[/QUOTE

Because I make you look like the charmless, humourless, bore that you r

Nice one ex fan ----mr luvmozzy is obviously about seventeen aspires to be as "cool" as his photo but really looks and dresses like a young Les Dennis --hes obviously got a small penis as well as hes incredibly angry-his contribution to this forum seems to be telling people who criticise Saint Morrissey in any way to f*** off and get out of his forum...which is about as literate as he gets-----no doubt he will now tell me to f*** off and then hell cry to his invigilator mates to ban me--like im arsed--someone needs to get a girlfriend/boyfriend, grow up read a book to extend an already limited vocabulary and move out of their parent's house

Also, I just got told off on my blog for criticising Morrissey's set list, so quite ironic I'm being accused of defending him to the death now..!
I don't have any 'invigilator' mates. I do have an independent adjudicator, however.
I wish I still lived with my parents; it'd save the trips to the laundrette.
Re: for your interest

If you don't like some users, put them on ignore.

what did you invent the pigsty for? so people who specifically joined the board to start trouble could abuse long-standing members on the regular board? :crazy:

Also, I notice you didn't answer my previous long post. But then what's new?
Re: Moz walks off stage

LuvMozzy does not have a willy. In fact she's a combative feminist who adores Courtney Love.

Thanks for the info Kewpie----i could go on about how i loved Nirvana and Kurt Cobain and my negative feelings towards Courtney Love but there is no point and I am at peace after my little rant (somewhat inaccurate rant) ----i for one think banning people from a forum would be a real breach of freedom of speech--fair enough if you are some kind of idiot who is just interested in permanently slagging off or putting as many people down on the forum as possible there might be a case for suspension or maybe banning but i think that banning people because their views might be at times critical of morrissey would be silly and just make for a fawning incestuous love in which would be very boring so i think your attitude is the right one-----and anyway a little bit of banter is probably a good thing as long as it isnt threatening and has aspects of humour
Re: Moz walks off stage

LuvMozzy does not have a willy. In fact she's a combative feminist who adores Courtney Love.

Thanks for the info Kewpie----i could go on about how i loved Nirvana and Kurt Cobain and my negative feelings towards Courtney Love but there is no point and I am at peace after my little rant (somewhat inaccurate rant) ----i for one think banning people from a forum would be a real breach of freedom of speech--fair enough if you are some kind of idiot who is just interested in permanently slagging off or putting as many people down on the forum as possible there might be a case for suspension or maybe banning but i think that banning people because their views might be at times critical of morrissey would be silly and just make for a fawning incestuous love in which would be very boring so i think your attitude is the right one-----and anyway a little bit of banter is probably a good thing as long as it isnt threatening and has aspects of humour

LuvMozzy does not have a willy. In fact she's a combative feminist who adores Courtney Love.' This isn't my wikepedia entry. It's not ratified by the state.
Anyhow, use punctuation. Thanks.
Re: Moz walks off stage

LuvMozzy does not have a willy. In fact she's a combative feminist who adores Courtney Love.' This isn't my wikepedia entry. It's not ratified by the state.
Anyhow, use punctuation. Thanks.

It is spelt Wikipedia and you are too fond of a comma

Anyhow Im off but please listen to the lyrics of "such a little thing makes such a big difference"------why wont you change change and be nicer--
Re: Moz walks off stage

Im not an ex fan of anyones, just couldnt be bother to think of a name, though ive recently become interested in that nice young buble man, so polite so nice takes care of his appearance reminds me of a happy enthusiastic little puppy You may be surprised to learn that hes recently spoken to leonard cohen on the phone (I know i was!) and len told him not to worry.

isnt len just a sweetheart!

now I hope thats put the tin hat on it
beer=good4hair diva fit drama queen duck & cover malvatwat northernidiots pbr me asap raincoats? saddening
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