Morrissey Says 'The Only Perfect World For Animals Is A World Without Humans' - Huffington Post

Preview excerpts from new Morrissey interview:

Morrissey Says 'The Only Perfect World For Animals Is A World Without Humans' - Huffington Post

Note from article:

The Huffington Post will run a longer interview with Morrissey after his June 27 show at Madison Square Garden. If you're a fan looking to share why you love Moz or what his impact has been on you, please contact Lauren Duca at [email protected].

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Re: Article: Morrissey Says 'The Only Perfect World For Animals Is A World Without Humans' - Huffington post.

Well... I wouldn't go as far as saying everybody, but I take your point. Saturns Patterns, his most recent album, isn't great, and that's after wondering if the possessive apostrophe fell off in the bag.

Weller, famously, is infected with the disease of socialism, and his politics aren't a million miles away from the politics Morrissey espouses. Elvis Costello, another artist I loved many years ago, but in my opinion has faded commercially and, more importantly, artistically in subsequent years, also broadly shares that world view. Their opinions are their affair. I know what they are, and I think they're wrong. The end.

Of the three artists, Weller, Costello and Morrissey, all of whom came to prominence at roughly the same time, only one deigns to shove his personal beliefs down the throats of anyone who will listen. He then wonders why fewer people are listening. He sees no correlation. He was messianic, now he's just preachy.

I quite agree with this, as almost all aging "rockers"/"poppers" do, but then was surprised when I came upon this collaboration. Shipbuilding and Good Year for the Roses will always stay green in my memory forever:

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Firstly, addressing today's Morrissey-by-numbers quote, we are animals. We're the King of the Swingers, and jolly good we are too. I suppose we could abdicate in favour of sharks and lions, but it doesn't auger well for dolphins or mountain gorillas. Morrissey the misanthrope is a strange creature, isn't he? Hates humans, travels the world to flog tickets so he can see some in their natural environment. If I'd made the money he has made I'd have bought an agreeably large house with an agreeably large wall thirty years ago. Instead he continues to slum it with the rest of us. It's almost as if he doesn't really believe what he's saying. Like a singing Jeremy Clarkson.

The Hollow Man is here, but he is Morrissey himself, who has simply given up on songwriting in favour of press releases and paranoid ramblings via email. WP was released a year ago, and recorded some months prior to that. Rumours then circulated of another album release in February of this year, and of many more songs straining at the leash for a label to release them. Not one new song has made it into the live show. Not a one. Doesn't that strike people as odd, particularly for an artist who is said to be desperately searching for a new label? For an animal rights activist to continue to flog a dead horse like the last album seems cruelty incarnate. Take it down the knackers yard where it belongs. Bang!

I was amazed by the picture published here the other day of Morrissey, on stage, and singing to a sparsely populated front row of old blokes. I never thought I'd see the day when what was once an almost religious experience, seeing the greatest lyricist of his generation was reduced to an end of the pier show flogging an album that doesn't really even exist. A vaudevillian shadow of his former self. It's tragic.

This is still the foremost place for Morrissey news, but there has been a significant change. Morrissey himself has ruined his reputation, first with moronic public pronouncements, and then with several increasingly poor albums culminating in the tuneless dross of World Peace, which garnered reasonable reviews but outside of his da base not a whisper of word of mouth from fans.

We need to face some harsh facts here. Morrissey once seemed ready to take his rightful place amongst the highest pantheon of late 20th Century songwriters. He could have been David Bowie. He became Gary Numan.

Bang on in every respect.

The Smiths stood head and shoulders above their contemporaries in intelligence and sensitivity. Morrissey has come to exemplify the idiocy of the pop world that he always lambasted. The difference is, he doesn't have "lock-jaw" to save him. In an expanding universe, said Quentin Crisp, time is on the side of the outsider. But the universe has expanded, and Morrissey has contracted.
Here in my hotel
I feel safest of all
I can lock all the doors
it's the only way to live
in hotels

Sounds about right :guitar:

im very glag he didnt become bowie. bowie in a lot of ways is an embarrassment to my generation. also how can someone be shoving opinions down your throat when in the same sentence you say theyre listening. how can you force something on a willing listening audience?
Altough i'm as depressed over the changes in Morrissey. I really wonder what can he do. I though maybe he need England or Johnny or anything. But can he do to change the downwards spiral he is going thru? Does not a time come for all artist to "lose it" a bit? And become an "artist" rather than the fierce revolutionary that we thought they were. What do we think would be the right thing to do really. Retirement, dropping everything and going back to his roots or knocking on Johnny marrs door at 3 am in the pouring rain whispering "save me I need to go back to our dear old blighty, drop me anywhere London Leeds or your lair i just want to hear new Smiths tunes everywhere!"
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im very glag he didnt become bowie. bowie in a lot of ways is an embarrassment to my generation. also how can someone be shoving opinions down your throat when in the same sentence you say theyre listening. how can you force something on a willing listening audience?

Uhhhhh, I just made a Gary Numan joke. Please see JB for the answer to your question. My reply is there is one Bowie...good and one Morrissey...great.
Morrissey is an extraordinary person, just talk to 10 random men today and you can see the difference between him and others.
Morrissey is an extraordinary person, just talk to 10 random men today and you can see the difference between him and others.

hard to disagree with but men in general dont set a very high bar i must say. i blame women (this was half a joke)
Uhhhhh, I just made a Gary Numan joke. Please see JB for the answer to your question. My reply is there is one Bowie...good and one Morrissey...great.

no i understand but i liked the conversation and just linked to the last post in it to try and join it, thats all.
I suppose we could abdicate in favour of sharks and lions, but it doesn't auger well for dolphins or mountain gorillas.

...huh? What? Logically or ecologically, that doesn't make any sense.

I was amazed by the picture published here the other day of Morrissey, on stage, and singing to a sparsely populated front row of old blokes. I never thought I'd see the day when what was once an almost religious experience, seeing the greatest lyricist of his generation was reduced to an end of the pier show flogging an album that doesn't really even exist. A vaudevillian shadow of his former self. It's tragic.

I don't think that every single Morrissey concert was 'religious' in the past either; he's always had amazing concerts and concerts that are just alright.

To be honest, I think you're just seeing what you'd like to see. I've been to 3 Morrissey concerts in the past 12 months. One of them was good, two were truly ecstatic experiences. He has older fans, but a surprisingly large percentage of his audiences seem to be very young people. I'm 20 myself, and I have several friends who are passionate Morrissey fans. I'd say that it's impressive that he's been around for so many decades and still matters so much to so many young people. For an artist who's never been 'mainstream', he's very successful.

This is still the foremost place for Morrissey news, but there has been a significant change. Morrissey himself has ruined his reputation, first with moronic public pronouncements, and then with several increasingly poor albums culminating in the tuneless dross of World Peace, which garnered reasonable reviews but outside of his da base not a whisper of word of mouth from fans.

We need to face some harsh facts here. Morrissey once seemed ready to take his rightful place amongst the highest pantheon of late 20th Century songwriters. He could have been David Bowie. He became Gary Numan.

Ok. You feel this way. Why do you care so much? You can spend a thousand hours on this site, but Morrissey's not going to become his 26-year-old self. When are you going to accept this and give up?

This is just one indie pop singer. He's a great artist, but seriously, this is not a big deal. I agree that some of his statements are silly (and needlessly hateful), but we live in a world filled with silly and hateful statements; thinking that his statements somehow 'matter' is, frankly, just irrational.
no i understand but i liked the conversation and just linked to the last post in it to try and join it, thats all.

No problem. You asked, "how can you force something on a willing listening audience?"

Here is decide to play an extremely graphic video at every concert to a "willing listening audience." If this is not forcing his opinions onto the crowd, I don't know what is. Sure he is not propping their necks up and holding their eyes open and stopping them from leaving, but still he is demanding that you at least view it if you want to watch him perform the song as the video is playing directly behind him. The subtlety in his lyrics and in his expression of his beliefs has evaporated. He now commands/demands rather than encourages. And I for one don't enjoy anything being shoved down my throat...and I mean anything. :brows:
No problem. You asked, "how can you force something on a willing listening audience?"

Here is decide to play an extremely graphic video at every concert to a "willing listening audience." If this is not forcing his opinions onto the crowd, I don't know what is. Sure he is not propping their necks up and holding their eyes open and stopping them from leaving, but still he is demanding that you at least view it if you want to watch him perform the song as the video is playing directly behind him. The subtlety in his lyrics and in his expression of his beliefs has evaporated. He now commands/demands rather than encourages. And I for one don't enjoy anything being shoved down my throat...and I mean anything. :brows:

its not because i willingly bought the ticket to see the sights and sounds he would produce and show us. i drove myself to the venue and walked in under my own power to see his performance and what it contained. if i wanted to know ahead of time what it would contain i could have looked up what to expect though i dont like to know ahead of time and so dont. if i then see soemthing i dont like i dont think this being forced to view his opinion. i could also just close my eyes or look away (thats the pink flamingo defence just so ya know) and focus on the band audience singer
"The slaughterhouse is the dead end for humanity, and as long as it exists we can't possibly have any hope for the human race," he said. "If you've seen abattoir footage then you cannot possibly think that humans are anything other than evil pests."

On this issue Morrissey speaks the truth. At any given moment, on any part of the globe, an animal is being tortured and killed. Beautiful creatures that love their lives and love their babies are being sexually abused, dismembered while still alive, flayed while still alive, vivisected, eaten alive, stabbed, electrocuted, hung and beaten to death. Poachers have nearly wiped out the magnificent, gentle elephant, leaving wounded animals to die surrounded by the bodies of their loved-ones. The truth is that it's an ongoing nightmare that will probably never end. Most people couldn't care less. Every human that doesn't care, or take action of any kind, is culpable. The rest of us have to do what we can, and live with the fact that it probably won't be enough.

The footage that Morrissey shows during "Meat is Murder" isn't even the worst footage out there. If you watch it though, and let it sink in, it can change you.

Listen to the report below on the sexual abuse of cows on factory farms - they are raped before they are killed and eaten. When Morrissey says things like this he's dismissed as a nut, but it's true. Such footage is being outlawed by the US government - your tax dollars at work:

I give Morrissey points for this: very few other public figures will openly express such hopelessness when it comes to the human condition. No one wants to hear it, and it doesn't make you any friends. I've been advocating for animals for many years, and when you're confronted with the horrors that humans casually heap upon helpless animals, both wild and domestic, it breaks your heart for good. It curdles your soul. Advocates must be positive, we must insist that the fight can be won, or we'll lose. Morrissey just goes ahead and dives headfirst into the nihilism (not the most constructive route to take). Nonetheless, he speaks the truth, and it comes from a place of pain.

Morrissey has eaten cheese and drank mother cow milk for 33 years after writing Meat Is Murder. He is a fraud, a crank, a liar and a pseud. He needs to be put on trial and with #VegAnarchyInTheUK he will be forced to answer for his crimes against animals and against Radical Protest Culture. He used animal rights issues as a tawdry bauble to appear radical when he was part of the Atrocity Exhibition all along. Ditto his absurd dance of 7 veils about human sexuality. f*** Morrissey and f*** all his apologists, that includes you. When 'The Ghost Of BrummieBoy' is finished with Morrissey, he will be a laughing stock until the end of time. He is an Evil Pest.

His 'nihilism' is a straight pilfer from Yourofsky. BB was saying that the Osama For Animals was out there, that if he could press a button on his laptop and painlessly erase humanity, he would without blinking an eye. That is why BB was classed as a Domestic Terrorist. Thats why we are in Iceland to work with the Pirate Party to set things up for #VegAnarchyInTheUK so dickheads like Morrissey cannot sue us. He is no better than a fraud Lord in the Houses of Bores dishing out lawsuits to anyone who challenges his lies and bullshit. Well, bring it on Morrissey and face the music. We are not scared of you or your lawyers. Motherf***er...if you want an Albanian blood feud situation, think first. And ask around pubs in Ballyfermot exactly who BB is or was. Not that it matters as he has left the planet and The Annointed One is ready to roll the dice. Etc·

'The Ghost Of BrummieBoy'
at the Icelandic National Celebration of Independence from the Danish Crown
Reykjavik, Iceland.
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Morrissey is an extraordinary person, just talk to 10 random men today and you can see the difference between him and others.

Yes, he is not Str8, he is Queer, even if he cannot bring himself to rise above his self loathing to announce it after 3 decades. Your point is?

the ghost of BB in Reykjavik, Iceland
Re: Article: Morrissey Says 'The Only Perfect World For Animals Is A World Without Humans' - Huffington post.

That's not logical at all. Do you think Moz counts himself or me as a human who should disappear for the benefit of the world? In fact, there are animal activists making plans for what they'll do if they become terminally ill from the pollution created by the evil murdering humans.

I had to laugh... indeed, the logical conclusion would surely be that he should do this to make the world that little bit more perfect.
I love all of Morrissey's recent material better than The Smiths because it's more universal and wittier. He may have evolved past your understanding, but he's "still the same, this you surely knew." Quit acting like your opinions are statements of fact.

I'm defending him, which you could see if you read any if My earlier post But i also can feel sadness for his drastic changes. Get over it i love the man but i love the Smiths Morrissey more. Remember what the lead singer for the band James thought. He also felt sad over the man Morrissey was turning to. I Love Morrissey know but i Love the old Morrissey more.
I Love him and will always support him.I said i'm not the biggest fan of late 2000s Morrissey but i'm still a huge fan of him now and before. But i hated WPINOB. Get that thru that thick head of yours by the way, don't tell me to stay away. I do as i please so :angry:

There is no wrong in loving the old morrissey. I bet a pound that. That if Morrissey was very honest he would have also said that the work he was most proud of was his work with the Smiths and marr.
Anyone would have said that. The Smiths was the best any of them ever was.

Same goes if you ask Paul McCartney if he is proud/Love of this work with the Beatles or the solo stuff the most. It is the period to get out all that you have been storing inside yourself during your adolesence

Honest to god people. Ask yourselfs: Do you really think WPINOB is better than or equal to the early solo stuff of moz and the Smiths?

One last statment, If you don't get that then tough love. I love Morrissey now, morrisseys from the past and Morrissey in the future. I will support him for ever. But i'm a bit disillusioned and sad really over the changes in him. Musically and to a lesser extent personal.
I love all of Morrissey's recent material better than The Smiths because it's more universal and wittier. He may have evolved past your understanding, but he's "still the same, this you surely knew." Quit acting like your opinions are statements of fact.

lmao plz, the fact that you like Morrissey better mean shit. Everybody knows that The Smiths >>>>>>>>> morrissey solo (except on this site full of people in denial) :)
Viva is brilliant but even over the smiths stuff? My absolute fav solo of moz Is bona drag. I don't care if it's a comp :rofl:
But absolute fave of both the solo and the smiths stuff is the smiths debut. Frankly I have loved everything moz has done even kill uncle(that so many people hate) I respect you opinion anonymouswithapolagies, maybe you can explain to the brilliance of WPINOB? I have my reasons why i dislike it so much but i could be missing something.

at least, i should try: i very much appreciate wpinoyb because of its fresh themes with grown (or mellow) lyrics [yes! including 'ukraine-bahrein-pain', 'face-place' rhymes - predictable, unpretentious and simple - in context of the song not banal at all], with lively melodies of diverse origin and soulfully and skillfully played instrumental parts. finally, his singing is :love: and production is masterful.

this brief is my humble opinion, the world acts like wpinoyb doesn't exist.

p.s. when i said 'viva' is best i meant about his solo work. this time i won't mention 'the smiths', their break-up is an open wound on the body of popular music.

p.p.s i'm so happy you decided to stay here and i very much enjoy reading your comments and reactions. i send you love, my dear. :love:
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