tell us about the last Film you saw

I've just watched this film:


It wasn't very good. Now I'm watching Bird on a Wire, a documentary about Leonard Cohens World Tour 1972.
Not gonna lie, kind of a genius movie. I have a soft spot for animation but this one was excellent.


B+, at least partially on Jennifer Jones's dreaminess :blushing:

That was a very entertaining movie, just came across it on TCM a few weeks back. Gina Lollabrigida was pretty cool too.

I saw "Tony Rome" this past weekend, a '67 film starring Frank Sinatra - with a swingin' theme song sung by daughter Nancy.

Genius movie.
they did not have season 2 of Carnivale at the library today :straightface:
so instead I checked out:

I've watched 4 episodes so far and its gr8, A+, even better than Carnivale maybe :o

Not as good as I hoped it would be. I definitely prefer the John Wayne version...
I saw Hoodwinked 2 on the weekend. I'm not an animation fan - but it was ok. I liked that the girl character Red was the brave hero of the film. Then on Tuesday my friend made me sit through the movie Duplex - starring Drew Barrymore and Ben Stiller. I think it is a really good, funny movie - but we have watched it together about 10 times.

Veddy interestink.
they did not have season 2 of Carnivale at the library today :straightface:
so instead I checked out:

I've watched 4 episodes so far and its gr8, A+, even better than Carnivale maybe :o

Ive recently watched series 1 and it was f****ing, C**ting great.
Andy, which one is supposed to look like Jude?

My most recent film is Teorema, by Pier Paolo Pasolini, starring Terrence Stamp and Giada de Laurentis' grandma, who was absolutely gorgeous. Even prettier than Jude Law, I would go so far as to say... Silvana Mangano:

I am captivated by this movie. I watched it this morning. It also gave me a good cry, the last two lines. I see these signs that are sort of How Soon Is Nowish, like they tease that I will be picked up, adopted, reunited with whoever calls to me, whatever. I've been tricked by the last two lines of the movie before, but it hit me a little harder this morning.

I watched this last night. It was okay. About three too many rape scenes I cared to see before bed. And a man getting his arm broken. :sick: I was just waiting for the dog to get shot but he made it somehow. :p I suppose it was worth it for the 30 second scene where the two unlikely lovers embrace in bed in a cottage in the middle of nowhere. I'm a sucker for those scenes. :love:
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Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.


not as good as "Coco Before Chanel" :straightface: but how could it be?
without Audrey Tautou in it :love:
still though, I give this film a B+ :thumb:
Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.

I saw Cars 2 this morning. It was ok in parts - however, overall I found it overly violent. Too many guns & car deaths.
film movies
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