Three new singles to be released consecutively (starting May 14) according to @leethommo

Via Lee Thompson, Music Editor at Record of the Day. (@leethommo on Twitter)
14/05 - World Peace Is None Of Your Business.
21/05 - Istanbul
04/06 - Earth Is The Lonliest Planet.
No word on formats or b-sides yet.
Very surprised at this - I'd resigned myself to thinking that the singles would be AIMMN, TKAL and PATSE.
Unusual strategy too, staggering the releases like this.
Very exciting though!

Thanks for passing this on but why would you be surprised? None of the songs you mentioned (Action, People etc) are on the published album track-list so why would they be released as singles to promote it? They were universally panned by critics and fans alike, and have already been released on b-sides to a live single. It is surprising, however, that one of these songs is coming out in less than a week’s time, and the first time ever for Morrissey that an album title track has been released as a single.
Well I feel for Crystalgeezer, VivaGil, Anonymouse, Mozza220559, salfordladalone, Girl-Afraid and JustinPlayfair at the minute because if it turns out to be a hoax they are gonna look like a right set of cock ends aren't they ?

Drake is literally one of the five most worthless musical artists in the history of recorded music. I Love Rap music, but not the dreck that he puts out.

* This is just my opinion. He seems like a nice person, but I just don't care for his music at all. I know the Toronto Raptors (a professional basketball team) hired him to design their brand new jerseys. I must say Drake did design some sweet threads for the Raptors. I think the team will unveil the new uniforms at the start of next season (October, 2014.)

I wholeheartedly agree with you. With him and lil Wayne being the prominent rappers for a while it made me mad that such hacks could achieve so much. I honestly don't see the appeal.
Perhaps because it isn't real? The clip sounds like it was sung by somebody in their late 20s or early 30s, not by a 54 year old man. It's somebody doing an impression of how Morrissey sounded twenty years ago. It also sounds like it was recorded directly onto a cheap digital recorder by a young man with his acoustic guitar, rather than something which was captured on a handheld audio recorder by a shifty character in Morrissey's rehearsal space (it's much too clear for that).

Additionally, listen to the ending again. It doesn't end abruptly as if the person recording it hit the 'stop' button to avoid getting caught; instead the guitar rings out at the end, so it was "Boz" who stopped strumming the guitar rather than the shifty rehearsal space dweller ending the recording. Why would Morrissey and Boz play the first four lines of 'Earth is the Loneliest Planet' on acoustic guitar and then suddenly stop? 'Boz' didn't play the wrong chord, 'Morrissey's' voice didn't break, there were no obvious interruptions such as somebody walking in unexpectedly, and 'Morrissey' didn't tell 'Boz' to stop playing. Instead they stopped of their own accord, with nothing being said during the five seconds that it took for the guitar to ring out.

The guitar playing is fairly rudimentary (which is the only thing which leads me to believe that it MIGHT be Boz), and even though the voice does sound especially like Morrissey's at about :5 seconds, there are other times when it doesn't sound like him at all. It sounds more like the voice on the 'Morrissey Christmas album' video clip (remember that?), somebody trying very hard to replicate Morrissey's intonations and cadences, and succeeding occasionally but other times not so much.

It's humorous to see how many of the 'fans' have fallen for it though! You can stop falling for it now, because I've debunked the voice clip quite successfully (as The Viscounts once [almost] queried; 'who put debunk in debunk, bunk bunk?'). You must all try harder to distinguish Morrissey's real voice from an imposter's, you're supposedly 'fans'. I know it can be difficult to tell the difference at times, anybody can imitate their idols if they try hard enough. Take me for example, I've been emulating BrummieBoy's personality traits for the past few months now and I've become even better than the real thing! Ahem!

To quote what WB Yeats said to the audience during a performance of The Playboy of the Western World in the Abbey Theatre after a riot had broken out: "You have let yourselves down once again". All of this speculating about whether the voice in the clip is or is not the voice of a faded 1980s pop star is a bit too pointless and 'camp' for me, so I'm off to watch the semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest. Where true talent shines! Can Morrissey's vocal performances on his upcoming tour even begin to rival the high calibre and professionalism of these fresh-faced youngsters on Europe's biggest stage? Don't count on it! Maybe he can enlist 'Anonymous' and his acoustic guitar to play from the side of the stage which he can then mime to, like Jean Hagen in Singin' in the Rain. Steven 'Lypsinka' Morrissey. Srsly! I'm sure he can laugh about it someday but for now it's terrible. Judging from his Nobel 'Peace' Prize performance he'll need all the help he can get.

Why do you think he only played Art-hounds once in concert? His voice couldn't handle the falsetto. Listen to it again! He's no Conchita Wurst, but if he tries hard enough then someday he can 'rise like a phoenix' (if he focuses on emulating Anonymous' voice). It's easy! *rolls eyes* Ahem! *yawn*

Yours, in aemulatio!

Hilariously, I posted about Conchita without having clicked on this. We're watching BBC3 and my wife is threatening to pull the plug if I don't stop the LOL! stuff. It's an absolute fact that a) I didn't read this before posting about Conchita. And Cliff Richard. And Morrissey. From Dana International in Brum to Conchita in Copenhagen....and Morrissey could have been a part of it!

ps: It might be a disgruntled studio employee who has memorised a version of the track and has done a snippet in his bedroom after being sacked for making eye contact with Moz. Expect more in the next few days. Eurovision. And new Moz live YouTube footage: could it possibly get any better?
Best fake? This was the best faker!

*Sigh* I remember back with the internet Moz fakery was done in good taste.

That was good, but I believe this was even better. I wish I could even congratulate the artist who did it. I'd still buy an album of this material! What a great Phoney! Morrissey would have been great going down the shoegaze road.

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It's been interesting reading the comments so far about the Earth track I released previously. Here is the acoustic outtake of Istanbul.

These have been in circulation for a few weeks and I have procured these from a studio employee/friend who wants to remain anonymous for obvious reasons! According to my source, a lot of the songs were actually written AND demoed in studio acoustically with a couple of mics in the room, and sound quite different here to the finished album versions.
It's been interesting reading the comments so far about the Earth track I released previously. Here is the acoustic outtake of Istanbul.

These have been in circulation for a few weeks and I have procured these from a studio employee/friend who wants to remain anonymous for obvious reasons! According to my source, a lot of the songs were actually written AND demoed in studio acoustically with a couple of mics in the room,

Not only would this never happen, but it is common knowledge that Morrissey had two albums' worth of material written before he even got the Harvest deal — which is presumably why the Harvest deal is for two albums. There is no justification for your claim that recording studio time would be wasted writing and demoing songs in France for the album sessions.

and sound quite different here to the finished album versions.

So basically this little snippet is your way out of your lie when the songs come out sounding nothing like this.
mcrickson...of course the melody and lyrics will probably be the same, just arranged and produced with the full band is what he meant! Are you also seriously suggesting that bands don't write songs in the studio? Many bands choose to create this way. Perhaps Morrissey feels that his previous stuff isn't up to par and wanted a fresh approach?
Well this makes me horny.

And yes indeed, first time a Morrissey title track has been a single!

I just hope we aren't sick of these songs by the time the album is released and over-play them. That's the only thing I dislike about songs coming out prior to a record. They become tired in context with the rest of the new songs when we finally hear them.
It's been interesting reading the comments so far about the Earth track I released previously. Here is the acoustic outtake of Istanbul.

These have been in circulation for a few weeks and I have procured these from a studio employee/friend who wants to remain anonymous for obvious reasons! According to my source, a lot of the songs were actually written AND demoed in studio acoustically with a couple of mics in the room, and sound quite different here to the finished album versions.

Ah! you couldn't just retire after the commotion you've caused over the apparent leak of 'Earth..' (which sounds like a mishmash of You've Had Her and I'd Love To) ! Now you've ruined the joke . The 'Istanbul' demo gives you away. It's fake fake fake. The voice sounds really off unlike in the first demo you had given. Secondly, Moz fans know these songs had been written long before he and the band came into the studio.

Nice try though and thanks for the laughs :)
mcrickson...of course the melody and lyrics will probably be the same, just arranged and produced with the full band is what he meant! Are you also seriously suggesting that bands don't write songs in the studio? Many bands choose to create this way. Perhaps Morrissey feels that his previous stuff isn't up to par and wanted a fresh approach?

Yeah, now I know you're full of shit :lbf:
These probably aren't going to be "pressed" singles with proper b-sides, more likely single-song digital downloads. It would make sense having them lead up to the album release in July but they would be out there for the May tour.
These probably aren't going to be "pressed" singles with proper b-sides, more likely single-song digital downloads. It would make sense having them lead up to the album release in July but they would be out there for the May tour.

So no chance of a promo video either?
His last few songs have also sounded like impersonation/parody. It *might* be him or a spoof, shows you how much trouble he's in that so many are sure one way or the other.

You should know it means nothing that some people believe this is him. People believed it was him singing "Melanie" and when that came out he was doing really well. There was also a song people thought was "Slum Mums."

Hey, Justin Playfair what do you think? Are these real, too?

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Well this makes me horny.

And yes indeed, first time a Morrissey title track has been a single!

I just hope we aren't sick of these songs by the time the album is released and over-play them. That's the only thing I dislike about songs coming out prior to a record. They become tired in context with the rest of the new songs when we finally hear them.

Very true. Mind, albums often get leaked before they're released so it shouldn't be too bad.

I liked it when you liked the lead single, bought the album and had the excitement of getting it from the shop to home. Mind, I've got a lot of shit albums on the back of doing that.
I just find rather strange to have Singles released in May for an Album which is out in July....

Cheers Moz
I just find rather strange to have Singles released in May for an Album which is out in July....

Cheers Moz

I'm guessing it's to get them out there ahead of the tour. They'll know that we'll all hunt down Youtube rips of the new songs that are played so they may as well go for maximum impact, maximum publicity and exposure and drop three songs as downloads. Everyone wins.

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