TTY: Morrissey - Four International awards, and statement

Nice statement, though I'd take issue with "I do not make music with the hope that I might be patted on the back with a meaningless Grammy bought for me by a major label" - that's simply not the case - throughout his career he has craved recognition and success - it's so manifest.

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I was just watching that clip of Kimmel discussing the murder of Cecil. There are so many terrible things happening in the world, but this story just tears at the soul. I'm so glad that it's focussing attention on canned hunts, the killing of tame animals, and the selling of permits to destroy endangered species.

There is no circle of Hell low enough for the kind of people who commit such crimes.

I agree. But let's not get pissed-off at the death of just one celebrity lion. If folk are gonna get angry about this, rightly so, then pause for a second to think of the millions of animals slaughtered every second all around the world. Let's broaden this out a bit, and think about what gives humans the right to f*** over millions and millions and millions of animals every day. Just because they can.
I agree. But let's not get pissed-off at the death of just one celebrity lion. If folk are gonna get angry about this, rightly so, then pause for a second to think of the millions of animals slaughtered every second all around the world. Let's broaden this out a bit, and think about what gives humans the right to f*** over millions and millions and millions of animals every day. Just because they can.

Yes - that's why I led with "so many terrible things happening in the world." I've been fighting for animal rights since before PETA was a thing. We're winning battles but losing the war. Cecil's death should be a turning point - he was a celebrity. People loved him.

Agreed. If the music part were clipped off the top, his statement could be published in NYT and WSJ. It's very well written but still with his bite but not too much.

Much as I admire Morrissey's finer moments (and much as I support the cause), I think the words "Meat Shits on the World", while absolutely true, might tend to alienate the more sensitive fence-sitters, many of whom read the NYT. The editorial board of the WSJ is made up of just the kind of people who support repressive ag-gag laws.

In print and in speech Morrissey's tendency for hyperbole, histrionics and headline-grabbing offense often does more harm than good. In song, however, he can still work wonders.

Perhaps "Meat Shits on the World" will appear on the next album. Perhaps it will be the title of the next album...
Can't disagree with the man. Our planet is dying! People need to snap out of it. Watch documentary "Cowspiracy."
"I do not make music with the hope that I might be patted on the back with a meaningless Grammy bought for me by a major label. Almost everything I do and say goes against the sympathies of the music industry."

Given the plaintive wailings about Grammys, BRITs and the abusive insults directed towards popular figures such as Ed Sheeran, this comment rings as hollow and insincere. Quite clearly Morrissey is obsessed with gaining a major label contract with the marketing machine to push him into the mainstream marketplace. It's not that he disagrees with the music industry but that he feels there is some injustice that others are given the industry muscle that he craves so that they reach the 'clueless consumers' who, by rights, should be focussed upon Morrissey's supposedly superior products. If he really doesn't care, there's nothing to stop him releasing his music outside of that construct and allowing Word Of Mouth to build a genuine Audience purely on the basis of the quality of the music and words. It might be a useful Thought Experiment for Morrissey to consider imposing a vow of silence on himself with regards to other artists and his bitchy rants against their success. He is an entirely conventional figure in the music industry, foisting pseudo rebellion via inconsequential Vegetarianism and cherry-picking genuinely Radical Art to appear as Outsider when all he craves is to be lauded and applauded by the Corporate Structures of marketing and payola critics that he now claims are anathema. It's absolutely impossible to imagine many of the genuinely subversive Artists who Morrissey cherry-picks in his magpie raids on Radical Chic ever giving a toss about The Public or any response from them. Morrissey mourns the collapse of a hierarchical music industry which his youthful wit and fake Rebel Yell briefly allowed him to control through the Gatekeepers of the time such as the NME. His rants about X-Factor culture in delusional songs such as 'Kid's A Looker' are a symptom of this profound anger at his career derailment. He assumed the Universe was Just and that he would reap the rewards of 'global, religious Fame' which he has dedicated his 33 year Civil Service workaholic career to. He claims to have no life outside of music, this is no different than the average psychopath who gets to run a large business Corporation. Many of the most profoundly respected and popular Artists in music didn't achieve immediate success or 'fame' and some only became household names posthumously. Quite why this note about his confused position on Animal Liberation begins with a pointless aside/snipe against The Music Business is unclear.

Best Wishes
The Angelic Host
The Holy Ghost of "BrummieBoy"
I wonder what Morrissey's thoughts are on that dentist (Walter Palmer) that killed Cecil the Lion? Kimmel got choked up last night when dedicating part of his monologue to Cecil and perhaps Jimmy K has changed his opinion about having savages (like the Duck Dynasty rednecks) on his program anymore. Now, perhaps, he can finally understand why Morrissey refused to share a stage with those freaks and Kimmel will invite him on again. I'm sure even Morrissey was moved by Kimmel's response to Cecil's senseless killing.

Given that Morrissey claims to believe that the Breivik murders were 'nothing' compared to what happens in Fast-Food industries every day, the interesting question arises as to whether or not he would support the rise of a #BrievikForBadgers or the revenge-extermination of those who hunt lions. It is only a matter of time before a fringe group of Animal Liberationists follow this logic to it's conclusion. If Humans as a group are equivalent to Nazis then there is no logical reason why they should not face a declaration of war against them by those humans who believe that there is no difference between Human Animals and Non/Pre/Post Human Animals.

NB: We are not endorsing such a violent response just noting that there is a logical pathway from dismissing Breivik's actions in relation to 'sub-species Socialist' humans to endorsing exactly the same actions by a putative #BreivikForBadgers or #Lenin4Lions to protect those Sentient beings currently being murdered in the Animal Holocaust by the Agri-Fascist Agri-Gag Kulak Class that is the vast majorit of current human beings.

Would Morrissey applaud mass murder of Human Animals carried out in the name of fighting the Nazi Human regime? Would he regard #Osama4Animals #AnimalAlQaeda #StFrancisKalashnikov #Breivik4Badgers as 'terrorists' or 'freedom fighters'? These concerns are reflected in the lyrics to #VegAnarchyInTheUK , as is Morrissey's hypocrisy in claiming to want total Animal Liberation whilst eating cheese and wearing leather shoes. He has STILL NOT publicly confirmed he has embraced Veganism. Without such a public declaration and a contrite admission of his previous culpability in the torture and murder of animals for cheese and leather, then this is all just more hot air and blather. Logically, Morrissey is a Brievik [sic], as his eating of Brie and other cheeses means he is a terrorist against animals and his backstage rider demands for the torture and death of cows for his pleasure and palate are surely of the same magnitude of evil? Therefore, shouldn't he also be put on trial? In the 3rd Satanic Verse of #VegAnarchyInTheUK he is indeed put in the dock. How will he plead? *smiles*

Kimmel is an Uddersucking Clown. So is Morrissey. Both indulge in absurd sentimentality about seals, lions and other species whilst sucking milk from mother's udders which was intended for their bovine offspring. #f***Morrissey. #f***JimmyKimmel. #f***DuckDynasty . None should expect any mercy from a putative #Osama4Animals who may be 'out there' right now, reading this screen and undergoing a psychotic transformation.

Best Wishes
The Angelic Host
The Holy Ghost of "BrummieBoy"
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I agree. But let's not get pissed-off at the death of just one celebrity lion. If folk are gonna get angry about this, rightly so, then pause for a second to think of the millions of animals slaughtered every second all around the world. Let's broaden this out a bit, and think about what gives humans the right to f*** over millions and millions and millions of animals every day. Just because they can.

Agreed, I bet many people who were posting their outrage on Facebook or Twitter sat down later that night and tucked into a roast chicken dinner without a second thought. Same goes for all the outrage over the dog festival in China.
jesus, what a load. wasnt moz whining last year in regard to harvest to spending enough in promotion to make him no 1.
wasnt that the object of several rantings on tty that led to his being dropped.
In print and in speech Morrissey's tendency for hyperbole, histrionics and headline-grabbing offense often does more harm than good.

agree, agree, agree. he could be so much more effective if he didn't use language that shuts minds down the second it's employed. i might personally agree with his use of the term holocaust, for example, but it doesn't serve the endgame. it garners a "that-morrissey-is-really-over-the-top" visceral reaction that is quickly moved on from, rather than an intellectual meditation -- by and large, it's not going to shock people out of their mindlessness.

personally, i feel i'm most effective when i go small-scale and boil it down to what most people do on a daily basis that supports animal slaughter and abuse, and that's eat. i'm always sharing delicious vegan food/suggestions/products and it's always met with appreciation, even full-on enthusiasm a lot of the time. from my experience, practical rather than preachy, and hands-on rather than hyperbolic, gets the job done. it may be incremental, but it seems that's how lasting difference is best built.
This is impossible to parse or analyse unless and until Morrissey either confirms he has embraced a Vegan lifestyle or not. Once again, as with his blast at Glastonbury, he appears to be realising the horror of his Cheesetarianism over 33 Years of Refusal to join up the dots:

"the hidden hell of factory farming and the slaughterhouse and dairy farming is destroying the planet far more than any other known entity, and is an unimaginably evil torture for animals"

However, if he's still consuming milk, cheese or wearing designer Italian shoes, then this is just more spin, puffery and nonsense. The awards he has been given come from equally confused and/or stupid people and organisations. We have already dismissed the TCD Plastic Paddy Garden Gnome/Troll Award, any 'lifetime achievement award' from PETA is something to regret and feel deep shame about. The logic of him been given an award for his donation of a drum head to a farm animal sanctuary cannot be discussed unless/until he confirms it was his first, initial act of penance towards the animals he has killed for cheese and leather shoes whilst parading the stage and berating his audience for murderous behaviour towards animals which he has equalled by his vain, ignorant lifestyle.

The ISIS connection echoes our warnings to humanity to beware of the rise of #Osama4Animals #AnimalAlQaeda & #StFrancisKalashnikov as the world wakes up to it's impending doom from Auschitz 'Animal Husbandry'. That's an interesting phrase, 'animal husbandry' as it reveals how men have regarded their wives throughout human history, as chattel, beasts of burden, slaves. Just a notch above the beasts of burden. If Morrissey is now Vegan then he can, like us, denounce Agri-Fascism but if he remains within Ingrid's PETA cult of Vegetarian Negotiation, then he is hopelessly deluded.

We have just returned from Santorini where we were communicating with local animal activists about the plight of the donkeys. We do not go on 'holiday', we are never, ever 'tourists'. There is always a project, a reason, a focus beyond 'The Lazy Sunbathers'. Morrissey should denounce this onstage when next in Greece. Greece can go to hell. We've no idea why Morrissey hasn't spoken of the plight of these poor creatures whilst playing in Athens.

Enough! We have returned to The Shire and must unpack and plan further projects and adventures. Morrissey will have a chance to answer all of these questions when #VegAnarchyInTheUK *drops* on 9/11 next year, warning humanity that the C21st will be defined by the struggle for justice for animals both human and non-human and that time is running out for the vast bulk of the Human DisgRace who continue to act as a NaziUberSpecies. By issuing these memes we do not endorse the future apocalyptic animal liberation movements that will arise, but we do see they are now an inevitable response to the fear and panic that will grip this planet when people realise that by devouring all other species the foolish homo sapiens has become Ouroboros. best wishes
The Angelic Host hosting The Holy Ghost of "BrummieBoy"

Is the Livestock Industry Destroying the Planet?

For the earth's sake, maybe it's time we take a good, hard look at our dietary habits

"More than 20,000 people signed our Take S.T.E.P.S. petition to improve the poor working conditions for donkeys and mules in Santorini, Greece.We will continue our Take S.T.E.P.S. campaign throughout 2015, and are collaborating closely with the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) and a large number of tour and cruise ship operators, including Cruise Lines International Association.

Some are now even briefing tourists before they disembark from the cruise ships, and providing information on their Apps and literature. We will build on this in the coming year as the campaign gathers momentum and support."



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Desist from your foolishness, troll. Everyone has noted your anonymous hash. You are a stuck record, not us. Anyone can refer to our previous dismissals of your nonsense in the comment history.


Being against factory farming doesn't mean you can't buy animal products such as milk or eggs that are produced ethically and torture-free. Most of us can't afford it but I bet Morrissey can.
Nice statement, though I'd take issue with "I do not make music with the hope that I might be patted on the back with a meaningless Grammy bought for me by a major label" - that's simply not the case - throughout his career he has craved recognition and success - it's so manifest.


Don't confuse recognition and success as manifested by good sales of records, merchandise and concert tickets with the music industry awards bellix. Even the Smiths refused to jump in and play the Brit awards back in day.

However, I guess I'm too late since you do seem to have confused the two...
Oh I know. I always got the impression that Moz wants fair exposure for his music (instead of all the shallow/sexist crap getting the heavy-rotation), but he never tries to cater to anyone. His music is the real-deal and he *should* want people to hear it.

I recently donated $2 to Mercy for Animals when there was a promo to donate $2 for free to a charity of your choice. But they didn't say "thank you." $2 is a lot of money!

Obviously all performers get up on stage for similar reasons, no one would want to be a performer of any kind if they sought anonymity. But that - and being caught up in the nostalgia and passé romance of chart positions - is a completely different issue to craving the big and meaningless "success" of a Grammy bought by a record company.

But of course it wouldn't be So_Low without the implication that he was lying about something...
Being against factory farming doesn't mean you can't buy animal products such as milk or eggs that are produced ethically and torture-free. Most of us can't afford it but I bet Morrissey can.

Such products do not exist. All use of animals by humans is immoral involves slavery and torture, including 'pets'. If you wish to point to such products, do so. We have already considered Ahimsa Hare Krishna milk on this forum. It was declared an epicFAIL by the poster called 'Milk Is Murder' due to the issue of unwanted bull calves. We concur.

This is great and I can see him going to the award show in Dublin so he can "visit relatives", but there is no way he is going all the way to LA of all places from his home in Swizzer Land he shares with Jake and Damon to accept his award. Blykey blood hell! Anonymous-
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Agreed, I bet many people who were posting their outrage on Facebook or Twitter sat down later that night and tucked into a roast chicken dinner without a second thought. Same goes for all the outrage over the dog festival in China.

Or they walked onstage having gorged on Dubliner Kerrygold cheese produced by milk stolen from mothers. Morrissey is an Uddersucker. So is Ricky Jervais and both can stick their rants about the 'dog festival' in China up their arses.


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These silly made-up for the occasion awards don't really count. Unless Beyoncé is in the audience they are worthless.
Morrissey preferred Kerrygold over Dubliner. Any Morrissey stalker worth their salt knows this. What's next? People will say on this board that he preferred Old Spice over Incense Avignon he would buy at that store on Rodeo Drive? Wake up! Anonymous-
Such products do not exist. All use of animals by humans is immoral involves slavery and torture, including 'pets'. If you wish to point to such products, do so. We have already considered Ahimsa Hare Krishna milk on this forum. It was declared an epicFAIL by the poster called 'Milk Is Murder' due to the issue of unwanted bull calves. We concur.


The goats milk produced from a tiny farm local to me. I can afford it once a month or so. Nothing to do with mass production, such as the Hare Krishna rubbish you mentioned. I guess the point being anything mass produced is indeed factory farming.
Approve of the meat industry and you approve of Auschwitz. There is no difference. We are forced-fed the disproportionate warning that ISIS constitutes the biggest threat to our societies, yet ISIS has not enacted one atom of destruction equal to the dangers facing all of us by the meat industry.

wow Morrissey please stop with this shit :(
Morrissey preferred Kerrygold over Dubliner. Any Morrissey stalker worth their salt knows this. What's next? People will say on this board that he preferred Old Spice over Incense Avignon he would buy at that store on Rodeo Drive? Wake up! Anonymous-

he also has a manchester tart when no one is looking.
Agreed, I bet many people who were posting their outrage on Facebook or Twitter sat down later that night and tucked into a roast chicken dinner without a second thought. Same goes for all the outrage over the dog festival in China.

We aren't short of chickens, though, are we? We are, however, running out of lions.
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