your top 10 reasons to abhor FREEYOURfatSELF



1 Freeyourself ruined the only Morrissey album I enjoyed listening to from beginning to finish, from the laid back sun-kissed sound of California on "America is not the World" to the high camp self-pity of "you know I couldn't last." "But how?" I hear you ask. By naming himself after the lyric towards the end of "All The Lazy Dykes" - that's how. Every time I get towards the end of one of my favourite songs on the album I hear those warm, loving words "free yourself, be yourself" and I see some hideous pile of lard covered in pubic hairs, reclining on a dirty floor surrounded by kylie records with "hot and "cum" emblazoned on his grotesque face, pulling some revolting "homoerotic" pout. It's a little like pre-emptive nausea when you're on the way to the hospital for chemotherapy. Even the *thought* of those words towards the end of the song makes me nauseated these days. I often reach for the track skip function as late as I can bear to, without risking having to hear those words.

2 Freeyourself has the eprsonality of a vicious poisonous old queen, who spends all his time bitching and looking at porn.

3 Freeyourself is apparently dating a man "with form." I think you know what I mean.

4 Freeyourself is obese and smells like moth balls, yet he acts like he's some sexy young superstud. Yucky.

5 FYFS is into the "bear scene" - this means he likes to dress up like a gimp and meet other fat, ugly men for halitosis-ridden kisses, and fungal foot play.

6 Have you seen that pic of him on the floor with "hot and "cum" on his face? Hahahahaha

7 FYS is a vile racist who uses terms like "chink" and also happens to be a bit of a pervert. A disgusting combination, frankly. The contents of his typing probably reflect the contents of his mind. Not a pleasant thought.

8 FYS sits on his fat arse typing messages to himself and registering IDs on this forum for 20 hours a day. This probably means (i) he has a personality disorder or (ii) he is an insomniac with no life, friends, family or job or money.

9 FYS was reported to be "a bit pongy" after the earls court show - apparently after moshing, his bum started to smell a bit of damp, warm shit.

10 FYS is a fat c***. Did I mention that?
that's just f***ing funny - once again your genius is obvious

that's him alright!!!!!!! What a disgusting old fart. Fat moron.

> 1 Freeyourself ruined the only Morrissey album I enjoyed listening to from
> beginning to finish, from the laid back sun-kissed sound of California on
> "America is not the World" to the high camp self-pity of
> "you know I couldn't last." "But how?" I hear you ask.
> By naming himself after the lyric towards the end of "All The Lazy
> Dykes" - that's how. Every time I get towards the end of one of my
> favourite songs on the album I hear those warm, loving words "free
> yourself, be yourself" and I see some hideous pile of lard covered in
> pubic hairs, reclining on a dirty floor surrounded by kylie records with
> "hot and "cum" emblazoned on his grotesque face, pulling
> some revolting "homoerotic" pout. It's a little like pre-emptive
> nausea when you're on the way to the hospital for chemotherapy. Even the
> *thought* of those words towards the end of the song makes me nauseated
> these days. I often reach for the track skip function as late as I can
> bear to, without risking having to hear those words.

> 2 Freeyourself has the eprsonality of a vicious poisonous old queen, who
> spends all his time bitching and looking at porn.

> 3 Freeyourself is apparently dating a man "with form." I think
> you know what I mean.

> 4 Freeyourself is obese and smells like moth balls, yet he acts like he's
> some sexy young superstud. Yucky.

> 5 FYFS is into the "bear scene" - this means he likes to dress
> up like a gimp and meet other fat, ugly men for halitosis-ridden kisses,
> and fungal foot play.

> 6 Have you seen that pic of him on the floor with "hot and
> "cum" on his face? Hahahahaha

> 7 FYS is a vile racist who uses terms like "chink" and also
> happens to be a bit of a pervert. A disgusting combination, frankly. The
> contents of his typing probably reflect the contents of his mind. Not a
> pleasant thought.

> 8 FYS sits on his fat arse typing messages to himself and registering IDs
> on this forum for 20 hours a day. This probably means (i) he has a
> personality disorder or (ii) he is an insomniac with no life, friends,
> family or job or money.

> 9 FYS was reported to be "a bit pongy" after the earls court
> show - apparently after moshing, his bum started to smell a bit of damp,
> warm shit.

> 10 FYS is a fat c***. Did I mention that?
you disgusting animal, vile filth, piece of shit

I am not old. I am 2 years younger than morrissey, if i am old, so is morrissey. I am not old. I also rarely use moth balls so that is a LIE you despicable filthy vile ginger (no offence sexy lover) animal. You are filth and i will track you down broken because you said my arse smelled after earls court 2004. It didn't. I sprayed extra lynx on my anus to make f***ing SURE you little queen. That how I know. Got it? I'm looking for you, c***. I'll find you. c***. Nobody says my arse smells, especially not since I spent £10 000 on a private sphincter repair. c***.

> 1 Freeyourself ruined the only Morrissey album I enjoyed listening to from
> beginning to finish, from the laid back sun-kissed sound of California on
> "America is not the World" to the high camp self-pity of
> "you know I couldn't last." "But how?" I hear you ask.
> By naming himself after the lyric towards the end of "All The Lazy
> Dykes" - that's how. Every time I get towards the end of one of my
> favourite songs on the album I hear those warm, loving words "free
> yourself, be yourself" and I see some hideous pile of lard covered in
> pubic hairs, reclining on a dirty floor surrounded by kylie records with
> "hot and "cum" emblazoned on his grotesque face, pulling
> some revolting "homoerotic" pout. It's a little like pre-emptive
> nausea when you're on the way to the hospital for chemotherapy. Even the
> *thought* of those words towards the end of the song makes me nauseated
> these days. I often reach for the track skip function as late as I can
> bear to, without risking having to hear those words.

> 2 Freeyourself has the eprsonality of a vicious poisonous old queen, who
> spends all his time bitching and looking at porn.

> 3 Freeyourself is apparently dating a man "with form." I think
> you know what I mean.

> 4 Freeyourself is obese and smells like moth balls, yet he acts like he's
> some sexy young superstud. Yucky.

> 5 FYFS is into the "bear scene" - this means he likes to dress
> up like a gimp and meet other fat, ugly men for halitosis-ridden kisses,
> and fungal foot play.

> 6 Have you seen that pic of him on the floor with "hot and
> "cum" on his face? Hahahahaha

> 7 FYS is a vile racist who uses terms like "chink" and also
> happens to be a bit of a pervert. A disgusting combination, frankly. The
> contents of his typing probably reflect the contents of his mind. Not a
> pleasant thought.

> 8 FYS sits on his fat arse typing messages to himself and registering IDs
> on this forum for 20 hours a day. This probably means (i) he has a
> personality disorder or (ii) he is an insomniac with no life, friends,
> family or job or money.

> 9 FYS was reported to be "a bit pongy" after the earls court
> show - apparently after moshing, his bum started to smell a bit of damp,
> warm shit.

> 10 FYS is a fat c***. Did I mention that?
oops, it seems freeyourself has been stung by this critique

poor thing. has anyone got a pic of his "loathesome other half?"

> I am not old. I am 2 years younger than morrissey, if i am old, so is
> morrissey. I am not old. I also rarely use moth balls so that is a LIE you
> despicable filthy vile ginger (no offence sexy lover) animal. You are
> filth and i will track you down broken because you said my arse smelled
> after earls court 2004. It didn't. I sprayed extra lynx on my anus to make
> f***ing SURE you little queen. That how I know. Got it? I'm looking for
> you, c***. I'll find you. c***. Nobody says my arse smells, especially not
> since I spent £10 000 on a private sphincter repair. c***.
Think you just about summed him up there!

I have been following the freeyourself drama on this site for quite some time, and it amazes me how this fellow keeps returning only to be publicly humiliated yet further. Still, great that he does so, it's quite hilarious!
Re: Here's the picture broken refers to in the first point, in case anyone hasn't seen it yet (link)

horrendous. Imagine how bad he looks if this is a piture he proudly posts. Just think about that for a moment.

Knowing what a self-conscious old queen he is, that is probably him looking relatively dolled up. Just imagine how he looks first thing in the morning after a good anal pasting the night before, bad breath, comb over not combed over, and snot dripping off his left nostril.

I bet his "other half" is equally putrid.
Re: Can't help there I'm afraid, but here's a another pic of freeyourself aka Paul aka that fat mess

you and me both. The hilarity of mocking the ugly, flabby old queen only just manages to compensate for the horror of seeing yet another of his posts each time i visit this forum. Following the "investigation" I'm surprised he continues posting here.

I wish I could observe the monstrosity that must be his "other 'alf."
by the way....

this is the pic freeyourfatself just posted in his "defence" showing the undoctored version of the "pout pic."

God, what kind of moron is that old fairy? Imagine what state of mind he'd have to be in to pose for a pic like that, with 2 days' worth of stubble adorning his flabby, grotesque face. Also he's surrounded by Cds arranged randomly on his cheap carpet, with his soiled jeans half way down his legs, clearly in a bedsit. I bet there's a builder's bum hidden away underneath there, getting moist in the crack as he waits for the camera auto-take function to click.

Disgusting. I wonder if he actually thought anyone would find this picture palatable or even "attractive?" More disturbingly, do "bear scene" men like "this sort of thing?" I mean, he looks like some chronically ill psychiatric patient who has lost all grip on reality and now believes he's madonna posing for a vogue cover! You can imagine the fat oaf thinking to himself, "now if I arrange these cheap CDs on my cheap carpet and wear some dusty, soiled jeans, I will look kind of cool like Morrissey, posing in one of those working class locations..."
Re: by the way....

> this is the
> pic freeyourfatself just posted in his "defence" showing the
> undoctored version of the "pout pic."

> God, what kind of moron is that old fairy? Imagine what state of mind he'd
> have to be in to pose for a pic like that, with 2 days' worth of stubble
> adorning his flabby, grotesque face. Also he's surrounded by Cds arranged
> randomly on his cheap carpet, with his soiled jeans half way down his
> legs, clearly in a bedsit. I bet there's a builder's bum hidden away
> underneath there, getting moist in the crack as he waits for the camera
> auto-take function to click.

> Disgusting. I wonder if he actually thought anyone would find this picture
> palatable or even "attractive?" More disturbingly, do "bear
> scene" men like "this sort of thing?" I mean, he looks like
> some chronically ill psychiatric patient who has lost all grip on reality
> and now believes he's madonna posing for a vogue cover! You can imagine
> the fat oaf thinking to himself, "now if I arrange these cheap CDs on
> my cheap carpet and wear some dusty, soiled jeans, I will look kind of
> cool like Morrissey, posing in one of those working class
> locations..."

I totally agree. What a past it old queen that embarrassment of a human being is.
Paul's otherhalf

> you and me both. The hilarity of mocking the ugly, flabby old queen only
> just manages to compensate for the horror of seeing yet another of his
> posts each time i visit this forum. Following the
> "investigation" I'm surprised he continues posting here.

> I wish I could observe the monstrosity that must be his "other
> 'alf."
i was just about to eat...

i'm going to have nightmares tonight

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