“Interlude” reissue confirmed for April's RSD, 2024 (February 15, 2024)


"Interlude" is a 1968 song written and composed by Georges Delerue and Hal Shaper and originally performed by American soul singer Timi Yuro. It is the title track for the 1968 film of the same name. In 1994, the song was covered in a duet by Morrissey and Siouxsie Sioux and released as a single in August of that year by EMI. It was presented under the banner of "Morrissey & Siouxsie".

Related item:
Sorry, 10 versions, some of which unpublished.
Several leaked here.
3 on the original record.
1 on Very Best Of...
So ~6 on the CD-R.
One should be Siouxsie only vocals.

There are other promo CD-Rs (3&5"), but the above is rare as hen's teeth.
Ok, this is really something I've never heard of. Thanks.
One should be Siouxsie only vocals.
The should be is superfluous, there is a version with only her vocal take.

As explained by Simon Goddard, the single version was a mix of M's version and S's version.

Can we say that Boz's production is a work of art, timeless and quite Phil Spector: it is beautiful.

What will that be then, £17.99?
I have the original 12", bought during the continental dry out summer of 1994. A 7" reprint, bought lately. But I never ever stumbled over the original CD-Single.
Sorry, 10 versions, some of which unpublished.
Several leaked here.
3 on the original record.
1 on Very Best Of...
So ~6 on the CD-R.
One should be Siouxsie only vocals.

There are other promo CD-Rs (3&5"), but the above is rare as hen's teeth.

Which ones have not leaked yet? What is actually listed on the reference CD?
Sandie/Smiths RSD was ~22-24 quid.
It’s the old worldwide shortage of plastic and printing capacity. In Rough Trade some standard single LPs are well into the £30s, incredible.
Which ones have not leaked yet? What is actually listed on the reference CD?
Nobody has fully shared that information.
We have several variations.
I believe the leaked "harmonium" version that resides on the Vauxhall And I reference CD may be on it - add Siouxsie's vocal version + a stray edit or two?
Roulette Records was owned by "The Godfather Of The
Music Industry" Morris Levy.
If ya ever heard the story of John Lennon gettin' sued
for usin' a Chuck Berry lyric on Come Together, it's 'cause
Morris Levy conned Chuck outta the publishin' for his
song You Can't Catch Me and then it was Morris who went
ahead and sued John Lennon.
They settled when John agreed to record three songs that
Morris owned the publishin' for.
Morris Levy knew the money was in the publishin'.
Of all the things that could have possibly been released, we get this appalling, crumby
Worst Mozz single of all time yet again.

Another nail swiftly plunged into the Mozz
Surely, there can’t be much wood left😞
I love Interlude, such deep sentiment. I guess some may consider it overblown. It could be the lead single for a Morrissey torch compilation of similar melodrama, "Live in an empty room":

Side 1
I've changed my plea
Trouble loves me
I'm throwing my arms

Side 2
My love life
Nobody loves us
I know it's gonna
Come back to Camden
Swap Paris for either I’d Love To, Symphonies or You Were Good…and I’ll buy it on release day. Full price and all.
I will not be buying it. All my money is already tied up in gold.
its currently trading at £1593.38 an ounce so get your calculator out.
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