10 Reasons In Favour Of Moz's Heterosexuality.

Re: He Can Have Both ... Or Neither

> Apparently he's partly company with celibacy. Aren't you at least curious?
> I mean how comes noone knows. It's just not possible!!!

Yeah, I think apparently is the right word. Perhaps he was just getting tired of people asking him if he was still celibate, so he decided to start saying that he wasn't anymore, because surly interviewers wouldn't ask him the time and date and with whom, his celibacy ended, or would they.
Re: He Can Have Both ... Or Neither

> Why can't people just face up to the fact that the man just doesn't get up
> to much. Isn't it obvious? There has never been one person male or female
> who has claimed to have slept with him. Doesn't that tell you something
> despite the games of cat and mouse he plays in his lyrics?

> For the amount of journalists that are desperate to know, don't you think
> they'd have discovered something by now?
> Of course he doesn't still claim celibacy, because it has brought him
> nothing but hassle. But that doesn't mean he is now shagging every night,
> just that he no longer wishes to be categorised by it in the same way he
> doesn't claim to be gay or straight.

Well said. I completely agree
Saying He's Not Celibate Anymore Just Gonna Make It Worse...

Cos people will definately find out now!!!! Should have stuck to his story.
Re: He Can Have Both ... Or Neither

He's either completely celibate


He has had the same loyal lover for 20 years and they will never spill the beans and none of the people who have ever worked for him know about this person. (He hides them in the cupboard).


He goes to places where he knows he won't get recognised in order to pick people up (Africa or Croydon)


It would be in the papers
I Suspect Moz Is With A Mexican Boy. *Sob*

Very good but I don't think Morrissey would risk one-night stands because of the press it would get. At least in a relationship he knows who he's dealing with.
Re: Please Tell Me Which Interview You Got This From.

> No, it's from, The Smiths "In Quotes" book. Unfortunately it
> doesn't have a date or the interview it was taken from written below it.

But if you remember the letters he wrote to a fan, which I think are still on Torr's site, he says he is bisexual, and has a girlfriend name Annalisa. Quite possibly this is Annalisa Jablonska, credited on the first album as providing the childrens chuckles in Suffer Little Children, and the "Oh Really?" on Pretty Girls Make Graves. As Jones points out above, and as is laid bare in "I Can Have Both", the situation is pretty obvious. Remember what Linder said in 'The Importance...';"If Morrissey could sit down and say 'I am this', or 'I am that', then he would."

Re: Please Tell Me Which Interview You Got This From.

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