Are certain types of people more likely to be Morrissey fans?

I'm going to use this thread as a kind of checklist for myself :cool:

Intelligent people, with impecably good taste. ;)

I'd like to think so :D

introverts, for one


Lonely social outcasts

Introverted loners


People who are attracted to beautiful melodies....
People who long for something more in life....
People with a sense of humor....

Mostly people I like :)

yep, and I hope so :)

People who find the trials and tribulations of life a little hard to bare.

yes, but getting better with that.

Maybe lonely workingclass neo-nazists with difficult childhood... or maybe not.

without the nazi bit

People not right in the head... Absolutely :p

erm...yep :o

People with pants.

*checks* yep

Only the most interesting, charming and clever people on the planet.

bwahaha, not me... :D

Only sweetly lovely people

I try to be

people who surely think too much....

yes, I probably do.
Is that Jung test accurate? My personality type has completely changed since I last tried it around 7 years ago. :confused: How can that happen? That's just plain bizarre.
I'm going to use this thread as a kind of checklist for myself :cool:

I'd like to think so :D


yep, and I hope so :)

yes, but getting better with that.

without the nazi bit

erm...yep :o

*checks* yep

bwahaha, not me... :D

I try to be

yes, I probably do.

... But are you a muskrat?
fans insightful scintillating
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