Who are the best fans???


We all adore Moz and thats all that matters. it does not matter where you are from or what colour or stuff.

I personally have a problem with Moz fans (especially those who claim to be massive fans) who are meat eaters, and no im not saying you should be veggie because he is, it just bugs me that if you are THAT into him then how can you not realise that his views on the subject are the right view.

all meat eaters are bad people

i love japanse fans - they are hand held and come in pretty colours

But seriuosly now - to answer the question: - I'm the best fan

d x
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I'm okay, thanks. And YES I've missed you! I hope you're feeling better. Sorry I can't chat ... gotta go to bed now... catch ya tomorrow :)

It's going to take me forever to catch up. Oy.

I'm feeling a bit better. Things have been interesting lately. I'll have to fill you in.
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