Barrowlands Show


Grave Maurice

(I couldn't get eh tour page entry to work so I'll put it here!)

Okay, just to clarify for those that weren't there.

There were actually two plastic pints thrown from half way back into the crowd as the band lined up to kick off the show.

The first dropped short of the stage and splashed a bit over Alain who had to turn his guitar away then another landed on the stage splashing all ocver the shop and on Morrissey's face and shirt (he was far from drenched!) as it whistled trhough the dusty Barrowlands air.

This really shit ritual is often performed by the sort of complete tosser who goes to T (Pish) In The Park where people chuck beer about all over the place and for the majority of apathetic Scottish people that is about all they ever go to so they are ignorant.

You go to King Tuts of a Tuesday night and there'll be hardly anyone there.

So the two idiots who threw the cups were in the vast minority so please don't tar all of us lovely Scottish people with the same brush.

They might not even have been Scottish (to use the Daily Record's usual approach when there is football crowd trouble) - the only other tossers I saw all night were two pissed up English wimps (again no reason to tar all you friendly English people with the same brush) singing "Johnny Marr, Johnny Marr" in the queue outside and about three lines of "Reel Around The Fountain" over and over because they probably didn't know the full song.

Thankfully I didn't hear them or anyone else singing crap like that about Johnny Marr.

Morrissey was phenomenal. The best I have seen him since the Your Arsenal visit.

The band was better than last tour a bit faster and didn't attempt to perform as a Smiths tribute band on the classics but game them a bit of a re-vamp which was very successfull.

Morrissey didn't go in a stropp over the beer but discreetly suggested that if anyone saw anyone next to them throwing anything they had his permission to "sock them". He was very tactfull and quite humourous about it but wanted to make his point without putting a taint on the show before it even got going.

After three songs he looked down to the right front of stage and referred to Julia Riley saying to her "I don't know how we're going to get your through this one Julia!" or something very similar.

He went back over a couple of times during the set but never mentioned her again.

He also never mentioned the trial at all which was refreshing.

All in all he was very relaxed, very funny and animated (panto beckons) although no-one got onstage due to really heavy security he constantly reached out to the crowd.

He watched as people were wrestled by the security and rolled his eyes and shook his head huomourously as people kept coming over for more.

Boz was in fine fettle and Alain was quite quiet I thought. Gary Day came to the front on numerous occasions and at the end of Irish Blood he was the last to step away from the edge of the stage and hang up his guitar.

Morrissey went through three shirts - two black Mexican style efforts and a white frilly fronted number for the encore.

The new stuff went down well, as did everything else, but I Like You still sounds a bit boring.

The singing was fantastic - during one song near the end possibly There Is A Light Morrissey didn't sing a line I think he was quite taken aback by just how loud the crowd were.

Sister I'm A Poet and There IS A Light were fantastic.

I've seen some "reunion" gigs over the years and people may see Morrissey peforming Smiths numbers as that sort of thing - relying on past glories etc. But There Is A Light especially never seemed more appropriate.

Yet another religious experience.

I have to agree with you wholeheartedly on this one.The concert was immense.The crowd reaction was,by and large,as you'd expect from a Morrissey concert.With the notable exception of the beer throwing non-entity.
I was touched to hear Smith's classics being performed along with his solo material.Hand in Glove,I want the one I can't have,There is a light that never goes out and Meat is Murder.Awesome reactions from all.
I even got the chance to shake his hand,and that,in itself,encapsulated the concert and made it an even more memorable experience (as all Moz concerts are)
I think that Morrissey was genuinely taken aback by the sheer (enthusiasm isn't the right word) euphoria of the crowd.
I had a thoroughly good time at this concert and look forward to many more from The Great Man Himself.
Barrowlands is a superb venue loaded with atmosphere.

All the very best to anyone who was there.
With the help of other people's observations I remember it was the second verse of Everyday Is Like Sunday when he got a bit moist in the eye I think and missed a line as everyone else sang.

I've dragged my missus along to various Moz performances and she is not a fan at all but thought he was something special and appreciated the presence of the great man.

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