Does your taste in music get mocked alot?

Mocking is rare, the most popular response seems to be "Who?"

Yes, very familiar in my world also... my friends always seem shocked when they come across a 'mainstream' artist that I like :crazy: :D I also have similar experiences to ShirleyManson... I tend to not really hear the more popular stuff, which is fine with me but everyone else thinks I'm crazy :crazy: :lbf:
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I've always liked the idea that my musical taste is not in the mainstream. I like it when ordinary musical taste friends mock. It's a me and my gang know something you don't thing, and if you just don't get it well keep right on walking , because we can't and won't try to explain.
I used to be the mockery of the emos, so... I win. Then they all bought The Smiths t-shirts and started listening to The Mars Volta and I was like... WHAT?

I hate people who can't either stick to their opinions or stay shut and give it a closer listen. Stupid.
I feel really lucky. My hubby and 2 teenage daughters are all huge fans. :)

My daughters love loads of other cool bands and keep me up to date on their musical discoveries but they have a huge place in their hearts for all that is Morrissey/Smiths and as a mum I think he is an excellent role model for young, aspirational adults to be their true-to-you selves.

That’s where it ends though as hardly anyone in either my extended family or friends get it at all and think we are all linked to some kind of mass brainwashing Morrissey cult……. :D
I’ve always felt very comfortable with going against popular opinion so that’s ok.

I love my friends and I love Morrissey but the two don’t mix.

Ps Have just listened to TQID for the first time in months and it’s made me so happy I feel as if I’ve just had 2 weeks in Barbados :cool:
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