Great quotes - post 'em here

"Watch them Turkish waiters mind, you can't trust them." - My mate Brendan before I was due to go on holiday to Turkey. Nothing could be further from the truth, a great bunch of lads.

"Check your pens are working" - Keith Morrell, local quiz and bingo master. An invaluable piece of advice just before the bingo is due to start. Nothing worse than playing for a line, and then your pen runs out.

"The last time I saw an arse like that, it was pulling a cart." - My dad's quip every time he sees a big fat knacker.
"You may let the remainder say what they please, for every one is at liberty to be a fool "

Nancy Milford- "An aristocracy is much like a chicken with it's head cut off. It runs about in a very lively way, but it is indeed, dead."

Margaret Thatcher- "I am extraordinairly patient, provided I get my own in the end."
"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" ~ Dame Kate of Moss.
"Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out."
-Anton Chekhov
"Don't trust them. Don't fear them. Don't ask anything of them."

Alexander Solzhenitsyn
"Take it easy, but take it." ~ Studs Terkel.
"There are no such things as flowers, there are only gladdened leaves."
John Ruskin
In my own, perhaps bad, translation:

"I can never be a happy man, because a happy man should never have to fear that his life is a meaningless wandering towards the certain death." - Stig Dagerman
"When asked, 'Should I tell my mother I'm gay?' I answer, 'Never tell your mother anything' ~ Quentin the Crisp.

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