I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman.com

Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

I don't have an irish foot or an Irish cock, I am of irish descent and born in glasgow, like many Catholics of Irish blood born in the west of scotland my heart is in Ireland to quote the Wolfe tones. This is mainly due to the religious intolerance and bigotry that exists in this part of the world. Hope this clears things up for you, got to go now, night out in glasgow to get ready for, if your looking for me you'll find me in a lap dancing club in the centre of glasgow, I'll be the only one there with a morrissey portrait tattoo on my arm, I'll leave it to your perverted imagination to decide if I'm a dancer or customer

Dancer. !00% certain.
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Why, thank you! It's nice to get positive feedback now and then amidst the blizzard of lazy 'troll' dismissals. Of course, anyone reading my posts beyond a glance would suss that I have a clear agenda: to call Morrissey out on his slacker attitudes. If he wants another buzz of 'fame' he's got to raise his game: big time! I'm sure he can do it if he can just recapture the desire that he originally had. He seems exhausted by luxury and sychophants, and it can't help being email pals with Julie Burchill!

I'm very fortunate, very privileged due to both hard work and good luck. I was written off several times due to serious health issues, but I'm back and I have a lot more living to do. And a lot more carousing and partying (sober this time). I hope that will include some epochal events with a resurgent Moz, but he's done enough even if he capriciously destroys his image and legacy in a diva meltdown. I choose to find that comedic rather than tragic. My head injury was mild, I was very lucky, but it absolutely trashed my abilities to focus, concentrate and be productive. I had PTSD and then agoraphobia, it was getting silly, and very tired, then suddenly began to resolve. Almos gone now. I am a testament to the NHS and, sadly, to the postcode lottery. I'll have to stop this when I'm back in the corporate cockpit doing some nonsense to replenish my depleted pension fund. I can't imagine why Moz carries on rather than adjust his lifestyle expectations, unless he is another sad fame whore/spotlight addict. Life is good. I'm suffused with gratitude. I can't tell if my bond with some of Morrissey's output is due to its' inherent quality or just that it soundtracked a wonderful roller-coaster period of my early and mid adult life. Not that it matters. I was a fan of Bowie, Bolan and Ozzie at 13, by the time I was alerted to that shy boy from Manchester's unlikely ascent, my 'fan' days were long gone. My daughter is 15, she's 'into' Taylor Swift, but is no 'fan'. She's too busy learning physics and ukelele and generally growing up into a real sassy lady. My son goes to Uni in a few weeks. I have 'empty nest syndrome' as a large part of my identity has been 'Dad' and they need me less and less. I must find something else to do. Maybe form a band and become a 'global religious icon'. It wouldn't take much, but it would be at an intolerable cost to my privacy and the pleasures of The Quiet Life. I need a hundred thousand quid to recover from the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, I hope to generate lots of taxes from future earnings to help anyone who, like me, or Moz, found themselves with a 'shipwrecked life' through no fault of their own. I love this country and I love this life. I hope Morrissey finds inspiration in LA, but if he doesn't, there's so much good music out there that it won't matter. Thanks for triggering this meditation on life, fame, car-crashes and recovery.



Did you go to the Manchester gig last year?
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman


Did you go to the Manchester gig last year?

No. I don't do 'arena' gigs. I saw him at Birmingham NIA in 04 and it was a cavernous, soul-less corporate rock horror show. I prefer the intimate, claustrophobic venues. Or Birmingham Symphony Hall.

I won't be attending a concert until there's a fresh body of work to either celebrate or 'facepalm' if it's more of the same. I've heard the set too many times and no 'surprise' Smiths heritage stuff covers up the yawning chasm for me. I would probably feint or vomit if I had to listen to 'Boy's A Looker' at concert hall volume. I value my ears and sanity too much. I'd rather hear Johnny Marr's rip-roaring live take on 'London' if I fancy a bit of nostalgia for halcyon days.

Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Well Johnny's on the road again soon, and his last leg was much more than I expected, stunning.

Not sure I will be able to see him this time though
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

I don't have an irish foot or an Irish cock, I am of irish descent and born in glasgow, like many Catholics of Irish blood born in the west of scotland my heart is in Ireland to quote the Wolfe tones. This is mainly due to the religious intolerance and bigotry that exists in this part of the world. Hope this clears things up for you, got to go now, night out in glasgow to get ready for, if your looking for me you'll find me in a lap dancing club in the centre of glasgow, I'll be the only one there with a morrissey portrait tattoo on my arm, I'll leave it to your perverted imagination to decide if I'm a dancer or customer

An excellent response! I don't care if you're a dancer or a punter. You are amusing and interesting. And yes, I do have a very perverted imagination...

I love Glasgow. I was front-row at the big Central theatre place at the top of Sauciehall Street a few months ago to see Prodigy perform. It was madness, with kids jigging in the aisles. I saw Prodigy in Dunfermline, Glasgow, Newcastle, York, Nottingham, Birmingham, Cardiff and had tickets to Bristol and Llandudno but couldn't drive due to a bad back, but that didn't stop me enjoying a road trip having recovered from life-threatening health problems.

I danced at the first ever World Irish Dancing Championships in Dublin in 1970 at the age of 10, but didn't win because I was a 'Brit'....I was in Dublin recently for a weekend. It's my spiritual home. Alongside Birmingham. Birmingham has the 3rd biggest St Patrick's Parade in the world after Dublin and NYC (or is it Boston?). I used to drive around to Moz shows but given the impasse and sterility of recent years I had to find something else to get that buzz. Prodijig were the dog's bollocks. Glasgow audiences are one of the most passionate I've ever experienced. You're lucky to live there. It's not all nutters, it's a pretty cool oasis of culture. And lap-dancing!When Prodijig come back to Glasgow,you might enjoy it. It's full on Irish cultural mayhem.

Prodijig - Footstorm(The Olympia Theatre, Dublin, 2013)

Shame your Hogmanay got nixed, but never mind. Still plenty of surprises to enjoy:

"Glasgow awarded unlikely title of Britain's most vegan friendly city by animal activists


I've enjoyed thinking about Glasgow, so thanks for the trigger. I hope you were satisfied at the Pyramid club and got lots of tenners stuffed into your bra and panties.

"Big sun coming strong through the motel blinds
Wake up to your girl for now let's call her Cleopatra, Cleopatra
I watch you fix your hair.Then put your panties on in the mirror, Cleopatra
Then your lipstick, Cleopatra. Then your six inch heels.Catch her
She's headed to the pyramid. She's working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid Working at the pyramid tonight
Pimping in my convos Bubbles in my champagne...


Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

An excellent response! I don't care if you're a dancer or a punter. You are amusing and interesting. And yes, I do have a very perverted imagination...

I love Glasgow. I was front-row at the big Central theatre place at the top of Sauciehall Street a few months ago to see Prodigy perform. It was madness, with kids jigging in the aisles. I saw Prodigy in Dunfermline, Glasgow, Newcastle, York, Nottingham, Birmingham, Cardiff and had tickets to Bristol and Llandudno but couldn't drive due to a bad back, but that didn't stop me enjoying a road trip having recovered from life-threatening health problems.

I danced at the first ever World Irish Dancing Championships in Dublin in 1970 at the age of 10, but didn't win because I was a 'Brit'....I was in Dublin recently for a weekend. It's my spiritual home. Alongside Birmingham. Birmingham has the 3rd biggest St Patrick's Parade in the world after Dublin and NYC (or is it Boston?). I used to drive around to Moz shows but given the impasse and sterility of recent years I had to find something else to get that buzz. Prodijig were the dog's bollocks. Glasgow audiences are one of the most passionate I've ever experienced. You're lucky to live there. It's not all nutters, it's a pretty cool oasis of culture. And lap-dancing!When Prodijig come back to Glasgow,you might enjoy it. It's full on Irish cultural mayhem.

Prodijig - Footstorm(The Olympia Theatre, Dublin, 2013)

Shame your Hogmanay got nixed, but never mind. Still plenty of surprises to enjoy:

"Glasgow awarded unlikely title of Britain's most vegan friendly city by animal activists


I've enjoyed thinking about Glasgow, so thanks for the trigger. I hope you were satisfied at the Pyramid club and got lots of tenners stuffed into your bra and panties.

"Big sun coming strong through the motel blinds
Wake up to your girl for now let's call her Cleopatra, Cleopatra
I watch you fix your hair.Then put your panties on in the mirror, Cleopatra
Then your lipstick, Cleopatra. Then your six inch heels.Catch her
She's headed to the pyramid. She's working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid Working at the pyramid tonight
Pimping in my convos Bubbles in my champagne...


You're too kind! Glad you enjoy glasgow
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Print this off and discuss it with a trusted friend, family member or therapist, noting that I have highlighted your explicitly political 'fan-cult' tyrannical attempts to control debate and discussion about former 80s pop star Morrissey. Note how you attempt to define the parameters of legitimacy and also note that I explicitly reject any notion of pandering to Morrissey's ridiculous need for 'fans'. I am not a FAN. I was a fan of Bowie, Bolan and Ozzie, when I was 13: to be a 'fan' at 53 would indicate a terrible failure to grow up and leave childish things behind.

I am a member of The Audience.

Like others in that Audience, we are just as smart and savvy, just as cultured and intelligent as your cult leader: often considerably more so. He knows who 'we' are, he quakes when he makes eye contact with us and we call him out on his bullshit, triggering tantrums and diva dramas. We don't get this nonsense at the lap-dancing club or when The Chippendales are in town! I am not 'pissed off angry and disenfranchised'. I now regard Morrissey as a cutting-edge comedian, his outbursts in print and on stage are beyond hilarious. It proves our central tenet that 'fame' is a short-term pathological aberration within Western Civilisation. We look forward to its' abolition. Some of us consciously and explicitly refused to become 'famous', refuse the gross intrusions that brings and are not in thrall to Gucci trinkets and baubles. This may be almost impossible for you and Morrissey to conceptualise and absorb, but that's your problem, not ours. Carry on with your 'unswerving love and devotion' and enjoy your sheep-le pleasures. But don't expect the real titans in The Audience to play along, other than for the lulz.....

So, will Moz do a Bowie/Lennon/Cohen hiatus for a few years or clamber back onto the stage to insist that the world listens to "Boy's A Looker" over and over and over again? Or will he press 'restart' and come up with something fresh and interesting? Either way, I'll probably be there with an amused raised eyebrow. Unless, of course, he bans me from his shows like DavidT. I might end up being banned from here and from the soi-disant 'real world' of corporate entertainment gigs which Morrissey lays on so we can all 'thank him for living'. You couldn't make it up!

fondest regards

Oh, which part of your reply? All of it.
Print off your groggy belch of a response is one thing, but the thought of me sharing it with a friend, family member, or therapist! Stop!! You're too much. On the other hand, I could share it with the guy down the street who insists he's the reincarnation of Benny Hill, and has the same dream each night where 1000 amazon woman are hurling dill pickles at him, but even he would recognize it as a futile attempt at wit by a cantankerous, stiff bore.
But what big words you use! So many long, well thought sentences too. How long it must have taken you to write. I am humbled. Not just by your zeal and fortitude to respond so eloquently, but how you recognized that my attempts to monopolize and control debate and discussion have finally come to fruition. At last, someone noticed!
I do hope that your arm heals back to its full range of motion. I am sure with determination, lots of hard work with your physical therapist, and the correct combination of prescription narcotics, that extremity you broke patting yourself on the back will be as good as new in no time. We here at Solo are amazed that you are able to type so well using just one hand. Anyway, good luck with the recovery.
I love how you very literally commit to nothing, (aside from being a charter member of the 'cranky old bastard leisure group') including finding a way to not even call yourself a fan. As if calling yourself a fan, be it to Morrissey or NHL legend Jaromir Jagr, is something to be ashamed of. "A member of the Audience"? What is that like a 200 year old secret society? Are you a Skull? Perhaps at the next concert you attend, they will have a special crushed velvet roped-off area for you and the other 'Members" to sit and not enjoy the show, and maybe get to send back a bowl of soup because your spoon is dirty. Oh that's right, you wont even be there because Morrissey is finished. Bummer! I however, am a fan and damn proud to say it and so are a lot of other people. We have the balls to admit it, and don't have to make up some ridiculous sub-category to make ourselves feel better. And I am sorry to say, (again) but you are pissed off, angry, and disenfranchised. I would also add scared, bored, and damaged. I hope they never ban you from this site. Myself, and a large number of others look forward to getting a well deserved belly laugh at you and your rants. Its terribly amusing, and we hope you never stop. We also know how much you enjoy thinking that you are actually winding us up so it really is win-win. You, and a few others like you are a constant source of entertainment and bemusement in equal parts. Spending so many hours dedicating yourself to someone you have such contempt for. Fascinating!

So here we are. 1000's of characters used, and some may say wasted. But what the hell eh? A bit of 'friendly' banter amongst two geezers that are convinced they can out do each other or is that just me? Keep on doing what you do friend, and i'll do the same. I will continue to hit my words of 'unswerving dedication', ( I actually got that term from a hotels mission statement by the way) via two handed backhand, and you can top spin lob your words of hate and discontent back into my side of the court.

Peace be with you......
Re: I gave up on Mozza years ago - Morrissey: Live is proof that I was right to do it - newstatesman

Oh, which part of your reply? All of it.
Print off your groggy belch of a response is one thing, but the thought of me sharing it with a friend, family member, or therapist! Stop!! You're too much. On the other hand, I could share it with the guy down the street who insists he's the reincarnation of Benny Hill, and has the same dream each night where 1000 amazon woman are hurling dill pickles at him, but even he would recognize it as a futile attempt at wit by a cantankerous, stiff bore.
But what big words you use! So many long, well thought sentences too. How long it must have taken you to write. I am humbled. Not just by your zeal and fortitude to respond so eloquently, but how you recognized that my attempts to monopolize and control debate and discussion have finally come to fruition. At last, someone noticed!
I do hope that your arm heals back to its full range of motion. I am sure with determination, lots of hard work with your physical therapist, and the correct combination of prescription narcotics, that extremity you broke patting yourself on the back will be as good as new in no time. We here at Solo are amazed that you are able to type so well using just one hand. Anyway, good luck with the recovery.
I love how you very literally commit to nothing, (aside from being a charter member of the 'cranky old bastard leisure group') including finding a way to not even call yourself a fan. As if calling yourself a fan, be it to Morrissey or NHL legend Jaromir Jagr, is something to be ashamed of. "A member of the Audience"? What is that like a 200 year old secret society? Are you a Skull? Perhaps at the next concert you attend, they will have a special crushed velvet roped-off area for you and the other 'Members" to sit and not enjoy the show, and maybe get to send back a bowl of soup because your spoon is dirty. Oh that's right, you wont even be there because Morrissey is finished. Bummer! I however, am a fan and damn proud to say it and so are a lot of other people. We have the balls to admit it, and don't have to make up some ridiculous sub-category to make ourselves feel better. And I am sorry to say, (again) but you are pissed off, angry, and disenfranchised. I would also add scared, bored, and damaged. I hope they never ban you from this site. Myself, and a large number of others look forward to getting a well deserved belly laugh at you and your rants. Its terribly amusing, and we hope you never stop. We also know how much you enjoy thinking that you are actually winding us up so it really is win-win. You, and a few others like you are a constant source of entertainment and bemusement in equal parts. Spending so many hours dedicating yourself to someone you have such contempt for. Fascinating!

So here we are. 1000's of characters used, and some may say wasted. But what the hell eh? A bit of 'friendly' banter amongst two geezers that are convinced they can out do each other or is that just me? Keep on doing what you do friend, and i'll do the same. I will continue to hit my words of 'unswerving dedication', ( I actually got that term from a hotels mission statement by the way) via two handed backhand, and you can top spin lob your words of hate and discontent back into my side of the court.

Peace be with you......

Thank you for sharing more insights into the mentality and emotional set-point of Morrissey's 'fans'. I will continue to compose my rather extraordinary critique and you will continue to be amused and dismissive in order to keep your defenses intact. I look forward to following your posts and have selected you as a particularly interesting cult specimen to observe.

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