Morrissey Central "I TRIED LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD" (December 22, 2020)


Video is by Paul Joseph Watson.

Tag line:
"Pubs closed. Christmas cancelled. Borders - still open!"

Watson has featured here quite a few times and has mentioned Morrissey in attempts to gain an interview, seek Twitter trending and commenting on multiculturalism amongst other things.

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To whom - the six diehards left on here? Half his fans already left, you are preaching to the choir.

Some part of you must wonder why you wind yourself up, every day, about an 80s pop star whose heyday was a very long time ago. It is unrelenting, frothing anger and it makes you look like the bitter version of Andy I. It’s on that level. Why can’t you see it? What happiness or satisfaction is there in it?
I'm relaxed about it all, to be honest. Perhaps there's a hint of redemption in there for the man - somehow getting dragged back from the brink. At the end of the day, it's about money - money talks, and you don't have to look far to see that he doesn't sell any more. Whose fault is that? Someone else's? If he were to renounce his current bunker philosophy and team up with people to make music people actually want to buy, then that would be great.

You perceive anger, I'm not angry at all. My base level is social injustice and railing against those who think inequality is a suitable philosophy. That's my base level. I want to see an end to inequality and injustice, and I will continue to rail against it, however it's presented.

As to your point at large, you could say exactly the same thing about the people who rail against me here, day in, day out.
The weird thing about this post is that if the borders had been closed, Morrissey wouldn't have been able to get back to see and bury his mum.
The weirdest thing is that you ignore all the other (true) info because your brain is being killed by fearporn for a virus that has a survival rate of 99,5%.
How can you possibly ignore the message of the video. Has the fearporn just killed your brain in a few months? What actually is NOT true in this video....
The fact it comes from a hideous racist, anti Islam, women hating, vegan hating monster who has been banned of many platforms and has been proven to spread alt right infowars conspiracy theorists.
To whom - the six diehards left on here? Half his fans already left, you are preaching to the choir.

Some part of you must wonder why you wind yourself up, every day, about an 80s pop star whose heyday was a very long time ago. It is unrelenting, frothing anger and it makes you look like the bitter version of Andy I. It’s on that level. Why can’t you see it? What happiness or satisfaction is there in it?
But isn’t that his choice? And how do you know what other campaigning he may or may not do. He comes from the view that speaking out against the likes of someone who posts videos from a alt right anti women racist monster is justified.

people who criticise such speaking out are part of the problem or do you also believe as PJW does that a woman’s only role is to get f***ed and vegans are snowflakes.

I mean which side of the debate are you really?

why be so upset if someone wants to speak out regardless of whether it is an audience of 1 or 1 million?
La mayor parte del tráfico de Central debe provenir de nosotros después de que se haya publicado aquí. Ya lo he dicho, pero ¿puede Solo dejar de publicar mierda de Central? No queremos saber todo lo que Sam - seamos sinceros, es él - publica.

Prometo que Solo solo volverá a publicar cualquier cosa de Central que esté firmada por el hombre mismo. Hagamos que suceda ... ¡por el amor de Morrissey!
The weirdest thing is that you ignore all the other (true) info because your brain is being killed by fearporn for a virus that has a survival rate of 99,5%.
Don’t be ridiculous. It isn’t just about deaths. Stop listening to conspiracies and look at the real science.
The fact it comes from a hideous racist, anti Islam, women hating, vegan hating monster who has been banned of many platforms and has been proven to spread alt right infowars conspiracy theorists.
This so-called factchecking comes from your dead cancelculture brain what thinks you know exactly what someone is thinking, and your thoughts are way more superior. Wake up you idiot.
This so-called factchecking comes from your dead cancelculture brain what thinks you know exactly what someone is thinking, and your thoughts are way more superior. Wake up you idiot.
I know who PJW is and I have spoken directly to him many times. I can assure you I know what he thinks and he doesn’t hide it. Wake up you c***
I know who PJW is and I have spoken directly to him many times. I can assure you I know what he thinks and he doesn’t hide it. Wake up you c***
Ah I don't know the guy, I thought you were talking about Morrissey. But you probably think the same about him.
Upcoming youth haven’t even heard of him. He doesn’t even make the tabloids any more.

That's actually bollocks. He's got a fierce young fanbase. He's the only 61 year old whose gigs might end up making me feel old.
That's actually bollocks. He's got a fierce young fanbase. He's the only 61 year old whose gigs might end up making me feel old.

There's a good chance most younger people don't even know what a "tabloid" is though.
That's actually bollocks. He's got a fierce young fanbase. He's the only 61 year old whose gigs might end up making me feel old.
Rubbish. Just cause his gigs may have some youngsters present doesn’t mean the general young public know who he is. Most of his gigs to me, and I’ve been to 3 figures of them are predominantly middle aged. I’ve asked this of many youngsters many times and the reply has always been “who?” Longevity requires something much bigger. They know who oasis are or The Ramones or The Beatles but if you did a poll of all under 20 yr olds I think you will be aghast. It is what happens as you get older.
I'm relaxed about it all, to be honest. Perhaps there's a hint of redemption in there for the man - somehow getting dragged back from the brink. At the end of the day, it's about money - money talks, and you don't have to look far to see that he doesn't sell any more. Whose fault is that? Someone else's? If he were to renounce his current bunker philosophy and team up with people to make music people actually want to buy, then that would be great.

You perceive anger, I'm not angry at all. My base level is social injustice and railing against those who think inequality is a suitable philosophy. That's my base level. I want to see an end to inequality and injustice, and I will continue to rail against it, however it's presented.

As to your point at large, you could say exactly the same thing about the people who rail against me here, day in, day out.

"My base level is social injustice and railing against those who think inequality is a suitable philosophy. That's my base level. I want to see an end to inequality and injustice, and I will continue to rail against it, however it's presented."

OK, I think most of us would also want to see an end to inequality and injustice (aside from the handful of genuinely unpleasant people on here) - but oh my god you really need to understand that "railing against it" (which is perilously close to anger, by the way) on a website like this is a monumental waste of your passion and intellect. Until you get off this site, you are condemning yourself to railing into a deep, dark void.
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