Manchester Castlefield Bowl (July 7, 8) confirmation, on sale this week - Morrissey Central

Confirmation - Morrissey Central
May 20, 2018

Morrissey tickets go on sale this week for

Manchester Castlefield Bowl, Saturday July 7th.

Manchester Castlefield Bowl, Sunday July 8th

Events will be 100% vegan/vegetarian.
Recreate the thrill of a Morrissey concert by setting fire to four £20 notes and listening to an Oswald Mosley speech while driving a steamroller.
Recreate the thrill of a Morrissey concert by setting fire to four £20 notes and listening to an Oswald Mosley speech while driving a steamroller.
you originally posted this on page 3 of this thread,do you think if you keep posting it the message will become more relevant.
Interested to know what Tim said about him, can you recall ?

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Can't remember exactly but it didn't sound complimentary.

I think the chances of James sharing the same stage as Morrissey nowadays are zero.
Use your money wisely! Donate to mental health charities!!
James/NO after party gig at the Chinese take out spot across the Moz show.
They will play a selection of their 'hits':lbf: interspersed with pontificating about politics and Moz
while you pick up your sweet and sour tofu.:thumb:
Free with you order.
It's interesting that Castlefield Bowl was recently to Tommy Robinson, must be the only venue in Manchester that will have him on.

Secondly he has become the posterboy for every right wing nut job of facebook and you can bet your bottom dollar that a load of them knuckle scrapers will be at these gigs.
Recreate the thrill of a Morrissey concert by setting fire to four £20 notes and listening to an Oswald Mosley speech while driving a steamroller.
2.5 posts a day, for 18 years.
Here is my maths, £71.50 x 8000 equals £572000, times that twice we have £1144000, that's the ticket money, not including T-Shirts and other merchandise. Beer money would I expect be taken by the venue, ?, maybe? I'm no expert. Obviously their are costs for the venue and other band members, plus all the road & stage crew. But I think Moz is gonna make a nice few hundred K out of this. But this is none of my business, it would seem the rich must profit and get richer, and the poor must stay poor, is Morrissey just another product?
Here is my maths, £71.50 x 8000 equals £572000, times that twice we have £1144000, that's the ticket money, not including T-Shirts and other merchandise. Beer money would I expect be taken by the venue, ?, maybe? I'm no expert. Obviously their are costs for the venue and other band members, plus all the road & stage crew. But I think Moz is gonna make a nice few hundred K out of this. But this is none of my business, it would seem the rich must profit and get richer, and the poor must stay poor, is Morrissey just another product?

Morrissey gets paid a set fee by the promoter for appearing and playing on stage for 90 minutes or whatever the contract states. From this set fee, Morrissey's band and crew is paid whatever they are due, along with band-specific costs (lodging, travel, etc.). It's all factored in to the fee.

The promoter then pays off the venue, security, advertising costs, ticketing costs, miscellaneous costs, etc. What is left after all that is the promoter's profit. Believe me, Morrissey isn't backstage dolling out £1144000 in a hundred directions after a gig, nor is he reviewing the bar receipts.
Here is my maths, £71.50 x 8000 equals £572000, times that twice we have £1144000, that's the ticket money, not including T-Shirts and other merchandise. Beer money would I expect be taken by the venue, ?, maybe? I'm no expert. Obviously their are costs for the venue and other band members, plus all the road & stage crew. But I think Moz is gonna make a nice few hundred K out of this. But this is none of my business, it would seem the rich must profit and get richer, and the poor must stay poor, is Morrissey just another product?

Thats right Drama J, Moz is highly successful. Mitts off.:straightface: Moz is not a commie and not going to give you
a taste.
You got your button money. Be stoic with your lot.
Ticket prices are heavily influenced by the venue, not just the performers.

A lot of the ticket money goes to covering the costs of booking and running the venue, the extra security and the staff of the venue. Plus, you have a large fee that goes to the booking agent who works on behalf of the artist management team to find and arrange everything. Then, you have the cost of the road crew, the sound engineers, the lighting engineers and riggers, the band and anyone else in attendance on Ms payroll. Also, the venue pay for marketing of the event, which is factored in, so M will do very well from the shows, obviously, but not as much as you seem to think
Morrissey gets paid a set fee by the promoter for appearing and playing on stage for 90 minutes or whatever the contract states. From this set fee, Morrissey's band and crew is paid whatever they are due, along with band-specific costs (lodging, travel, etc.). It's all factored in to the fee.

The promoter then pays off the venue, security, advertising costs, ticketing costs, miscellaneous costs, etc. What is left after all that is the promoter's profit. Believe me, Morrissey isn't backstage dolling out £1144000 in a hundred directions after a gig, nor is he reviewing the bar receipts.
Well I believe you, and seeing your in the know, what amount will Morrissey make for 2 days "work"?, can you give an estimate?
Do people think that morrissey and other bands are just like renting out venues the way they would a vfw and take all the admission money
Morrissey gets paid a set fee by the promoter for appearing and playing on stage for 90 minutes or whatever the contract states. From this set fee, Morrissey's band and crew is paid whatever they are due, along with band-specific costs (lodging, travel, etc.). It's all factored in to the fee.

The promoter then pays off the venue, security, advertising costs, ticketing costs, miscellaneous costs, etc. What is left after all that is the promoter's profit. Believe me, Morrissey isn't backstage dolling out £1144000 in a hundred directions after a gig, nor is he reviewing the bar receipts.
Isn’t 6 quid of the 71 straight to ticketmaster?
Well, considering Moz is playing here the *exact* same night The Cure / Interpol / Editors / Twilight Sad / Slowdive / Ride etc are playing London - which was announced and sold out six months ago - it's fair to say plenty of people who might have gone to Manchester on the Saturday now have other plans.
Do people think that morrissey and other bands are just like renting out venues the way they would a vfw and take all the admission money
I don't think that no, other bands structure for money distribution may be different though,
I love this idea that Morrissey's financial demands have no effect whatsoever on the extravagent ticket prices. That he agrees to do the show for £500 and a back rub, then the evil promotors come along and hugely inflate the ticket prices to make a financial killing, whilst Morrissey is completely powerless to influence them.

Clearly, obviously, Morrissey charges a fortune per show, and the tickets are priced accordingly.

I don't particularly blame him - if people are stupid enough to pay £75 a ticket, then why shouldn't he rake in the dough? Making him out to be some witless fool who isn't 100% in control of his own shows doesn't do anyone any favours.
I love this idea that Morrissey's financial demands have no effect whatsoever on the extravagent ticket prices. That he agrees to do the show for £500 and a back rub, then the evil promotors come along and hugely inflate the ticket prices to make a financial killing, whilst Morrissey is completely powerless to influence them.

Clearly, obviously, Morrissey charges a fortune per show, and the tickets are priced accordingly.

I don't particularly blame him - if people are stupid enough to pay £75 a ticket, then why shouldn't he rake in the dough? Making him out to be some witless fool who isn't 100% in control of his own shows doesn't do anyone any favours.

What makes you think they’d charge less and take less money if his fee was somehow less. There sympathy for the common man

Here’s a neat piece from the daily beast with a chart on different acts fees and morrissey is indeed on there for 100 k. The chart which includes many acts starts at a hundred k though it has queens of the stone ages on there confusingly for 75-125. I do wonder if morrisseys fee will increase though since his last tour was so successful. I think he most successful of hiss career

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