Morrissey Central: Tommy Robinson Freed - Styxhexenhammer666 YouTube

Because your beloved Morrissey clearly hasn't researched what the fellow is about and has inadvertanly hammered another nail into his already failing career. How long before the Mexican press pick up on this?
He’s been hammering those nails in since 1988 at least and look, he’s still selling out arena’s.
And he will be doing so for years to come.
Just like your beloved Echo and the Bunnymen will have an audience too. Music is for eternity!
He’s been hammering those nails in since 1988 at least and look, he’s still selling out arena’s.
And he will be doing so for years to come.
Just like your beloved Echo and the Bunnymen will have an audience too. Music is for eternity!
If only Mac had the balls to speak out about real world issues like Moz does.

But he doesn't.

None of them do.
He’s been hammering those nails in since 1988 at least and look, he’s still selling out arena’s.
And he will be doing so for years to come.
Just like your beloved Echo and the Bunnymen will have an audience too. Music is for eternity!

No he isn't not one of last months dates were sold out, remember, the ones he cancelled.
This dude is a straaaannnngggeee choice to represent your views on Tommy Robinson. If he wanted to post a YT commentary of Tommy's release he couldn't have found a better one than this?
yes, but I think it's specifically what the man says about free speech in the US versus the UK that hit a chord with Moz.
And there's me thinking he was just a bloke airing his opinion.

There's a big difference between the mass media and a virtually unknown guy on youtube - but you know that well.

Like all textbook lefties you just find other people's opinions intolerable to the ear.

A guy with 74 million views isn't virtually unknown.

He may be airing an opinion here, but his other "opinions" include Holocaust denial, which has been debunked time and time again, so I'm sorry if I think that this wanker doesn't have any credibility.

You're a textbook far-righter, in that when some tells you the "MSM" is "propaganda" you parrot it every time someone questions your opinion or that of someone you admire. What you really mean when you say the mainstream media is any part of the media you don't agree with. I take it you don't disagree with many of the hard-right views of the Sun, the Daily Mail, the Express etc, which have some of the biggest readerships in the UK or Rebel Media, which has a revenue of around $6.2 million dollars a year?
Seeing people celebrate Morrissey sharing a video of a Holocaust denier is tragic. Here are some of this YouTuber's "opinions" (all completely debunked by evidence) on the Holocaust:
- Questions the amount of Jews killed by execution.
- Zyklon B was a delousing agent, for the most part.
- The "shower" execution chambers were actual showers.

He also gave a five star review for a book written by a known anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.
So what? People have different opinions and different questions to ask of the past, or should we just believe everything we're told?
I take it you don't disagree with many of the hard-right views of the Sun, the Daily Mail, the Express etc, which have some of the biggest readerships in the UK or Rebel Media, which has a revenue of around $6.2 million dollars a year?

But Morrissey said in Culto that all the written press in the UK is controlled by the left-wing :O
A guy with 74 million views isn't virtually unknown.

He may be airing an opinion here, but his other "opinions" include Holocaust denial, which has been debunked time and time again, so I'm sorry if I think that this wanker doesn't have any credibility.

You're a textbook far-righter, in that when some tells you the "MSM" is "propaganda" you parrot it every time someone questions your opinion or that of someone you admire. What you really mean when you say the mainstream media is any part of the media you don't agree with. I take it you don't disagree with many of the hard-right views of the Sun, the Daily Mail, the Express etc, which have some of the biggest readerships in the UK or Rebel Media, which has a revenue of around $6.2 million dollars a year?
Those papers you mentioned are all elite run jokes. And rebel media is pure comedy IMO.

And as for that guy having 74 million views - I've never even heard of him!
So what? People have different opinions and different questions to ask of the past, or should we just believe everything we're told?

Well, considering that the Holocaust actually happened, and around 6 million Jews were murdered, and this has been proven time and time and time again, then yes we should be discrediting and calling out Holocaust deniers.

You'll be denying the Holocaust next!
This dude is a straaaannnngggeee choice to represent your views on Tommy Robinson. If he wanted to post a YT commentary of Tommy's release he couldn't have found a better one than this?

I must agree, that’s the biggest c*** I’ve seen in a long time. Why on earth would Morrissey post this asshole’s video on his website? It boggles the mind.

There must be a video by Pat Condell he could have used. So why this c***?
Probably because this guy made a video about... well, mostly about Tommy Robinson, with Morrissey spoken about only briefly. "Morrissey Gets it, Condemns Imprisonment of Tommy Robinson, Gets Defamed By UK Media"
Well, considering that the Holocaust actually happened, and around 6 million Jews were murdered, and this has been proven time and time and time again, then yes we should be discrediting and calling out Holocaust deniers.

You'll be denying the Holocaust next!
No I won't, but let's face it, nobody knows the real number. Jewish Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm said the number was obviously exagerrated and more likely to have been 4 million (his words not mine). Some others say it could be up to 10 million.

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