Morrissey "not homosexual" - statement at

"Unfortunately, I am not homosexual. In technical fact, I am humasexual. I am attracted to humans. But, of course ... not many".

-MORRISSEY, Sweden, 19 October 2013.

WOW! Quote of the year. Well, we heard it from the man himself--he is humansexual. And like most humansexuals, he is not attracted to all men and all women. He is selective.

I have decided, just now, that I too am humansexual. :p
I just think he's never wanted to make himself a queer icon so that's why he's never just come out and said it.
It's a tad disappointing to me that he cares enough what people are saying in response to the autobiography to issue this statement. I feel like if he wanted it as explicitly known as he's made it in this statement, he'd have included it verbatim in the book.

Or maybe it's out of respect to the female he is with now? He cares enough about her to make a statement about something he never cared to address before.
f***ing lolololololol only morrissey

simply brilliant statement

we'll miss him when he's gone
Did you miss the section about Tina? The one he wanted to have a child with? You want him to be gay so you hang on to the gay bits and over look the straight bits. What about what he says about gill smith? She's female and he wanted to bone her. If he was gay he would say he's gay. He's been in love with both and it is clearly stated in Autobiography.

I think you need to read the sections of the book you mention again: he does not say he wanted to 'bone' Gill Smith. He describes her as presenting herself as a possible partner, and he is either not interested or the relationship doesn't work.
The stuff with Tina - yes, sure - but it's a very brief section in a large book that is otherwise stuffed with homosexual references. It's a couple of pages showing Morrissey receptive in a sexual way to females, against hundreds of pages of gender bending pops stars, films, actors, references.

I never said he was exclusively gay, I said he obviously is vastly more interested in males than females.
Sexuality is a spectrum not an absolute. You fall in love/become sexually attracted to people not genders.

Speak for yourself. Personally if it hasn't got tits and a vagina I'm not interested.
thank u for inventing a term that no one else was wise enough to create. I am humasexual and need to be loved. i love u
he shoulda let well enough alone. he's always wanted to avoid categories. this useless, pointless denials only beckons further categories--inside a glass closet?

"unfortunately i am not homosexual. i only traffic in homoerotic, man-on-man images, am an icon for the lgbt community, and have gone into great detail of the only long-term relationship i claim to ever have had--with a man; but no, i am not homosexual."
Sexuality is a spectrum not an absolute. You fall in love/become sexually attracted to people not genders.

Lol, two absolute statements to argue a non-absolute. Morrissey can't say things and then hide behind fuzzy logic until the fuss goes away. If he finds any part of a man sexually attractive - he's having homosexual thoughts. If you'd prefer:- 'thoughts not dissimilar to a homosexual'. It's much of a muchness. He is trying to argue that having a relationship with 'Jake' didn't require any of these thoughts which is just guff. As a bisexual male, I can tell you that the thoughts I have when I'm attracted to a man are very 'gay' and similarly, very 'hetro' when I fancy a woman.I do not believe that Morrissey has discovered some way to sit in some ambiguous no man's land where his behaviour towards either sex can not be seen for what it is rather than how he'd like us to. The original poster used a good word: "mitigate". He is trying to lessen the sound of his actions. Being blunt, what part of his sexuality do you think he was expressing if he had full penetrative sex with a guy? Was it a "little bit gay" or "fully" gay as suggested? Simply because you might then have intercourse with a woman thereafter doesn't lessen the homosexual element to your sexual makeup does it? I think Morrissey is doing homosexuals a disservice by trying to distance his own tastes from behaviour not dissimilar to 'theirs'.Still, got to hand it to him. He can certainly get us all talking.
Well there goes my theory that Jake Walters was actually a panda.
Me too! I bet if I told Moz about uggos expecting me to be their girlfriend just because the world is sexist and women are supposed to need men, he would really understand me.

Christ, I love Morrissey
So if your wife became disfigured and lost those parts, would you divorce her? I knew someone who divorced his wife because she suffered brain damage in an auto collision. People should really think about the vows they take.

Speak for yourself. Personally if it hasn't got tits and a vagina I'm not interested.
There's a naked man standing
Laughing in your dreams
You know who it is
But you don't like what it means
How is this statement any different from his comments back in 1984 "I refuse to recognise the terms hetero-, bi- and homo-sexual. Everybody has exactly the same sexual needs. People are just -sexual, the prefix is immaterial."

Frankly, I couldn't give a toss, none of it is any of our business, there are some who want Morrissey to have come out years ago and become a leader within the gay community, he's clearly had no interest in doing so, so he's kept his personal life, well, personal. I just want to see the boy happy.
Read the section about Tina in the autobiography. She's female and he obviously adored her. You fall in love with a soul not genitals.

Believe me - you can fall in love with genitals too. Ask any 12 year old boy.

I find this statement from Moz very strange. It sounds like he actually cares what people think about him.
As the young Morrissey once wrote "we are all bisexual now"

All, apart from me that was, and is.
Didn't Elton John go through a similar period of denial, before irrevocably biting the... ummm... bullet?
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