moz on canvas


New Member
sorry for the 'news' title but it wouldn't let me just post a title as usual

there is a a shop where we live that sells paintings, canvas's, etc etc and my brother went past it the other day and phoned me to say that he thought he had seen a picture of Morrissey in there as he was driving past, I thought he had made a mistake so I went to have a look and sure enough there was a pic of Moz there in front of me on canvas, a big one too

Of course I bought it, there was no way I was leaving that shop without it!! now just waiting for it to go up on my wall- very chuffed with my purchase indeed.
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i have taken the pic am just trying to figure out how to get it on here

anyone got an e.mail addy that i can send it to then they can post it as i am not sure how to get it on here!! duh
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thanks for helping me to get it on here prac. it's actually about 3' x 2' in size and is going up in my hall for all the world ( well my visitors) to see..x
For the Mancs amongst us....
Pop in the autograph/picture type shop in the Royal Exchange, he has had quite a few Moz and Smiths canvasses in...I managed to get my hands on one for him indoors as a Xmas present, it's rather nice indeed!

Apart from that, we have 2 others in the house, both hand painted by my good self :) Not for sale! :D
you did your own canvas? what a good idea. hmmmm maybe I can replicate my canvas ( that i paid xx for) and make a copy for my sis and for my bro
you did your own canvas? what a good idea. hmmmm maybe I can replicate my canvas ( that i paid xx for) and make a copy for my sis and for my bro
....and then tell them you paid ££££££s for it :) ;)

Here be mine :)
Pic's a bit crap, but you get the idea!


It's not technically finished.....but I've been told it looks better a bit rough round the edges! So on the wall it stays!:cool:
Here is photo of my Moz on canvas my friend did for me a couple of years ago
He gave it the title This Charming Man
I love it
ITt is 32x24inch and has pride of place in my sitting room !
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