Moz shows off his For Britain badge last night


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You're missing the wider picture. They are a repository for racists, holocaust deniers, white supremacists, anti-Semites and all manner of right-wing bigots. These two links will tell you more. And there's plenty more out there...


holocaust deniers and anti semites are you good buddies the:turban:

FFS the Number 1 HOLOCAUST DENIERS and ANTI SEMITES are the:turban: Skinny Islamic twats :laughing:
I feel for Morrissey when this topic comes up. I don't support For Britain but read their manifesto and there's nothing wrong with their beliefs. You can't hate a party just because a few twats might also support it. Hate the racists yeah, but this party isn't racist I dont think. Doesn't take much digging to see they aren't. Morrissey is entitled to his political beliefs just like any one.
And fans who reject morrisey cos of political leanings are the ones really who miss out because music is why we are here, surely
Morrissey is to music as Donald Trump is to politics. Willingly delusional people only seeing what they want to see, ignoring the bloated clown twisting at the end of his own rope, spraying garbage to most, and poetry to those with bad taste.


'willingly delusional people', like
:handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: being visa denied by trump.:rofl:

that last :bird:neck tat must have made trump nervous.:rofl:
And it was all going so well.


...Just when I was thinking, "Hey, nice blazer!"

(And see how the badge matches Diesel's shoes? "Look! LOOK!!! :menholdinghands:!!! We're an ITEM!!!")

Seriously though, I wish them both good luck in their Crusade against, what do the people at for Britbrit call it again, ah yes, "the Religion of Climate Change".
May the A.C. always be on in whatever hotel room or airport or cemetry their Fight for the Holy Land of Ingerland takes them. :praying:

btw, I like how little Lord Baelish there is always impeccably dressed but lets the Thing wear sleeveless t.shirts that make him look a redneck at a 4th of July barbecue. Or ... is he secretly preparing the old man's body for...the INVASION OF CLIMATE CHANGE and ITS RELIGIOUS FANATICS???????

Good tinking, Tight Butt! It's about to get way too hot for Grandad!

Oops, I see he wants to lose his pants, too! Why is he kneeling? Is he about to shit on his aud-

with a pinstriped suit and a polished look...

the troll is oooon
Seriously, f*** this guy. What a vile man. For Britain are scum and so are any of you that support them.
I feel for Morrissey when this topic comes up. I don't support For Britain but read their manifesto and there's nothing wrong with their beliefs. You can't hate a party just because a few twats might also support it. Hate the racists yeah, but this party isn't racist I dont think. Doesn't take much digging to see they aren't. Morrissey is entitled to his political beliefs just like any one.
And fans who reject morrisey cos of political leanings are the ones really who miss out because music is why we are here, surely

Er, I think that you need to do a little better research..
I feel for Morrissey when this topic comes up. I don't support For Britain but read their manifesto and there's nothing wrong with their beliefs. You can't hate a party just because a few twats might also support it. Hate the racists yeah, but this party isn't racist I dont think. Doesn't take much digging to see they aren't. Morrissey is entitled to his political beliefs just like any one.
And fans who reject morrisey cos of political leanings are the ones really who miss out because music is why we are here, surely

Well you're f***ing welcome to him, you racist tool. And you could not be more wrong. I suspect your digging amounted to 'I'll say I did some digging'. Here's some links you won't look at:

and here...

...for example. There's plenty more, if you want to do your 'digging'

You keep on giving him your money, knowing it's going to a supporter of an organisation harbouring racists, anti-Semites, white-supremacists and Holocaust deniers. If that's what you want to do, go right ahead. You're welcome to him.
Perhaps I am ignorant, and, my apologies in advance as I am Canadian and it's just what we do...

I took the time to read the For Britain policy on various topics such as Islam and animal cruelty... does their position not raise legitimate questions that deserve critical consideration by British citizens?

I read their policy on Islam as such (and again this is my interpretation): The UK was built on democracy and basic inherent freedoms and rights such as speech, equality and freedom to worship or not, as one sees fit. The passages in the Policy quoted from the Quran exist and are widely interpreted by many Muslims in this way. For Britain seems to say, "hey, this country was built on these principles, we will stand against those who try to dismantle that under the guise of religion." End of story.

Am I missing something? Is there more to this For Britain story?


The problem with this is that most Muslims aren’t trying to dismantle anything and still abide by the law the same way Christians who want to discriminate against gays have to still abide by the law. Those who dont are arrested same as anyone else. I don’t like Islam the same way I don’t like Christianity or Catholics etc but I don’t see many people trying to stop Christians from entering because of there principals and how they clash with the ideas in your statement. Part of this is because I think people don’t really take many Christians seriously these days. They’re aren’t any Christian theocracies that I can easily point to with a culture reinforcing the religion and all its negatives as cultural norms. I’m not for mass immigration or open boarders for lots of reasons but it’s not for racial ones or even religious ones. I wouldn’t want tons of Swiss or Canadians flowing in masses. Puts to much stress on the order and structure they’re entering and I do think people have the right to decide how people enter they’re country without automatically being declared racists. These are complicated issues which deserve specific detailed answers and serious frank objective discussions. This most of all is what I think morrissey guilty of. He doesn’t have to but if he wanted to avoid these conflicts he could explain himself much better and more thoroughly. He doesn’t owe us a more detailed explanation but one could go a long way
You're missing the wider picture. They are a repository for racists, holocaust deniers, white supremacists, anti-Semites and all manner of right-wing bigots. These two links will tell you more. And there's plenty more out there...

Think you are confusing them with The Conservative Party, The Armed Forces, The Church of England or UK Farmers or The Royal Family....,
Is not questioning the motives of Islam the same as questioning Fascism?

Think you are confusing them with The Conservative Party, The Armed Forces, The Church of England or UK Farmers or The Royal Family....,
Is not questioning the motives of Islam the same as questioning Fascism?


Not for Skinny
Skinny is Islamic FFS.o_O
It’s crazy the way so many people get so worked up about this. It’s really not a big deal unless you want it to be, and if it is a big deal to you then it’s simple - walk away.
I don’t particularly agree with a lot of his political views, I also am a heathen meat eater and none of his vegetarian views particularly speak to me. But it just...doesn’t matter? I tune out when it’s not for me and if it became too much that I just couldn’t stomach any more I’d walk away like I’ve done with other bands where their personal views/actions clashed too much with mine. This weird obsession with riding him into the ground and being glued to everything he says and does if all you get from it is negativity is strange and I know some here do it because it serves and ulterior motive - the faux outrage at him really just is any excuse to carry on old grudges.

But really, in the end he’s just a dude with a view. The guy that came around to fix my heating might vote conservative, the girl who served me at the check out might deny climate change...but I still used and appreciated their service because ultimately, their view doesn’t matter to me. Morrissey’s voice and music still works for me, it still provides me with something fulfilling and so that is what matters. If that stopped being the case, I’d walk away. Similarly, if his views got to a point where they were affecting me negatively, I’d walk away. Ultimately, if his views upset you that much it’s your issue.
Think you are confusing them with The Conservative Party, The Armed Forces, The Church of England or UK Farmers or The Royal Family....,
Is not questioning the motives of Islam the same as questioning Fascism?


Now, now Pilgrim, please do not use this forum to speak sense...Peter doesn't like it.

Perhaps I am ignorant, and, my apologies in advance as I am Canadian and it's just what we do...

I took the time to read the For Britain policy on various topics such as Islam and animal cruelty... does their position not raise legitimate questions that deserve critical consideration by British citizens?

I read their policy on Islam as such (and again this is my interpretation): The UK was built on democracy and basic inherent freedoms and rights such as speech, equality and freedom to worship or not, as one sees fit. The passages in the Policy quoted from the Quran exist and are widely interpreted by many Muslims in this way. For Britain seems to say, "hey, this country was built on these principles, we will stand against those who try to dismantle that under the guise of religion." End of story.

Am I missing something? Is there more to this For Britain story?


Yes, you’re missing quite a bit. They are promote hate towards Islam. Their leader is banned from social media for hate speech. If you disagree with them their views on Islam and kicking people who have lived here out and closing down mosques they describe you as a female hater because you must agree with FGM, you speak out about them and get such trolls inciting people to rape you. Yes, they are a terrible bunch of white old men.
Neil Hamilton got over 2000 votes! Probably split the (extreme) right wing vote.... lol.

Here is Neil "I'm not dodgy at all" Hamilton today. Cash for questions anyone?

Once upon a time Newport gave us the Chartists. How we could do with a similar social movement today

Neil's past maybe dodgy but no more than various members of the Labour front bench or indeed it's current leader.
for britain

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