New Balls Please: The Case Of The Missing Balls - Peter Katsis via Morrissey Official FB

New Balls Please
The Case of the Missing Balls

- By P. Katsis

Ho Hum……..another boring day, another boring story in The Guardian about Morrissey.

How long ago was that comment about Mr Robinson? More than a month ago?

And The Guardian are still writing about it?

Must be sad for the editors to know they need to write about Morrissey in order to have anyone buy or read their shit paper.

Must be even more disappointing for them that the event they helped back in Manchester on Sunday night was a complete failure.

No one attended.

Bottom line is Morrissey doesn’t need Mr Lee, or The Guardian, for anything.

He is still doing quite fine, even in the UK.

At this point The Guardian could not be more predictable. More insignificant to the music audience. I did not think that possible to be honest.

Most folks know The Guardian has had it out for M for years now.

And most folks realize that when the Guardian prints a headline saying Former Morrissey fans plan an anti-racist rally, …..
that nobody involved with planning the rally was an ex-Morrissey fan.

The Guardian is but one thing.

Where are the music writers who actually have balls? Are there any contrarians left out there?

Anyone that appreciates that an artist actually has any opinions at all?

Or still writes socially conscious lyrics in his music?

We all hate Trump over here, but I’d like to think we are not all mindless idiots with the same cookie-cutter opinions on every subject.

Since when do the N.M.E. and Noisey agree with The Guardian about anything?

Where has the “Underground" gone?

Plus let’s face it…...

Despite what you think of his political opinions, has anyone known Morrissey to have actually committed a crime?

Or even been accused of committing any crimes?

Do you really think he backs everything that Tommy Robinson believes? Or just his thoughts on Immigration?

When he talks about The Chinese being a sub-species, is he really talking about the Chinese people??

Or is he more than likely making reference to the Chinese government and their unforgivable treatment of animals?

When he starts a comment off by declaring that he hates rape, and hates to hear that anyone has to deal with abuse…..

is he really backing up Kevin Spacey like every headline posted???

Or was he saying it was unlikely that particular 14 year old didn’t suspect what he was getting into by going to that room?

By making any commentary, does Morrissey deserve the same treatment by the press as Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, R Kelly, or Brand New?

People that have actually been accused rape and abuse?

So why does he get included with all of them? Because his opinions deserve that inclusion? Give me a break.

How come there is never a voice raised to point out the obvious?

Because the bottom line is it’s always a better headline when an editor hand picks the parts of the comment that implies the worst.

Certainly controversy has always been king, but never so much as it is now in this “click bait” world that we live in.

Controversy pays off big. So who are we kidding? It’s clear these editors have their agenda set. Pure capitalism.

And if you are a “Has-Been Haslam” type, and you have a book coming out, then….. why not take a shot?

The press will cover it and you’ll get some attention you can’t get any other way.

Smarter people are hopefully not fooled by that kind of crap, but…..some people only read the headlines, and…...

...what’s sad is if folks read enough of those headlines they almost become fact in the ether of today’s version of “the truth”.

Of course I have to admit I’m just a Yank so I can’t even pretend to be an expert on the UK press or British politics.

Although it certainly appeared to be a very interesting day in politics in London yesterday.

The world is a mess right now. Plenty of liberals have mixed opinions for the first time.

And certainly in this age of political correctness and #metoo it would be best to say nothing.

But from this outsiders view, and what no one seems willing to say, is that the UK press seems to have lost their balls somewhere.

Has anyone seen them? - PK

Save the messenger shooting please.

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I dont have a problem with the style or content of the reply. Im just bored with it all now. I dont know the inner workings of Mozs thoughts or intentions and this doesnt particularly make it clearer. He should just own his statements - say what he means and means what he says. On one hand he wants to be heard and is in a privalged position where the press will listen and then react accordingly. Many people dont have a voice or profile so he should speak clearly, stop whinging at folks reaction and either suck it up or keep quiet
I dont have a problem with the style or content of the reply. Im just bored with it all now. I dont know the inner workings of Mozs thoughts or intentions and this doesnt particularly make it clearer. He should just own his statements - say what he means and means what he says. On one hand he wants to be heard and is in a privalged position where the press will listen and then react accordingly. Many people dont have a voice or profile so he should speak clearly, stop whinging at folks reaction and either suck it up or keep quiet
Yes, me too. The trouble is, when Morrissey bears a grievance everybody else gets bored long before he does. He just doesn't have that override function that says, 'Okay, I'd better shut up now.' Witness the 30-page court case rant in Autobiography.
I dont have a problem with the style or content of the reply. Im just bored with it all now. I dont know the inner workings of Mozs thoughts or intentions and this doesnt particularly make it clearer. He should just own his statements - say what he means and means what he says. On one hand he wants to be heard and is in a privalged position where the press will listen and then react accordingly. Many people dont have a voice or profile so he should speak clearly, stop whinging at folks reaction and either suck it up or keep quiet

He is the almighty Morrissey and as his fans we should take what he says as gospel. If he keeps saying the same things over and over we'll obviously get it and say Heil Moz!

Did he say these things yet though or is he still disputing what he said?
Immigration has benefits and disadvantages
Any level-headed person would acknowledge this. We on the left can't talk enough about the advantages of immigration. Which is great. But the moment someone even begins to talk about the disadvantages, they're shut down, with accusations of racism and "Don't you like brown people?" It's absurd. The immigration issue isn't a set of scales. We shouldn't just be saying "Well, the disadvantages are sort of balanced-out by the advantages." We should be addressing the disadvantages irrespective of the advantages because someone, somewhere is suffering as a result of those disadvantages. We need a sensible public debate, not finger-jabbing and mindless labelling, with 'snowflakes' on one side and 'gammons' on the other.
Yes, me too. The trouble is, when Morrissey bears a grievance everybody else gets bored long before he does. He just doesn't have that override function that says, 'Okay, I'd better shut up now.' Witness the 30-page court case rant in Autobiography.
Plus numerous songs about judges and the legal system for decades.
Expect numerous songs about the loony left press for the next couple of albums at least.
Any level-headed person would acknowledge this. We on the left can't talk enough about the advantages of immigration. Which is great. But the moment someone even begins to talk about the disadvantages, they're shut down, with accusations of racism and "Don't you like brown people?" It's absurd. The immigration issue isn't a set of scales. We shouldn't just be saying "Well, the disadvantages are sort of balanced-out by the advantages." We should be addressing the disadvantages irrespective of the advantages because someone, somewhere is suffering as a result of those disadvantages. We need a sensible public debate, not finger-jabbing and mindless labelling, with 'snowflakes' on one side and 'gammons' on the other.

the real problem is Europe doesn't know how to execute a proper immigration STRATEGY. Open borders isnt a strategy. Merkel can't think beyond the end of her nose.
f***ing hell, I've never seen so many paragraphs!

I hope this was worth the effort Mr Katsis. Bearing in mind Morrissey's fractious relationship with management in the past, you'll probably be replaced by Halloween.

I wonder if he'll have managed to get Morrissey to actually sign a contract agreeing to pay him anything by then.
I have heard now from a couple of different people, rumours about one or two bands members leaving because of his beliefs clashing my with their own. Does anyone know any more info about this? Of course this might not be true but it’s come up a few times. I can’t see Boz leaving for instance but a few others, I’m not so sure. Anyone have the dirt
I have heard now from a couple of different people, rumours about one or two bands members leaving because of his beliefs clashing my with their own. Does anyone know any more info about this? Of course this might not be true but it’s come up a few times. I can’t see Boz leaving for instance but a few others, I’m not so sure. Anyone have the dirt
Who are your sources?
Knock Knock!!
(no answer)

(no answer)


(no answer)


if anyone out there has Haslaam :turban:exact location please share. he didnt return the keg and his creditors want a word.:laughing:
Who are your sources?
Sources which I do not know personally, so that is why I wouldn’t call them “reliable.” But I have heard the whispers a few times now, so that is why I was wondering if anyone here had any more valid knowledge about it? All I can say is that I wouldn’t be shocked if it were true.
You sound like Trump. Or any other conspiratorial populist rightwinger.

Sure, we live in a democracy. But the whole point was to shine a light on the vast number of unrecorded cases and encourage women too afraid to speak up. If the police or the judicial system don’t know what has been going on then it doesn’t matter if we live in a democracy or not.
The only ones who made a mess out of MeToo was the media. There was too much of a witch hunt going on.
What a compliment and that means I live in reality unlike you.
Thanks once again!
This guy. If people forgot about all the bs Moz has said besides the Robinson thing. They remember now. What a damn fool. He’s not helping! Moz has the biggest idiots around him. So eh you racists (I mean contrarians) better grow some balls and help us out here! f***ing hilarious
i am a huge morrissey fan since 86. he is not racist. i voted for trump. i am not racist.. morrissey is right that the left has basically stated that if you disagree with them you are racist. f*** THEM!!!

So when Trump says that most Mexicans coming to the U.S. are criminals and rapists and that they are "infesting" our country, that's not racist, right? I'm just a politically-correct snowflake for thinking so, correct?
Okay, but following your argument through to the end, is there any point at which immigratiom levels are too high? Every immigrant doctor will need services themselves, will need looking after in old age, and may have a family who require all those things.
Why have an immigrant doctor when you could train up someone who is already here to be a doctor? And of course, how many unskilled immigrants do we currently have for every immigrant doctor? How much have they paid in to the system and how much do they and will they take out?
Immigration has benefits and disadvantages. The disadvantages have tended to be swept under the carpet, hence the blowback at the moment.

As is well documented, immigrants create money in taxes, the problem with the services isn't the immigrants, it's that the services that we have are continuously cut rather than improved with say, £300m a week extra.
What a compliment and that means I live in reality unlike you.
Thanks once again!
What a shit cake for an answer. Don’t join the debate team, mate.
And conspiratorial people don’t live in the real world - hence being conspiratorial. But, in the words of Brummie Boy, thanks for playing!
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