New Balls Please: The Case Of The Missing Balls - Peter Katsis via Morrissey Official FB

New Balls Please
The Case of the Missing Balls

- By P. Katsis

Ho Hum……..another boring day, another boring story in The Guardian about Morrissey.

How long ago was that comment about Mr Robinson? More than a month ago?

And The Guardian are still writing about it?

Must be sad for the editors to know they need to write about Morrissey in order to have anyone buy or read their shit paper.

Must be even more disappointing for them that the event they helped back in Manchester on Sunday night was a complete failure.

No one attended.

Bottom line is Morrissey doesn’t need Mr Lee, or The Guardian, for anything.

He is still doing quite fine, even in the UK.

At this point The Guardian could not be more predictable. More insignificant to the music audience. I did not think that possible to be honest.

Most folks know The Guardian has had it out for M for years now.

And most folks realize that when the Guardian prints a headline saying Former Morrissey fans plan an anti-racist rally, …..
that nobody involved with planning the rally was an ex-Morrissey fan.

The Guardian is but one thing.

Where are the music writers who actually have balls? Are there any contrarians left out there?

Anyone that appreciates that an artist actually has any opinions at all?

Or still writes socially conscious lyrics in his music?

We all hate Trump over here, but I’d like to think we are not all mindless idiots with the same cookie-cutter opinions on every subject.

Since when do the N.M.E. and Noisey agree with The Guardian about anything?

Where has the “Underground" gone?

Plus let’s face it…...

Despite what you think of his political opinions, has anyone known Morrissey to have actually committed a crime?

Or even been accused of committing any crimes?

Do you really think he backs everything that Tommy Robinson believes? Or just his thoughts on Immigration?

When he talks about The Chinese being a sub-species, is he really talking about the Chinese people??

Or is he more than likely making reference to the Chinese government and their unforgivable treatment of animals?

When he starts a comment off by declaring that he hates rape, and hates to hear that anyone has to deal with abuse…..

is he really backing up Kevin Spacey like every headline posted???

Or was he saying it was unlikely that particular 14 year old didn’t suspect what he was getting into by going to that room?

By making any commentary, does Morrissey deserve the same treatment by the press as Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, R Kelly, or Brand New?

People that have actually been accused rape and abuse?

So why does he get included with all of them? Because his opinions deserve that inclusion? Give me a break.

How come there is never a voice raised to point out the obvious?

Because the bottom line is it’s always a better headline when an editor hand picks the parts of the comment that implies the worst.

Certainly controversy has always been king, but never so much as it is now in this “click bait” world that we live in.

Controversy pays off big. So who are we kidding? It’s clear these editors have their agenda set. Pure capitalism.

And if you are a “Has-Been Haslam” type, and you have a book coming out, then….. why not take a shot?

The press will cover it and you’ll get some attention you can’t get any other way.

Smarter people are hopefully not fooled by that kind of crap, but…..some people only read the headlines, and…...

...what’s sad is if folks read enough of those headlines they almost become fact in the ether of today’s version of “the truth”.

Of course I have to admit I’m just a Yank so I can’t even pretend to be an expert on the UK press or British politics.

Although it certainly appeared to be a very interesting day in politics in London yesterday.

The world is a mess right now. Plenty of liberals have mixed opinions for the first time.

And certainly in this age of political correctness and #metoo it would be best to say nothing.

But from this outsiders view, and what no one seems willing to say, is that the UK press seems to have lost their balls somewhere.

Has anyone seen them? - PK

Save the messenger shooting please.

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What a shit cake for an answer. Don’t join the debate team, mate.
And conspiratorial people don’t live in the real world - hence being conspiratorial. But, in the words of Brummie Boy, thanks for playing!
Conspiracy only remains one until it has been a proven fact which is of course the case with everything you are denying so you are now the conspiracy dude.
Grow some balls and grab a pussy!
Same here. None of the racists call it racism though, I think they like to call it valid concerns about the Pakis.
Open your home and sponsor them, it really can be done you know.

Oh wait, snap! (doing good is only funny if others pay for it).
True, but this one isn't written in blatantly identifiable MozSpeak (ref: 'My name is Boz Boorer...Any other artist would be number 1 with this song RIGHT NOW' from the Paris for Profit debacle). Like klaus said, he's learning.

Having said that, it's appallingly written for a 'manager' and makes you wonder a) what PK is thinking, allowing his name to be put to this load of incoherent, whiny bollocks, and b) if he really wrote it himself, how on earth has he sustained a career as a professional?
I agree. These days though its almost normal to use bad grammar and shorthand. Even the multi-million dollar news companies have spelling mistakes and poorly written English in a lot of their articles. It's the norm now. The pride is gone.
I agree. These days though its almost normal to use bad grammar and shorthand. Even the multi-million dollar news companies have spelling mistakes and poorly written English in a lot of their articles. It's the norm now. The pride is gone.
It drives me to distraction. I am the original grammar Nazi. I get twitchy in restaurants if the menu isn't punctuated correctly. I have long nurtured a fantasy of sneaking out in the dead of night with a marker pen and a pot of Tippex, and roaming around the town correcting all the signs that say 'Apple's £1 kg'. You're right, there's no pride any more. People think it doesn't matter. Oh, but it does! :head-smack:
It drives me to distraction. I am the original grammar Nazi. I get twitchy in restaurants if the menu isn't punctuated correctly. I have long nurtured a fantasy of sneaking out in the dead of night with a marker pen and a pot of Tippex, and roaming around the town correcting all the signs that say 'Apple's £1 kg'. You're right, there's no pride any more. People think it doesn't matter. Oh, but it does! :head-smack:
I've been the person with the sharpie in pocket who punctuates signs on the sly.
It drives me to distraction. I am the original grammar Nazi. I get twitchy in restaurants if the menu isn't punctuated correctly. I have long nurtured a fantasy of sneaking out in the dead of night with a marker pen and a pot of Tippex, and roaming around the town correcting all the signs that say 'Apple's £1 kg'. You're right, there's no pride any more. People think it doesn't matter. Oh, but it does! :head-smack:

It's "anymore" when used as an adverb, not "any more".
You have actually acted out my fantasy. How did it feel?
Refreshing. I was caught in a coffeeshop while editing a sign advertising a chance to win "A free pair of two tickets." After consulting the fine print on the sign and seeing that you didn't, in fact get four tickets total- scribble time. The barista found it as funny as I did at least.
Who is Pee Katshit anyway? Manager, or Publicist?

Whichever. I wouldn’t employ him. He’s a f***ing liability.
When you died you definitely came back with half of your brain melted. Or is that how you began?
No, you won't escape it by deflecting the issue at hand but you and skinny are very bad at debating and driven by emotions and never brains.
It is very sad to see but you are as we all know commies raised up as losers from a loser family that felt that yes the rich should fund our lives.
I really got to charlie this time and he always loses it in the end


IF England lose I can always remind charlie of that fact.
This Katsis message is too confrontational to do any good for M or his career. We loony lefties, appalled by his apparent support of noted islamophobes, are looking for a bit of humility and straight-talking clarification, not more aggression. Or, dare I use the word, truculence.

And, yeah, the poor grammar grates a bit!
Same here. None of the racists call it racism though, I think they like to call it valid concerns about the Pakis.

Chezz should the Pakis even be subject to laws?:crazy:
(regular laws of course, Sharia law being the best type of law for the nutjob left wing loons)

Should they have to pay taxes? No, right? :crazy:
Yes, I agree. Morrissey wasn’t referring to the Chinese government or all Chinese people, he was referring to the people in China who practice such gruesome and barbaric acts against other animals. A bit clumsy ? yes, some would say careless, but M being M and feeling as strongly as he does on this subject is only GIVING A VOICE TO THE VOICELESS IN ANY WAY HE CAN.

Then why didn't he say that "people who are cruel to animals are a sub-spacies"? No, he said that "the Chinese are a sub-species" -- which literally means that the Chinese people, no matter how they treat animals, are one rung lower on the evolutionary ladder. The idiot just put his foot in his mouth once again.
It's "anymore" when used as an adverb, not "any more".

Who pays when you and Chezz go to the 5o mile pub? Or after filling up the two you refuse to pay because payment and money is a white supremacist conspiracy?:rolleyes:

Its AFTER boozing it up that Commies remember the decadent capitalistic practices. Marx used to get liquored daily so its a time honored Pollo commie loon practice.:thumb:
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