New Release package symbols

Black Eyed

Isn't he gorgeous !!
The new singles and CD in the brown sleeves have yet more symbols. A curling serpent around a heart, an eye, a star and another symbol I dont recognise though I am sure some clever person on here will :confused:

Anyone got any ideas of meanings?

The odd looking symbol is a globe, as in "there's so much destruction all over the world." The snake? Well, snake symbolism goes back to the bible--the friend you hold close or trust who ends up betraying you. I found these traditional meanings in Wiki:
<LI class=toclevel-2>1.1 Deceitfulness <LI class=toclevel-2>1.2 Guardianship <LI class=toclevel-2>1.3 Poison and medicine <LI class=toclevel-2>1.4 Renewal, rebirth, regeneration <LI class=toclevel-2>1.5 Vengefulness and vindictiveness
At least the last two seem very pertinent to the song.
The odd looking symbol is a globe, as in "there's so much destruction all over the world." The snake? Well, snake symbolism goes back to the bible--the friend you hold close or trust who ends up betraying you. I found these traditional meanings in Wiki:
<LI class=toclevel-2>1.1 Deceitfulness <LI class=toclevel-2>1.2 Guardianship <LI class=toclevel-2>1.3 Poison and medicine <LI class=toclevel-2>1.4 Renewal, rebirth, regeneration <LI class=toclevel-2>1.5 Vengefulness and vindictiveness
At least the last two seem very pertinent to the song.

With the repeating pattern and the proximity of the head to the tail it might also be Uroboros, the mythological snake eatings its own tail, implying a closed circle ("All You Need Is Me") or infinite repetition of the behavior described in the song.

Or it could be the wallpaper in Morrissey's bathroom. ;)
I don't see them with mouths on tails, which seems deliberate. It would have been as easy to create foulard-like pattern with the snakes in rings, or poised to bite the tail of the next snake in line.

I’m not at place where my books are, but here’s the way I interpret these symbols. The snake, a largely masculine symbol, has been incorporated into a pattern that recalls three particular structures, the orobouros, or the snake biting it’s own tail, (reminiscent of the wheel of life we’re all subject to run around,) the vesica pisces, or the ultimate feminine symbol using the tails of the snake, and finally the caduseus which incorporates all four of the inner symbols, heart (above), sun (below), world (our stage) and eye (all-seeing). So in a way this designer has managed to transform the male symbol of the snake into the female symbol of the entry way using the principals of the caduseus. I could go into more detail but this is basically what’s going on. Very well done. Almost as good as the song it’s covering. ;)

As far as seeing the caduseus, you have to mirror one of the snakes I put in a rectangle and imagine the staff.
And in case anyone cares, snakes are interesting in that they are reptiles of the dry earth yet undulate and mimic the flow of water in their movement. In addition to that equalizing principle, they shed their skin, (even their eyeball skin!) in order to grow into a new snake. And while many associate snakes as being sinister, evil animals, the very venom that kills also has life saving, healing properties in it, making the venom in the right hands a miraculous paradox.
This snake pattern gives me the heebies 'cos they look like spermies under the microscope or skinny pernicious knids.
Doesn't he know that every sperm is sacred?
They belong in the vajayjay, not on single sleeves!

Speaking of vajayjay's, I also forgot to mention that the snake also embodies the feminine principle of renewal in that it sheds it's skin, much like the uterine lining is shed in cycle with the moon. I haven't read those links above, I hope I'm not repeating what's already been discussed.

And another thing, the snakes when caduseusing also form a lemniscate, the symbol of eternity. Whatever Morrissey's up to, he means business.
Speaking of vajayjay's, I also forgot to mention that the snake also embodies the feminine principle of renewal in that it sheds it's skin, much like the uterine lining is shed in cycle with the moon. I haven't read those links above, I hope I'm not repeating what's already been discussed.
I wish he wouldn't dabble in menstruation, it's miserable enough without him. :p
Tell me about it. Im just about done. I'm playing underwear roulette at the moment, unprotected gambling on being done. :)
Yeah, those snakes have nothing to do with ladies. It's ALL about cock and venom symbolism. Everything I said was bullshit. :p
the snakes look like they are doing the 69 position , the question is do snakes have bits LOL

They do. Here's a scene you wouldn't want to interrupt. Mating rattlers.

While we're staring at the back cover, can someone give a one line bio of each member in the "Mozz Posse" (why is it with two Zs?, or are my eyes going?)
Oh, and I'll go with the obvious and say the hissing snake represents umm, "hiss" in the lyrics.
Oh, and I'll go with the obvious and say the hissing snake represents umm, "hiss" in the lyrics.

I need to shave my legs. May I borrow your Occam's razor?
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