Nothing But Blue Skies For Stormzy … the gallows for Morrissey - Morrissey Central

Nothing But Blue Skies For Stormzy … the gallows for Morrissey - Morrissey Central
June 30, 2019

Stormzy: A Talentless Tool Of The Establishment - Morgoth's Review / YouTube (Morrissey mention/comparison starts ~3:35)
Published on June 29, 2019


Tweet posted by ForgotHowIGotMyName:

What the f*** is this?

Morrissey's been on the late night sauce again. This time is looks like a dig at Stormzy for having the temerity to be successful. Honestly I don't know what's going through his head. Locked in his bunker, railing at everyone else because he can't be that successful. He could have chosen anyone. He chose the black guy who said 'f*** Boris'.

One can only assume the trigger was finding the word 'Morrissey' in the comments on the video by the user 'Woden20', with some pretty horrific racist stuff underneath, including comments about 'negroids'. Really horrendous racist commentary. But Morrissey has no problem sharing it.

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I can think of few artists who have done more to represent the alienated than Morrissey. And now, in the same torment he sought to alleviate, the worms squirm and scream “crucify him, crucify him”.

Eaten bread is soon forgotten, that’s the way the story goes.
The comments on that guys video say everything. And he is linking this shit to his website? This is really the kind of stuff Morrissey is promoting now? Every time you think he can’t sink any lower.

“Culture has been weaponized against the ordinary indigenous Brits. It's quite a disgusting psychological tactic designed to demoralise and devalue us.”

“His songs are popular at KFC dont you know”

“Morrissey - "everyone prefers their own race" Not sure about Blacks, even they move away lol”

“I've never heard of this cretin before but he looks exactly like the guy who stole my bike ”

“I can't believe how many cucked white peopls actually listen to these beat mumblers.”

“Negroid pig-grunting intensifies.“

“They would be happier in Africa, they can't be oppressed by whitey there.”
No issue with sharing something full of racist commentary though. Maybe you're OK with that. Maybe he is.

I’ve yet to read it. Though, If it’s full of racist commentary, why would you post it here?

Just spreading the good news ?

It seems you really need someone or something to hate.
Maybe, but then so are Morrissey’s.
I dont think it's a good idea for Morrissey or whoever does the posting to put up something just because his name is mentioned.
Comparing or contrasting himself to a cretinous someone with lyrics about glassing someone in the face, meeting a slut at the club or million dollar pussy on my mattress, is beneath Morrissey. It's just base.
We know the music industry is stacked in favour of talentless Himbos and Bimbos but Morrissey has worked as an outsider to the industry and been respected for it.
Giving this kind of vlogger his attention is a waste of energy and as for stormzy and his "music" it's just fifteen miles of shit.
His fans do have an idea of how he feels but he needs to turn his attention towards something else. Politicians, youtube bloggers and journalists are all interested in furthering their own agendas on the strength of his name. I don't think he is benefitting himself in any way by feeding the machine. It's just consensus reality and at this point people are either awake to it or completely sucked in. There's just a little too much emphasis on hate at the moment and we're loving in a very polarised world manufactured by those who think they own us.
True artists can effect change but not from the 3D mindset.
"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the object it loves"
C. G. Jung.
Or as The Sparks said "lighten up Morrissey."
First a thanks to Uncle Skinny for proving us with Shit Stirring Sunday and generally whilst I don't for his pious lefty fascist attitude and posts, he's done the right thing this time. If Stormzy is reported as a talentless tool of the establishment then Morrissey is simply a tool. Why does he need to pick another fight using a third party right wing racist nut job? Somebody; and by this I mean his manager Peter Katsis, promoter Simon Moran and his friends such as Russell Brand need to tell him that he's caught up in an argument, indeed crusade, that he can never win, but he's doing so at the expense of his career, which whether you, me or anyone else likes it, is slowly going down the toilet. You can keep your moral high ground but you will lose your career. He's gone from once national treasure to national joke, but he won't leave it alone and continues to create his own problems. I love his music and on his best day find him very funny. However, it really is a an act of gross self harm that his colleagues and friends need to stop. Alternatively he could just pack it in and not be heard from again and protects what's left of his legacy. I'd be happy with this.

The right wing nutter Morrissey posted, who is anti Stormzy and his success essentially because he's black is plainly racist. Why can't M see that? The nut job criticises Stormzy for his on-stage messages delivered to the yes, mainly white, largely materially well off (enough to go to Glasto for the weekend) audience. So what's the problem with this? This has happened for time immemorial. After the early stages of punk, The Clash became the championed band of white middle class rebellious kids in the UK and US, led by one of their own in Joe Strummer. I like Joe as he knew this more than anyone. By highlighting this rant on his own website M leads himself open to further criticism of racism (I know he doesn't care), which the Guardian, Independent and NME will love to hear, pick up on and thus the merry go round continues. Website and shops bans, posters taken down to follow, chart placings drop and a career that goes further down the toilet. Fiona Dodwell, you can also do the right thing if you care about this man by telling it how it is and stop being his apologist. If anybody knows or speaks to M tell him that I'm not interested in his f***ing self righteous crusade for free speech – I'm aware of the worlds problems from where I see them. I just want to enjoy his music. I think California Son is a great album, which should still be in the charts and lauded for what it is. I ask why spend two years making such a great album to blow it by picking fights all over the place that you'll never win. To rub salt in the wound, nice guy Johnny Marr plays a Smiths song with the Killers at Glastonbury! Did you see it? Now there's popularity and enjoying your legacy.
The most contentious thing in the video is the implication ('Morgoth' doesn't say it outright) that blacks have a natural tendency to stab each other. I would say this at least needs substantiation. But to be fair, this is given in response to the implication that when black people do stab each other it's someone else's fault. These are murky waters and better sieved than stirred. Apart from that, the analysis of Stormzy's success as opposed to Morrissey's position of extreme disfavour, seems fairly accurate. Of course, there might be all kinds of details that need correcting if only we knew intimately the lives of the two under discussion.
The most contentious thing in the video is the implication ('Morgoth' doesn't say it outright) that blacks have a natural tendency to stab each other. I would say this at least needs substantiation. But to be fair, this is given in response to the implication that when black people do stab each other it's someone else's fault. These are murky waters and better sieved than stirred. Apart from that, the analysis of Stormzy's success as opposed to Morrissey's position of extreme disfavour, seems fairly accurate. Of course, there might be all kinds of details that need correcting if only we knew intimately the lives of the two under discussion.
The reason Stormzy is more popular than Morrissey isn’t unfair. Stormzy appeals to a much bigger demographic. I’m not really a fan but I can clearly see he’s great at what he does. And who knows where he’ll be in 20 years time? In just a few years, he’s clearly changed and developed. Whereas Morrissey is still writing the same song over and over again and he’s getting worse at it. His massive decline in album sales, ticket sales and popularity is only partly down to his racism. The other important factor is that he hasn’t made a completely good album since Vauxhall and I. We still live in hope, of course, but the chances of Morrissey doing anything new are pretty slim.
The most contentious thing in the video is the implication ('Morgoth' doesn't say it outright) that blacks have a natural tendency to stab each other. I would say this at least needs substantiation. But to be fair, this is given in response to the implication that when black people do stab each other it's someone else's fault. These are murky waters and better sieved than stirred. Apart from that, the analysis of Stormzy's success as opposed to Morrissey's position of extreme disfavour, seems fairly accurate. Of course, there might be all kinds of details that need correcting if only we knew intimately the lives of the two under discussion.

How many all black peaceful countries exist? None of the safest countries in the world are predominantly black.
Yesterday's Fiona Dodwell 'article' quoting Morrissey:
"The people who reduce every conversation down to a matter of race could be said to be the most traditionally ‘racist’ because everything in life is NOT exclusively a question of race, so why make it so? ”

Morrissey today - "Hey everyone, take a look at this horrifically racist shit I found on the web"

Also, this just in, an image of Morrissey while researching for this...


Are you still here ?
Another day
And new depths of embarrassment reached

Honestly, I was, up until recently, hoping that Moz could see sense and come back from this. But now, I don’t think he can.

I’m so embarrassed by him. After this post, I’m getting angry at him

I’m working my way through
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance...

Just acceptance to go
Then I can hopefully move on.

Those, still somehow defending him. I hope you are ok. I feel your pain.

I can’t actually believe today’s post.
It’s a stunner
Watching someone you loved, imploding, thrashing and blaming everyone else, when it is ALL 100% his own fault

I’m so angry with him.
It’s so embarrassing being associated with him.

You incels.
Black urban music has been the single WORST musical genre to ever come into existance in this country and plays a direct role into why London is stab central.
See it all here folks. When he says that we’re not to read the news, he doesn’t say that he gets his world view from cranks on YouTube. Explains a hell of a lot. I expect a tin foil hat on the next tour.
The main two points in that video are about the hypocrisy of Stormzy complaining about black-on-black stabbings while simultaneously appearing to glamourise it in his lyrics, and the hypocrisy of the status quo fawning over the dispossessed groups Stormzy highlights while simultaneously vilifying the dispossessed groups Morrissey highlights. Both are perfectly fair comment. That second point feeds into exactly why a lot of people voted for Brexit and but many still don’t seem to have grasped that. They think it’s just going to eventually go away by continuing to ignore those people.
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