Nothing But Blue Skies For Stormzy … the gallows for Morrissey - Morrissey Central

Nothing But Blue Skies For Stormzy … the gallows for Morrissey - Morrissey Central
June 30, 2019

Stormzy: A Talentless Tool Of The Establishment - Morgoth's Review / YouTube (Morrissey mention/comparison starts ~3:35)
Published on June 29, 2019


Tweet posted by ForgotHowIGotMyName:

What the f*** is this?

Morrissey's been on the late night sauce again. This time is looks like a dig at Stormzy for having the temerity to be successful. Honestly I don't know what's going through his head. Locked in his bunker, railing at everyone else because he can't be that successful. He could have chosen anyone. He chose the black guy who said 'f*** Boris'.

One can only assume the trigger was finding the word 'Morrissey' in the comments on the video by the user 'Woden20', with some pretty horrific racist stuff underneath, including comments about 'negroids'. Really horrendous racist commentary. But Morrissey has no problem sharing it.

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The video is vile just because he's mentioned in it doesn't mean he should of posted Morrissey Central could of been a good websitexample but it's like a child decided to make a scrapbook and then lost interest after a day then stuck any piece of crap in it

I wouldn’t call it ‘vile’ really, that’s just what a lot of modern hip hop artists sing about, it’s appropriate for the genre, and mainstream safe.
TRILL FOXTROT OSCAR AND GIVE US ALL PEACE,biggest bore on here,i await your big thumbs down.
The tweet in the video from Jeremy Corbyn, lol, what a f***in idiot this man is, what on earth is the next potential Prime Minister doing endorsing some rap star with clearly criminal lyrics, this fella should be sent to the f***in moon, maybe he will make more sense up there
This man Stormzy transmits a loud and clear message: hate towards women. I don't understand how the father of a girl, a son of a mother, a husband of a wife could support this monster. In the same way I don't understand (or I prefer not to understand) how they tolerate the spread of muslim ideology, based in women submission, in their own land.
Maybe this is another application of the dangerous political tactic called "construction of an enemy". Oh God, it is never a good idea. This is about controlling populations through terror and only psycopath leaders allow this.

See lyrics to: Kick the Bride Down the Aisle among others. Moz is not too keen on the women either. Always fascinated by this been overlooked
@Famous when dead

Be it pro or anti-Morrissey statements (personal criticisms pro or con by the poster of thread),
can’t they not show up on the main page when the user posts a thread?

I mean the user can post a thread, then of course if they choose, reply to their own thread that they posted, so it won’t show up on the face of the front page.

Anti or pro-Morrissey comments, to be fair of course. Is this possible?

View attachment 50699

Yes, this is very old news, and he also apologised for saying those things, which I commend him for. We’ve all said stupid things at one point when we were young and dumber. Morrissey just keeps saying horrible things that get worse and worse every time, but you and your racist cronies on here don’t see anything wrong with his uneducated, vile views. So, that says far more about you as a person than some dumb shit Stormzy tweeted years ago.
Why would anyone.............on a Morrissey into this awful f***ing garbage? Get the f*** away.

EXACTLY! Why would Morrissey post something like this on his personal website under the heading "MESSAGES FROM MORRISSEY"? It's embarrassing.
Yes, this is very old news, and he also apologised for saying those things, which I commend him for. We’ve all said stupid things at one point when we were young and dumber. Morrissey just keeps saying horrible things that get worse and worse every time, but you and your racist cronies on here don’t see anything wrong with his uneducated, vile views. So, that says far more about you as a person than some dumb shit Stormzy tweeted years ago.

Can’t blame the man, he’s playing the game, some folks are weak and so will apologize to the mainstream audience that they’re trying to appeal to. Money makes people do the strangest things.

‘Old news’ did you say ? ....

Try ‘former Smiths frontman’ ‘Bigmouth strikes again’ or ‘heaven knows he’s...’ etc. Never mind the redundant false accusations of racism.
Can’t blame the man, he’s playing the game, some folks are weak and so will apologize to the mainstream audience that they’re trying to appeal to. Money makes people do the strangest things.

‘Old news’ did you say ? ....

Try ‘former Smiths frontman’ ‘Bigmouth strikes again’ or ‘heaven knows he’s...’ etc. Never mind the redundant false accusations of racism.

Jesus, you and Stephen Rainmann should get a room together. The you and him can finger each other all night long, listening to your Blood and Honour records, and fantasising about living in your Vivienne Rook-Britain. You guys deserve each other.
@Famous when dead

Be it pro or anti-Morrissey statements (personal criticisms pro or con by the poster of thread),
can’t they not show up on the main page when the user posts a thread?

I mean the user can post a thread, then of course if they choose, reply to their own thread that they posted, so it won’t show up on the face of the front page.

Anti or pro-Morrissey comments, to be fair of course. Is this possible?

Forum posts are promoted to articles so it's sort of up to the person who posts them whether to add commentary. I can see how it wouldn't make sense to add commentary to their own post if it hasn't been promoted yet. It may be edited for the main page (as I did with this thread) and it could be filtered out on the main page but I try not to change the context of the original post or "hide" any opinions added.
This guy is spot on.

Stormzy is the death of British culture.

Have no doubt at all that it will 'Sir' Stormzy soon.

The establishment will not stop until British culture has been completely replaced.
Forum posts are promoted to articles so it's sort of up to the person who posts them whether to add commentary. I can see how it wouldn't make sense to add commentary to their own post if it hasn't been promoted yet. It may be edited for the main page (as I did with this thread) and it could be filtered out on the main page but I try not to change the context of the original post or "hide" any opinions added.

Okay. It’s just that personal commentary shows up on the face page,
and be it personal pro or con commentary from the poster, it just doesn’t seem to give the visitors to the site a chance to open the thread, read the thread and then really decide for themselves what they think.
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