"Pieces of Morrissey" by Matthew Jacobson - new book out Jan. 2017

An anonymous person sends the link:

Pieces of Morrissey - Adventures With The Moz Army by Matthew Jacobson.
Published by Empire Publications, released January 2017. Pre-order available now.

Morrissey is a cult.

But what drives fans' devotion? What makes them trek halfway round the world to catch his shows in the US or South America when he is playing in their city a few months later? Why do they fight over pieces of his shirt, thrown each night into the crowd?

Is this healthy? Should they seek help? Is Moz messainic or does he calculatedly whip the mob into a frenzy to maintain his status? And what of Morrissey's own adolescence and his obssessions with 50s rock 'n' rollers and stars such as Bowie and Patti Smith?

Morrissey devotee (and proud owner of an intact Moz shirt) Matt Jacobson examines his own obssession and that of his fellow fans to discover the lengths some will go to, to catch sight of their demi-god.

'please Moz we are not all the same' quando, thank goodness we are not, I couldn't handle more comments that. Let's be unique like you and cry and beg forgiveness to a website.
An anonymous person sends the link:

Pieces of Morrissey - Adventures With The Moz Army by Matthew Jacobson.
Published by Empire Publications, released January 2017. Pre-order available now.

Morrissey is a cult.


The only Moz-related book I've read is his autobiography. Are there any good bios out there? Non-fawning ones? This book embarrasses me a little. Am in the "Moz Army" because I am a fan? I mean I love Moz's work but I don't need a sweaty Morrissey shirt in my life. That cover is ghastly.
Thanks for proving my point Rose!
Take a good look at that list, most of those people/groups make a buck off of their questionable devotion. Case in point: tribute acts get paid ripping off Morrissey in a bar. Felton is two books into his financed devotion as well. But I understand Rose, just because they say it they must love him. They can still love him without taking advantage of his success as an equal opportunity employer.

QUOTE="Rose Ryder, post: 1986987730"]I have contacted on twitter, Matthew and contributions come from all Moz fans and also include Dickie Felton, Jamie Jones,singer songwriter Lisa Redford , tribute acts, The Smiths Indeed, The Smiths Ltd,Panic and Jim Thompson - These Smiths. These people all love Morrissey.......enough said.

100℅ agree . That notorious Morrissey look a like Ally, maybe weird and a bit of a c*** ( I've heard all sorts) but at least he's never been that desperate to skim off mozza and he's been been offered quite a lot of cash and a number of projects . He refuses point blank .
Good for him
Nutter but a principled one
The cover of this book is f***ing shite man .
So tiresome. How many more Moz Army acolites are going to whore themselves out in the name of their "true devotion and love" of Moz? Felton, Hammil, Hidalgo, Amore/Chavez and now this bottom feeder. Find your own talent, get yourself a real job and stop riding on the success of Morrissey! Are you all that desperate for money that you'd use him in this manner? Disgraceful and pathetic.
Don't forget to add that mozpedia thing to the mix.
The only Moz-related book I've read is his autobiography. Are there any good bios out there? Non-fawning ones? This book embarrasses me a little. Am in the "Moz Army" because I am a fan? I mean I love Moz's work but I don't need a sweaty Morrissey shirt in my life. That cover is ghastly.

I really enjoyed Rogans book morrissey the albums and a light that never goes out. Best to avoid st morrissey and morrissey FAQ. Also the selected interviews was neat but I guess there all online to
The reaction here to a book that hasn't been published is bordering hysterical. It just reinforces how far detached this site has come from the genuine fanbase.

Dickie's Felton and Aine Ni Chellagh's recent books are well written accounts of life following the tour. I'm not quite in the same league with less than 40 shows behind me, but the books describe what I've seen...a group of people who are happy and enjoying the journey. As in most arenas of life, not everyone you meet is perfect, but the vast majority are kind, intelligent and good conversation. They've made their decision to follow, not necessarily because they agree with every word Morrissey says, but because show nights are great nights, energising experiences that are always in some way unique, even if the set list varies little.

Some of you need to make your decision. The easy one is to come here and belittle an artist who perhaps you once admired but now rail against. The other is to find something positive to do and accept that your clever missives count for between zero and minus f*** all in the battle to see Mozzer off. And adding to the ever growing "which Morrissey fans do you hate" thread doesn't make you look clever either...just cowardly and shallow.


I've only flipped through it but it's more like a coffe table encyclopedia type deal. It gets a lot of thumbs up though and I remember fred, the member here, said he enjoyed it. Songs that saved your life is supposed to be really good and the smiths FAQ was great but it only covers the smiths. It's a different author than the morrissey FAQ. The morrissey one suffers from the author thinking it a book about there opinion on morrissey and his music rather than a book to inform and answer FAQ's. I mean one bit starts talking about b-sides and under a couple songs it just says sorry I don't like this song and moves on. It was annoying and offered far to much personal opinion sometimes over any info at all
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The real question here is: who's gonna buy it? Really, there's no actual reason to get a copy.
Well it's not a completely new idea so there must be some demand

Morrissey fandom

About the Author

Eoin Devereux is a senior lecturer and head of the Department of Sociology at the University of Limerick. Aileen Dillane is a performer and lecturer in music at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick. Martin Power teaches sociology at the University of Limerick.

And the review mentions that some solo members are quoted which is kinda funny

The review:

I have finally got around to perusing this book of essays released in August this year (2011) entitled 'Morrissey: Fandom, Representations and Identities', and co-edited by Eoin Devereux, Aileen Dillane and Martin J. Power. As a fan, I am finding much that is new in the material, and the discussions, for the most part, are illuminating. The authors have generally gone to some trouble to research the background to songs and events for the reader and to propose rationales, patterns and criticisms. It may take a few pages or chapters to acclimatise to the academic jingo, and no harm either to keep a dictionary to hand: is it ever?! Packaged like this, socio-cultural critique rocks - even if, in reading the volume, 'is that what I was doing?' might have been the frequent refrain running through Morrissey's mind!

Perhaps the most topical chapter is the fourth one, by Canadian Colin Snowsell: 'Fanatics, Apostles and NMEs'. In it a number of morrissey-solo.com posters are quoted by username, and comments there taken quite seriously. Fan theory is cited and fan behaviour described, if to a somewhat iterative and circular degree. The 2007 interview with the NME, the subsequent allegations, and range of fanbase reactions are covered in some detail, as is the gig retort about 'subspecies'. Included, a la Godwin, is a public comment (Billet) on the controversy: "If someone like Adolf Hitler said that, you'd talk about biological racism...", and it'd make sense to talk so, given someone of Hitler's character, beliefs and behaviour.
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Anyone who uses the phrase 'Moz Army' should be pushed over the nearest cliff.

I was pushed off the cliff in the early 2000's. Fell down a long way and both of my shoes fell off. The bad news is I could only find one of the shoes. The good news is I've since found my calling in life and opened a boutique where we sell single shoes. Some times life has a silver lining.
Well said, checking publishers website, they also published Morrissey's Manchester by Phill Gatenby.

You say that as if it's a positive. Gatenby is the grubbiest of all the opportunists who learned there is a few quid to be made from hawking any old nonsense with Morrissey's name on it.
So, in answer to the thread, which Morrissey fans do you hate? The answer is....all of them.
'please Moz we are not all the same' quando, thank goodness we are not, I couldn't handle more comments that. Let's be unique like you and cry and beg forgiveness to a website.

It's semantics but as you and I and everybody is unique, we do have that in common and so we are the same, everywhere.

I haven't done anything to that matter to ask for forgiveness, not to a website or anyone else either.

My plea to Moz was a failure to be " tongue in cheek " funny.
As if he would care!
Nice try? No, but at least I tried.
You say that as if it's a positive. Gatenby is the grubbiest of all the opportunists who learned there is a few quid to be made from hawking any old nonsense with Morrissey's name on it.

Grubby being the perfect discription. And his breath is rank.
I reckon another Brit trying to cash in on Morrissey. I reckon no wonder why he hates "the UK". I reckon me really hope "Steven" never sees the light of the day. I reckon this boke is just a wannabe lil Sammy with all his "photographs". Even lil' Sammy has more talent.
How is idea of people writing books about their hero - become the reason Morrissey hates the UK. Have you ever thought - Felton, Hamill, Gatenby and Goddard - really like Morrissey ? It is not a crime to write about your hero ? Ebay has several thousand items ready for sale yet nothing is said about this. Hats off to the people who at least try . There seems to be a lot of bitterness to those who actually do something creative and yet the Moz trolls - well they seem to enjoy slagging off fans ? Its a bizarre world , its a cruel world - full of keyboard gangsters ....Good luck to all the writers - this world wont listen.
How is idea of people writing books about their hero - become the reason Morrissey hates the UK. Have you ever thought - Felton, Hamill, Gatenby and Goddard - really like Morrissey ? It is not a crime to write about your hero ? Ebay has several thousand items ready for sale yet nothing is said about this. Hats off to the people who at least try . There seems to be a lot of bitterness to those who actually do something creative and yet the Moz trolls - well they seem to enjoy slagging off fans ? Its a bizarre world , its a cruel world - full of keyboard gangsters ....Good luck to all the writers - this world wont listen.

Don't know really if he hates the UK for that or any other reason.
It's okay to write a book about your hero as long as it is an interesting read.

But if you read one of them you've read them all I'm afraid.
I don't have the time nor the money to buy them all, just looking and hoping for that one that is really great.
I read two of them and now I know enough.

Same goes for most, more valued, nonfan books with a certain pretention. Although I appreciate the info, a lot of it has to be seen in a different light. In hindsight of course. Allways.

It's not about the criticism, that's okay, but have all these books and I've read 4 or 5 of them like Severed Alliance, Mozipedia and that one of David Brett really bring that what is important to know about Moz? The more mystifying and mysterious Moz became, the more people felt challenged to unravel that mystery and were in some kind of competition with him.

And all of them, commercially intended, or not, use their subject as a mean of attention and therefore there is an exploitive motive.
Jump on the bandwagon effect.

I don't know Moz but would feel wary, even when praised.
And to a certain degree I would think about playing that game too and get as much out of it as possible.
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