Portland, OR - Schnitzer Concert Hall (Oct. 31, 2017) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


You'll Be Gone / I Wish You Lonely / I Started Something I Couldn't Finish / Spent The Day In Bed / Alma Matters / Speedway / When You Open Your Legs / Home Is A Question Mark / Istanbul / When Last I Spoke To Carol / How Soon Is Now? / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / The Bullfighter Dies / Jack The Ripper / Back On The Chain Gang / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / All The Young People Must Fall In Love / Ganglord / Meat Is Murder / Everyday Is Like Sunday // Suedehead / Shoplifters Of The World Unite

Setlist provided by an anonymous person

  • Morrissey Previews New Album at U.S. Tour Opener in Portland on Halloween by Robert Ham - Billboard. Link posted by Famous when dead.
  • Photos by Sam Gehrke Photography (9 total) - Official Morrissey / Facebook. Link posted by Famous when dead.
  • Photos (2 total) from @samgehrkephotography / Instagram. Link posted by an anonymous person.

  • Chrissie Hynde backdrop during "Back On The Chain Gang" posted by an anonymous person:

  • Image from @farkomalarco / Instagram. Link posted by Famous when dead.

    Creeps #MorrisseyTour2017 #Halloween
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Exactly, and I'm not even clamoring for more Smiths songs at this point - it could just be a much nicer show that spans and celebrates his solo career.

I recently saw DM, they played 3 songs from the new album. The remainder of the set covered songs from 8 past albums. It was fun and that's one reason DM can sell out so many shows in larger venues (a record 4 nights at the Hollywood Bowl) - it's not the same show tour after tour.

Your comparing apples and oranges mate.
Dave and Alain are at a different level. Morrissey has turned into circus side show and Depeche Mode are first class group.
Well it might not have sold out but it still looks pretty well attended. I was happy to hear his voice so smooth. In the BBC showcase it sounded a little rough but not hear
Long gong are the days when I was excited to hear Speedway live...

I was thinking about going to one of the Hollywood Bowl shows, but that setlist isn't that great.

With all the songs that Moz, has from his Solo and the Smiths, he could have the crowd going wild....

But no sorry that can't the case.

Believe me, if you were a real Moz fan, then you'd just buy a ticket for the 2nd night at the Hollywood Bowl and just go and watch and listen. Life moves on.

These pricks just don't have the bollocks to tell him to go and 4ck spiders ! :rofl:
What bunch of c##ts they look :mock: 4kin hilarious.
He should make them wear a condom on their heads next performance.

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Oh dear, things were looking promising. And then YOU arrive, Benny.
I actually thought that it was a great band photo. And a great band too, just incase you've not heard them live Benny.

Well, from what I'm reading it's not so much playing the same set each night ... it's playing so much of the same set tour after tour. Of course, he can and does play what HE wants, but at the same time, he's largely playing to the same audience ... so, why the lack of variety? I think it's a valid discussion point on a fan site.
Damn right it is. If Moz walked on stage and read the ingredients on a can of beans some people here would praise it. A Moz concert is great but is a shadow of the way his concerts used to be. The pre Quarry UK tour was amazing as was the Quarry tour. Some of the more recent tours have been good but they don't compare in quality to the 90s and early to mid 2000s. It all seems more canned and by the numbers these days. I'm still looking forward to Dublin though. Moz is still better than everyone else.
Jesse is a limited guitarist.

Firstly the only limited person is YOU, Anonymouse. Partially because you must be tone deaf and secondly because you are obviously not a guitarist, not even a limited guitarist. Because if you had any musical ability - WHATSOEVER - then you'd know about Jesse's pedals and cables, that have more brains than you.

So bye-bye Anonymouse. You weren't even good in your time !

Better to reign in hell then to serve in heaven, just because I tell it like I see it people get all ass hurt. Also I don’t wanna hear about your parents heroin problems and don’t try to pass them off as mines. If you want someone to talk to about your problems because mommy and daddy didn’t hug you enough I suggest you seek out therapy. Also if you can’t handle a few insults on the internet then maybe you should log off and never get on it again. You tossed ass wanker.


Damn right it is. If Moz walked on stage and read the ingredients on a can of beans some people here would praise it. A Moz concert is great but is a shadow of the way his concerts used to be. The pre Quarry UK tour was amazing as was the Quarry tour. Some of the more recent tours have been good but they don't compare in quality to the 90s and early to mid 2000s. It all seems more canned and by the numbers these days. I'm still looking forward to Dublin though. Moz is still better than everyone else.

" If Moz walked on stage and read the ingredients on a can of beans some people here would praise it."

It depends. :)
On how it was done. How he sings it, the faces he pulls, and how the music was accompanying it. :rolleyes:
He is the only one who could do it and the absurdity of it all would be quite entertaining, for me. And funny.
I like it when he goes in that territory.

And his critical following all going, whaa, that's absurd, he can't do that.
Then he wants to prove he can.
He challenges his fans and they are challenging him.
Don't do this, Moz, don't do that and he goes why not?

By the way the ingredients of a can of beans are beans and a very good replacement for meat.
So, if that doesn't do it, I don't know what will. :D
Reckon me like the cowboy poncho the chap with the glasses is wearing. Reckon do any of you lots know an online store that ships to Azkabanshire City United? Reckon the poncho would look top mental with me New York Yankee baseball cap!!

Poor Boz. He just goes with the flow.
That photo of the band in Halloween outfit is funny!
Study their faces.
But Moz could made a contribution too.
Why is isn't in this picture wearing something hilarious?
Making fun of himself?
He seems so serious now-a-days. :rolleyes:

What is he saying.. Grabbed you by???

What is he saying.. Grabbed you by???

Well, considering the position of his hands and the form they seem to take, I would say,.......I don't know. For sure. :o
For those of you actually trying to defend Jesse's playing ability, please listen to the way he plays the intro to Back on the Chain Gang. It's pitiful. Morrissey keeps musicians around because they're obedient and comfortable taking his shit, not because they're especially gifted. I think this is obvious to anyone paying attention.
The Heinz baked beans. It's a tinned, legume-based delicacy.

Thanks. That's pretty funny and still fits the song. I don't really like this song but this is an excellent version of it.
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