Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I've tried...but I'm like...too rich for aid but too po' to pay out of pocket. *sigh*

Thanks. I'm going to assume your feelings are usually right:thumb: (or atleast I hope so:D)

:( Plan! Live in Scotland for three years and then go to university, you won't have to pay fees but will have to pay a graduate endowment fee or something. Or live in England/Wales/possibly Northern Ireland for three years and go to university in Scotland and pay around £2,000 in fees per year. But maybe if you're in E/W for three years you'll qualify for a loan in which case you can pay off your fees and stuff when you start working! How exciting! I'm tired.
And whilst the system alluded to above undoubtedly has its flaws and is imperfect, it is far preferable to being priced out of university.
:( Plan! Live in Scotland for three years and then go to university, you won't have to pay fees but will have to pay a graduate endowment fee or something. Or live in England/Wales/possibly Northern Ireland for three years and go to university in Scotland and pay around £2,000 in fees per year. But maybe if you're in E/W for three years you'll qualify for a loan in which case you can pay off your fees and stuff when you start working! How exciting! I'm tired.

Well, I should be able to afford it after a semester and a half off...Rutgers University isn't too bad (where I went)...about $20,000 a year with housing.

And whilst the system alluded to above undoubtedly has its flaws and is imperfect, it is far preferable to being priced out of university.

You'd better believe it
Well, I should be able to afford it after a semester and a half off...Rutgers University isn't too bad (where I went)...about $20,000 a year with housing.

You'd better believe it

Oh, good. I'm glad you can go back eventually! :) (If that doesn't work out (fingers crossed it will), Scotland is calling you. We have a couch you can surf for a few years.)

This is the woman who, when we were girls, put a pair of headphones on my head and said, "Listen to this!" It was Panic, the first time I ever heard Morrissey's voice. It was like an epiphany I couldn't describe then and can barely describe now. She has a baby. :love: Facebook is rather amazing.

This is the woman who, when we were girls, put a pair of headphones on my head and said, "Listen to this!" It was Panic, the first time I ever heard Morrissey's voice. It was like an epiphany I couldn't describe then and can barely describe now. She has a baby. :love: Facebook is rather amazing.

Too cool.
I'm writing this big long thing that nobody'll read anyway and I hate writing and I just want to be sleeping or lazily watching The Soup Presents! in my own bed (as opposed to housesitting beds I've been in forever but I'm home now thank God) but tomorrow I gotta paint these dogs in exchange for a fancy $200 haircut because bartering is better, especially when you're poor. :p
Well, I should be able to afford it after a semester and a half off...Rutgers University isn't too bad (where I went)...about $20,000 a year with housing.

Have you thought about taking a few classes at a community college? Lots of benefits to it. Certainly a lot cheaper. Transfer those credits so that you get a few gen ed courses out of the way. Also, it can keep you on schedule for graduation. And of course, presumably, it'll keep you occupied...because, of course, idle hands, devil's tools and all that.
I like your odds! :thumb: Good luck *positive vibes* We may have something to celebrate on the 20th! Besides seeing eachother & life itself. :)

My effin' post got eatened by this effin' computer.


Yes, I hope so. It can't get worse. How many Stellas can I drink? May I crash at your place? I promise to actually sleep there this time. Cross my heart. :o


This is the woman who, when we were girls, put a pair of headphones on my head and said, "Listen to this!" It was Panic, the first time I ever heard Morrissey's voice. It was like an epiphany I couldn't describe then and can barely describe now. She has a baby. :love: Facebook is rather amazing.

PM me her addy so I can send her flower. I can afford one daisy, but Lord knows she deserves it.

I found my old-time Smiffs buddy on FB. She's a divorced, childless pharmacy tech in Oklahoma now. I remember sitting on the bus on a field trip to Dachau (yes, that Dachau, don't ask) sharing a pair of earphones listening to Strangeways. On cassette. Before there was a Viva Hate. :tears:

Have you thought about taking a few classes at a community college? Lots of benefits to it. Certainly a lot cheaper. Transfer those credits so that you get a few gen ed courses out of the way. Also, it can keep you on schedule for graduation. And of course, presumably, it'll keep you occupied...because, of course, idle hands, devil's tools and all that.

My state has a reciprocity program which ensures that general education classes are applicable at any state university. It's allowing me to take a BA in only four trimesters, using mostly stale-dated (15+ year old) classes. Thank Jah.

Also, my weird no-name state university is turning out to be rather cool. I'm applying for admission to the grad program. :D
Have you thought about taking a few classes at a community college? Lots of benefits to it. Certainly a lot cheaper. Transfer those credits so that you get a few gen ed courses out of the way. Also, it can keep you on schedule for graduation. And of course, presumably, it'll keep you occupied...because, of course, idle hands, devil's tools and all that.

I already kind of took up my electives and nonmajor requirements...and the CC of my county doesn't have classes for my major (this is why I stayed at of the best cultural anthro departments in the country).

Plus, I don't drive D:
Sorry to say this but Dublin is a living, breathing head cold at the minute; rain, rain, rain. :(

I saw a forecast up to Saturday for Dublin and it defo looks like I should bring my umbrella, doh!
I'm getting a cold I think.

1. Sneezing
2. Coughing
3. Serious Aches


Maybe it's karma for laughing at Dublin being a headcold. God's all, "Now you are Dublin. Take that!"
I'm realising how nice it is to do nothing. My 3 year old broke his foot falling out of a tree & after the hospital stuff yesterday it has been nice to kind of be forced to do not much - although how much longer he can take being inside I'm not sure about.
Im thinking 'why can't i get rid of this cold!' I've had it for 4 weeks and its just getting worse and worse ¬¬ 5th day off college aswell ¬¬!
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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