Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I feel this palpable sadness and I don't know particularly why, exactly. :confused:
If I leave now, I can walk down to MickeyD's get some of those mcgriddle thingies as I bop along to my ipod and listen to more Crystal Castles
I want to have soup but my saucepan (a Sainsbury's Basics one I bought at the beginning of October) is falling apart and beginning to rust. Rusty minestrone, mmm. I think not.
I have forgone gym class tonight cos of my stupid stuffy throat, am opting to listen to the Them Crooked Vultures album instead :thumb:.
Why do people call me at 9.30 to make me go out and drink? Look, it's November it's cold and I am watching films with Keira Knightley! Can't a dog relax? :mad:
I never got that cold I thought I was getting last night. I guess I just feel like crap for no reason.
My friend Tim just wrote this on my wall:

Danielle. I must tell you. I f***ing love you. And I don't want recent occurances to break you down. You are such a strong, bright, loving girl and you will bounce back. So many people that rose to prominence had bad things just like this happen to them and they bounced back. I can f***ing see your life and it will be ...charmed. You will get everything you need from it. This shit is only serving to make you a better person which is hard to do because you already shine brighter than a supernova. Your love and intelligence knows no bounds. Rutgers does not deserve you because you could go to many better schools throughout the world but you had to settle on them. You are too smart for them. You and a lot of your friends, actually. The way things work is pretty f***ed up when I see shit like this happen. And yet your philosophy on life is still amazing because you actually know that you will have to work hard and adknowledge that rather than taking handouts and begging and throwing a pity party. And I know you will work hard and show the world just how spectacular you are. You are a rare spirit and people should feel lucky to know you. Anyway, just thought I'd tell you that. ♥

I cried.
^ awww :sweet: what a friend! I wholeheartedly agree with Tim. :) Hang in there, kid (how many times have I said that to you? :o:p) If you get to the end of your rope, just tie a big knot and hang on!!

My dh just called me from Ireland in severe heartburn pain. He forgot his Nexium Rx at home. He can't sleep and didn't sleep for the 10 hour trip over there either. :squiffy: These things only seem to happen to him... :rolleyes: :drama:
MindlessRuffian, you are an awesome chick. Good things will come to you. Just keep fighting the good fight. Things will swing your way. There will be other potholes in the road, the important thing is that you stay in the game, never give up.
if you swallow air can you get hiccups?


Why does my cat half summersualt on her head, and ends up falling asleep on her head upside down =/
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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