Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Dood, it's the last molar on the bottom. You try it. I have a normal tongue, I've never had any complaints. :cool::D

Apparently I have Super Tongue because I can maneuver it around my back molars with the precision of a brain surgeon. :D

Happy Birthday Moz! :sweet:
Bananas are SO much better when they are green.

Working 2 jobs, 7 days a week is pretty much shite.

Having eye candy/secret crushes at one of the jobs makes it A LOT easier. :blushing:
Is it weird that I don't like to put milk in my tea? Something about it disgusts me.
Skinner, what is that animal in your signature?
Skinner, what is that animal in your signature?

It's the Tasmanian Tiger or Wolf. Watch the Howling III and you'll learn about them a bit he he. I do think they were wonderful creatures though. Too bad man wiped them out in the 1930's :tears:

I prefer overripe.

That's the epitome of shite. :(

Glad there's a silver lining. :)

Over ripe=:sick:

90% of the time I am ok with it. I haven't had a day off since Jan. 3rd and probably won't have a day off until mid Feb. I just take things one day or week at a time and it's not so bad. When you are in the midst of a huge store opening, things are busy for a while then they settle down.

As for the crush, yes I am in a relationship, however, I'm not dead. It's fine to look at and freindly chat with others. No harm no foul. If it makes working all these hours a little better, I'm ok with that. :cool:
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I haven't felt this good in a long time.
Hot chocolate on a cold night is awesome.
Blah is halb backwards, which is "half" in german. So if someone says blah blah, their saying "half half" kinda which makes a "whole" which alludes to All is One. Dr. Bronner would be so proud. :p
What a joke that my kid's school has a nurse on staff only two days a week. And when she is there, she's useless. Of course she wasn't there today when my 5 yr old puked in the classroom. I can't believe the teacher had to quarantine her from the other kids in the class and let the other kids play while they waited together nearly an hour for me to get there. No backup. Good plan. :rolleyes:
I hope there is a janitor on staff five days a week :sick:

What a joke that my kid's school has a nurse on staff only two days a week. And when she is there, she's useless. Of course she wasn't there today when my 5 yr old puked in the classroom. I can't believe the teacher had to quarantine her from the other kids in the class and let the other kids play while they waited together nearly an hour for me to get there. No backup. Good plan. :rolleyes:
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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