Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I hope there is a janitor on staff five days a week :sick:

Yeah at least he showed up. :p I can't believe he rolled up the play carpet rather than pick up the pile of puke first before doing so. :confused::sick:

My kid's never sick. Unless I have a deadline at work. :rolleyes:
What a joke that my kid's school has a nurse on staff only two days a week. And when she is there, she's useless. Of course she wasn't there today when my 5 yr old puked in the classroom. I can't believe the teacher had to quarantine her from the other kids in the class and let the other kids play while they waited together nearly an hour for me to get there. No backup. Good plan. :rolleyes:

Awww......poor thing.
Is she feeling better now?
Awww......poor thing.
Is she feeling better now?

Thanx, she took a nap & is watching cartoons and sippin on a juice box. Said her tummy still hurts but I think the puking is over...I've got the garbage can next to her just in case. I was just thinking this morning how my kids haven't been sick in a really long time. *jinxed*
I think the winter olympics promises to be very entertaining.
What a joke that my kid's school has a nurse on staff only two days a week. And when she is there, she's useless. Of course she wasn't there today when my 5 yr old puked in the classroom. I can't believe the teacher had to quarantine her from the other kids in the class and let the other kids play while they waited together nearly an hour for me to get there. No backup. Good plan. :rolleyes:

My kids school won't put plasters on if they bleed incase of allergies or administer paracetomol.Bonkers...just let them bleed and have a fever.:mad:
I've been holding in my sneezes all afternoon because I don't want to get the people who I'm housesitting for who I deliver to LAX to go to India for a month to get sick. They're in the other room and now I'm sneezing and OH MY GOD IT FEELS SO EFFING GOOD TO SNEEZE OUT LOUD. Better than sex.
I saw someone today I haven't seen for four years, it was very odd, she's exactly the 17 year old I would have expected her to be when she was 13. Not sure how much sense that makes...
Got a bastard of a headache. And I seem to have been under the misconception that I cared about Lester D Longman's criticism of the 1962 'Art of Assemblage' exhibition.
I have an alien in my wrist named Hector. :tears:

So I had this cyst removed but it didn't work, the doctor couldn't get it, just ruptured it. So I'm supposed to leave the bandages on until tomorrow morning but took them off to shower and they got super dirty. I swear to God, the flippin thing is ALREADY growing back. :mad: It's been two days!
I have an alien in my wrist named Hector. :tears:

So I had this cyst removed but it didn't work, the doctor couldn't get it, just ruptured it. So I'm supposed to leave the bandages on until tomorrow morning but took them off to shower and they got super dirty. I swear to God, the flippin thing is ALREADY growing back. :mad: It's been two days!
I am sorry to hear that, bb. Pictures!!!
I am sorry to hear that, bb. Pictures!!!

This is before, a few months ago. I don't want to show the current pics because there's stiches and it might offend people not into Frankenstien wrist. :sick:

Blah is halb backwards, which is "half" in german. So if someone says blah blah, their saying "half half" kinda which makes a "whole" which alludes to All is One. Dr. Bronner would be so proud. :p

yeah, but no one says "blah, blah". It's "blah, blah, blah" which is 1.5. When one points, three point back and 2 point forward, (thumb and index). The index is the part of the book no 1 ever reads. Therefore "blah blah blah" is the part no one pays attention to.
yeah, but no one says "blah, blah". It's "blah, blah, blah" which is 1.5. When one points, three point back and 2 point forward, (thumb and index). The index is the part of the book no 1 ever reads. Therefore "blah blah blah" is the part no one pays attention to.

Actually the thumb points up which is 12:00. If you take the 1.5 and flip the 5 upside down you get 12 which is half a rotation of a full day yet 12 months complete a full year or one trip around the sun. Duh.
Dave, you know I was totally effing with you, right? Some symbolism is weirdly relevant, not all of it. :p
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