Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I wish more and more that I was a dandyish gay man. if I were I would be okay with getting old. I would just put on a velvet blazer and a paisley ascot and sit by the fire drinking port and life would be good.
Rifke, back of the start of the year I was suddenly struck with the idea that maybe I was a gay man trapped in a straight woman’s body. I think I may very well have been so much happier as a gay man. And still able to enjoy so many of the same things. I told one of my friends and she offered to transition with me and be my first little cub.
Rifke, back of the start of the year I was suddenly struck with the idea that maybe I was a gay man trapped in a straight woman’s body. I think I may very well have been so much happier as a gay man. And still able to enjoy so many of the same things. I told one of my friends and she offered to transition with me and be my first little cub.
I've always known I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body. It's perfectly legal for me to chase women around.
All these so called Morrissey and Smiths fans. Have you been to his house? Have you tried to write songs of your own? Do you live in the UK? Have you spoken to Mrs Morrissey? Have you sung your heart out at the end of the night just because you can? Do you live the life? I've done all these things and I'm more of a fan than any of you will ever be. I was there from the start and I'm still here. I know what Morrissey and the Smiths are all about. I will carry on living the dream. I have a postcard from Mike Joyce praising me for my efforts with my demo tape. How many of you have tried that hard?
Few if any, good on you!
Thinking I lost all my enthusiasm for life. I don't even know the exact moment when it happened. It's weird.
That happens to everyone and I did not lost it so much as I just let go of it and retired from life altogether. I should write a book about retiring from life to tell people that all the things they have going on is not worth it as much as they think. The more involved in life you are the more dependant of other people you become and around people you always know that the majority of them will end up hating your guts and talking shit behind your back.
I want you to explain more precisely what it is you are feeling at this point of your life and why you think that is.
Thinking I lost all my enthusiasm for life. I don't even know the exact moment when it happened. It's weird.
This is what Jordan Peterson talks about, the chaos we are currently finding ourselves in. Women are told to avoid their natural urges so they had to turn into men and just became confused creating a bigger divide between men and women and as always women ending up on the losing side.
I'd say your body and mind is yearning for you to become a mother and find that traditional role that women are supposed to have in life.
You either do that or your lose your purpose in life and the enthusiasm is gone. But I am not judging you in any way and there is a wild theory about the earth and the frequency it sends out and the planet is in change and is crying a loud weeping sound out into space and this affects us humans.
Not so (witty) In fact, you’re an idiot.
You just hate the truth and facts just like your traitor family member from Sweden did. You and others hoped for a white supremacist with Hitler tattooed on his back but instead you got a native indian bodybuilder with a brain on steroids.
Please call John Wayne!
I am so surprised what a small minded person you are but then again hanging with black people and working at some diner all your life without having any kids tells me not even the black men would not go that far for some nooky.
Lost in translation, apparently
Oh no, not getting away with playing more stupid that you are. I can tell this is a sensitive topic.
Sorry, but I hate all swedes even the ones that had to run away like loser to that british colony full of pipe bomb making native indians on steroids and moonshine.
You just hate the truth and facts just like your traitor family member from Sweden did. You and others hoped for a white supremacist with Hitler tattooed on his back but instead you got a native indian bodybuilder with a brain on steroids.
Please call John Wayne!
I am so surprised what a small minded person you are but then again hanging with black people and working at some diner all your life without having any kids tells me not even the black men would not go that far for some nooky.
Bye, Felicia
Bye, Felicia

"Felicia disappeared, could anyone say how?
Like the bird out of its cage
Like the ice when it's raining
Like love when it hurts
Luckily without return
Felicia disappeared, could anyone say how?

Felicia is dead, death is my only hope
Lost her body
She was taken by the water spirit
And down into the river he dragged her
She never floated up
Felicia is dead, lost her body

Felicia disappeared, Felicia goodbye
We must all die
You kissed me on my mouth
You smiled and went missing
Your meat was also hay
Felicia disappeared, Felicia goodbye

Felicia disappeared, could anyone say how?
Like the bird out of its cage
Like the ice when it's raining
Like love when it hurts
Luckily without return
Felicia disappeared, could anyone say how?"

And in his native tongue dutch which is also a tribute to Gerrit who had many a ladies in his time:

Bye, Felicia
Rifke, back of the start of the year I was suddenly struck with the idea that maybe I was a gay man trapped in a straight woman’s body. I think I may very well have been so much happier as a gay man. And still able to enjoy so many of the same things. I told one of my friends and she offered to transition with me and be my first little cub.
not forgetting the fact that gay men are on average so much better and funnier and more attractive than straight men. that's reason enough, right there. what, pray, is a cub?
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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