Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland security

Update March 10 - true-to-you.net

Morrissey is presently being treated in San Francisco for "double pneumonia", but remains on course to headline the Vive Latino festival in Mexico City on March 14. Morrissey's show at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco will now take place on May 1. His show at Washington's National Theater for April 5 has sold out within eight seconds.

Morrissey has apologized for the "extreme and silly" venue security at Portland's Arlene Schnitzer Theater during his show there (March 8), commenting: "place an obese McDonalds fry-girl into a venue security uniform and she is suddenly Eva Braun."
Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

Friend just heard on the radio a report that the whole tour is canceled. I can't find this anywhere online so I assume it's just bad "reporting". He didn't say if a later report noted Bowie had just released a " purple monkey dishwasher". -MR

Just ask the 'Ambitious insider' if you want to know whats the score, he's been bang on the money in the past. Unless his people have sussed out who the mole is !
If you check back to the start of the tour 'Ambitious insider' predicted something on the lines of "Morrissey will be left asking big questions of himself" (It was about third show I think)

Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

Just ask the 'Ambitious insider' if you want to know whats the score, he's been bang on the money in the past. Unless his people have sussed out who the mole is !
If you check back to the start of the tour 'Ambitious insider' predicted something on the lines of "Morrissey will be left asking big questions of himself" (It was about third show I think)

Puh-leeze. Don't give AI the credit. He/she has been about as accurate as a tarot card reader. The "predictions" are sufficiently vague as to fit any possible situation. I notice he/she is conspicuously silent on the Mexico show that we're all so on tenterhooks about. I'm just hanging in to call bullshit, again.
Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

People , morrissey is canceled for mexico city , breaking news

Based on what? I bet he's on his way home to England to watch television and recuperate if that's true. I hope anyway. I don't mean to wear my mom jeans and all that but the poor guy needs NO STRESS if he has pneumonia and an ulcer and whatever and this constant rescheduling has to be nerve wracking. It's ridiculous.

MORRISSEY! Dr. Barnett says wear your jammies all day and watch television in your own bed and sleep in and listen to music and take walks and zen the f*** out, man.
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I think it's true...can anyone translate this?


Link from a post on Viva Latino 2013 Facebook page.

EDIT: Google translation:

The English musician Morrissey canceled his participation in the Vive Latino for health.

Although the production company Ocesa had denied rumors of the cancellation of the musician, head of the cartel on the first day, which arose from the alleged Morrissey hospitalized a few days ago in California, USA, tonight confirmed he will not participate in the festival.

Before the cancellation, the bands that were scheduled for Thursday March 14 will be rescheduled for Friday 15.
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Yep - it's true...


Link from a post on Viva Latino 2013 Facebook page.

EDIT: Google translation:

The English musician Morrissey canceled his participation in the Vive Latino for health.

Although the production company Ocesa had denied rumors of the cancellation of the musician, head of the cartel on the first day, which arose from the alleged Morrissey hospitalized a few days ago in California, USA, tonight confirmed he will not participate in the festival.

Before the cancellation, the bands that were scheduled for Thursday March 14 will be rescheduled for Friday 15.
Good. Hey Morrissey, I have a 2 bedroom coming up. Can you afford $1095 a month? We check your credit and there's a $500 deposit. :D Close proximity to the laundry room, parking garage, next to a funny Italian lady...think about it! :p
Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

Good. Hey Morrissey, I have a 2 bedroom coming up. Can you afford $1095 a month? We check your credit and there's a $500 deposit. :D Close proximity to the laundry room, parking garage, next to a funny Italian lady...think about it! :p

Hey, yo...we're still living in it! Gimme a sec to stuff my gear in a Hefty bag and scat! LOL...actually. my house is 4 bedrooms...flood-control pump included!
Quiet neighborhood and all the cute forest animals you can handle- owls, foxes (no one hunting them) city deer, coyotes, skunks, groundhogs, hawks, Blue Herons, ducks (no Dy-Nasty people) squirrels- (2 kinds), possums, raccoons. I'll even throw in a Bird-Watching handbook at no extra cost!
I'm also a funny Italian lady next door, but I promise to tone down the garlic...even though I know of the tremendous health benefits of garlic...haven't had any trouble from vampires ever. ;)
Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

Hey, yo...we're still living in it! Gimme a sec to stuff my gear in a Hefty bag and scat! LOL...actually. my house is 4 bedrooms...flood-control pump included!
Quiet neighborhood and all the cute forest animals you can handle- owls, foxes (no one hunting them) city deer, coyotes, skunks, groundhogs, hawks, Blue Herons, ducks (no Dy-Nasty people) squirrels- (2 kinds), possums, raccoons. I'll even throw in a Bird-Watching handbook at no extra cost!
I'm also a funny Italian lady next door, but I promise to tone down the garlic...even though I know of the tremendous health benefits of garlic...haven't had any trouble from vampires ever. ;)

Sounds lovely! Do you live in a house made of mirrors, though? ;)
Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

Sounds lovely! Do you live in a house made of mirrors, though? ;)

LOL...one of my students one day says, "I'm sick of seeing you!" and I said, "Me too, that's why I took all the mirrors down in my house!"

Awwww.....just checked Morrissey's FB page. The Mexican fans are sad...lots of posts in Spanish with sad faces. So it must be Verdad! No Morrissey aqui. Lo siento. Sadly. Italian lady knows more Spanish than Italian! But CG, I totally dug your agida comment...and LOL'd.
Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

Friend just heard on the radio a report that the whole tour is canceled.

Crystal , it is cancelled trust me , there's gonna be some press conference from the Vive Latino in brief ..

Im deleting most of this AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!:the lot!!
My daughter has tony visconti,s e-mail address, as she knows him, maybe she can message tony 2 get a bit of first hand info!

Im just going 2 pop onto 2 www.true-to-you.net 2 see whats happening!

Ps if Im glad the other topic posted earlier 2day, has been deleted from of the forum, I read the whole lot, by far the worse Id ever seen in my life ! :(
And im not going to repeat any of what I read if anyone asks! Its best left unsaid!
Thank goodness there IS some proper moderation on here and the whole lot was deleted!
Probabally Kewpie as the lead and best moderater removed it! :)
Thank you for that, her family would of been devisted had they read it !
Im very open minded and all for freedom of speach ect, but there are some topics that should be kept respectfull.
I know a few people paid lovery tributes ect but If that topic was left on un-moderated and left as it was, I for one wud of NEVER ever of posted on this forum again!
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Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

LOL...one of my students one day says, "I'm sick of seeing you!" and I said, "Me too, that's why I took all the mirrors down in my house!"

Awwww.....just checked Morrissey's FB page. The Mexican fans are sad...lots of posts in Spanish with sad faces. So it must be Verdad! No Morrissey aqui. Lo siento. Sadly. Italian lady knows more Spanish than Italian! But CG, I totally dug your agida comment...and LOL'd.

Oh no! That's terrible! What age group do you teach?

I know they're disappointed. I feel bad for them, too. I wonder if he'll be able to continue the rest of the tour? :( Makes me sad, too, but if that's what it takes for him to get well...then so be it. Health comes first.
Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

This is the official statement from the promoters regarding cancelation @ Vive Latino festival

Re: Update on true-to-you.net - double pneumonia, Wash. DC sell out, Portland securit

LOL...one of my students one day says, "I'm sick of seeing you!" and I said, "Me too, that's why I took all the mirrors down in my house!"

Awwww.....just checked Morrissey's FB page. The Mexican fans are sad...lots of posts in Spanish with sad faces. So it must be Verdad! No Morrissey aqui. Lo siento. Sadly. Italian lady knows more Spanish than Italian! But CG, I totally dug your agida comment...and LOL'd.

"Agida" ust perfectly sums up how I feel pretty much half of any given day and there's no English version of that word. I have another Italian friend who calls it "agidoo" but I think the consensus is "agida." That must've been a post in reference to seeing Morrissey get tackled during the encore? Massive agida.

And since this thread is going in 13,000 directions, how would you recommend catching an oppossum. I have a big ol' tin cat trap, I live in a suburb and want to relocate him to the canyons as he's scaring the tenants and I don't want animal control to euthanize him, but he's not taking cat food as a bait. Or hot dogs. Or apples. He's basically a genius oppossum. :D Or I'm using the wrong food.
Well, I should probably stop getting myself excited for Chicago. But if a man's sick, then a man's sick. Get better, Moz.

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