What Moz songs have you shed a tear to?

I've shed a tear over many of his songs because of just how beautiful they are.

I don't cry like that anymore, but there is one that makes me cry because of how sad, how affecting it is to me.

"I Know It's Over"

Oh mother, I can even feel....
Hi all, I'm new to this forum. I'm very happy to be here.

"You Have Killed Me", "Life Is A Pigsty", "There's A Light That Never Goes Out"
These songs always make me cry.
The old favourites already mentioned like 'Never Had No One Ever', 'I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday' & 'Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me'.

The one that really gets me going though is 'First of The Gang' believe it or not because it's the one he opened with on this tour and when the crowd is jumping along and the emotion is high it is just unreal and usually turns me into jelly....

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