You Forgave Jesus Please Forgive Us!!!

Ok then tons of fun. What do you propose we do with all the farmed animals when we stop eating them? Cull them? Give them their own pad? Just eat what we've got, but don't breed anymore and when we've finished them that's our lot?

Somebody was trying to put forward a serious arguement for stopping eating meat. I was merely illustrating the flaws in that plan.

I think you should be careful when speaking for other people, who is the "we" that is unimpressed? As far as I was aware most people involved in the discussion were enjoying the exchange of ideas.

I no claim to know it all G. I just try to share my forts.



i believe cows will die if humans don't tend to them. I'm not sure of the history of cows...but i bel\ieve they need us to milk them or they it means they can't survive in the wild. i mean, it would mean no more cows...i wouldn't care all that much...keep some dna somewhere for safe keeping and that's that.

but i'm not sure if what i said is true.
Ok then tons of fun. What do you propose we do with all the farmed animals when we stop eating them? Cull them? Give them their own pad? Just eat what we've got, but don't breed anymore and when we've finished them that's our lot?

ahhh - darn. I am wasting one more second of my time answering this before I call it quits - but do you seriously think that all humans will stop eating meat from one day to the next?
let's see now - could it be that this would be a gradual process like everything else in history and animals would gradually not be bred for slaughter anymore?

yeah, chareth is the one who hates most morrissey songs, hates morrissey and hates animal rights. I've seen these kind of posers lurking around vegan forums aparently getting off on causing a stir by posting rubbish. what a bore. some people must have pretty empty lives or a lot of anger to offload (hidden behind an avatar and a computer...) - and defintely too much free time.

next thing you know he'll come up with the 'oh but plants feel pain too, I've seen it on TV' argument. double yaaawn.

Vegan's have their own forums?
i believe cows will die if humans don't tend to them. I'm not sure of the history of cows...but i bel\ieve they need us to milk them or they it means they can't survive in the wild. i mean, it would mean no more cows...i wouldn't care all that much...keep some dna somewhere for safe keeping and that's that.

but i'm not sure if what i said is true.

no - cows do not need us to milk them. as a matter of fact they only give 'productive' amounts of milk when they are constantly inseminated and the calves are killed so humans can take the milk.
ahhh - darn. I am wasting one more second of my time answering this before I call it quits - but do you seriously think that all humans will stop eating meat from one day to the next?
let's see now - could it be that this would be a gradual process like everything else in history and animals would gradually not be bred for slaughter anymore?


Are. You. On. Crack?

Ok, listen carefully now dear. Ready?

I am not suggesting that all humans will stop eating meat at all. In fact, I don't want to rain on your little quorn floated parade, BUT ALL HUMANS AREN'T GOING TO STOP EATING MEAT AT ALL!!!!!!

Somebody else suggested that it would be a good idea for all humans to stop eating meat, they didn't say gradually, they didn't say we'd have to keep the cows as pets afterwards, they didn't say we were going to make the chickens get jobs. They just said it would be better to stop. IT WASN'T MY IDEA AND IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN.


Why don't you pop off and have some semolina?
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