Zeitgeist Movies


Junior Member
Has anyone else seen these movies?
they are very very interesting... I would love to know what people think about them.

if you haven't seen it you can watch it for free on http://www.ZeitgeistMovie.com

there are two movies each about 2hrs long.

let me know what you think.
i thought it was terrible, just the kind crazy & not supported by facts kind of disinformation the 'power elite' want out there to help them continue to hide whatever they are hiding :mad:
and as someone with a university education filled with way too much historical research
i found its reliance on primarily anecdotal evidence to be far from compelling :cool:
did you watch both movies?
did you really watch them?
or did you roll your eyes throught the entire thing?
thats what most people do.
just wondering.
i am not most people, i gave them more attention then i think they deserved
sorry :eek:
i mean i agree with much of the implied sentiment of the film
but it fails both as a believable documentary
& the heavy usage of film techniques that are more appropriate for a low budget horror movie
however, this does make some of it funny to me :D
thats good you gave it a chance.
I think the production is ok for a non-profit film.
and I like that it asks for nothing, except to educate yourself and
"not to take authority as truth, but truth as authority."

all I gotta say is that this is a crazy place we all live in...
and its hard to believe in anything now-a-days.
i would imagine it came about due to the high level of ridiculousness.
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