Morrissey Central "Bonfire of teenagers" (February 7, 2024)

Bonfire of teenagers


SER IG story:

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Whatever the outcome of BOT. This is a bit of good karma for Morrissey when he needs it most. Zippity-doo-dah!
...There is no point banning ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ because somebody somewhere might be offended if they heard it. Why waste time on other people’s mental incapacities? And where is Capitol’s support for the kids who were murdered in that Manchester bonfire on 22 May 2017? Although Capitol claims to be a label of ‘diversity’ it is very difficult to see their humanity. If you are only prepared to release music that draws people’s minds away from thinking then you are unfit for any contact with creative people. Songs are literary compositions, and writing music should be an unrestricted open form. It seems to me that Capitol Records cannot observe the possibility that their artists or their potential customers have ever thought. But silencing certain artists achieves nothing, and simply makes the bonfire burn taller and louder. The moral perspective at Capitol Records who is sitting like a hen on an egg on ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’ is Michelle Jubelirer, who played no small part in removing ‘World Peace is None Of Your Business’ from the shelves in 2014 - determined that it could not sell or be heard. The same creeping culture of censorship at Capitol Records has taken place with ‘Bonfire Of Teenagers’, and the civic structure of Capitol now appears fascist. I still have hope in the music industry, but there are evidently several powerful faces within it that have no honest interest in music … and you follow them into the shadows at your peril.

If we are to believe that you’d have to conclude Morrissey deliberately conspires to give f*** ups the best possible chance. That isn’t ‘blue sky’ thinking. But I prefer to believe she’s the one who tried to make things work, and then found herself in the firing line when it started to go wrong (which would be similar to the Mercury Records story, as told by Tony Wilson, when Morrissey gets obnoxious with/about the lady who’d actually fought to get him signed).
Every day I'm on Solo I understand more and more why Morrissey calls this place toxic. 🤢 Sure, there's good parts to it... but also really unnecessarily bad ones. The toilet photo that was recently removed, for example... That's the interwebs for ya, I'm not surprised. I just feel for Morrissey.
ash it wasnt always like this,on the day of a concert people would post all day about the build up from the town then the venue,all turned to shit when the politics started.
ash it wasnt always like this,on the day of a concert people would post all day about the build up from the town then the venue,all turned to shit when the politics started.
That sounds exciting! I bet the hay days of Solo were a blast. So sad it's this way now. It seems everything lately is drown in politics, or at least trickled with politics.. bleh. Disgusting, stinky little trickles.
You always act as if you have a savior complex coddling a 64 year old man who doesn't even know about you, let alone care about any of your repetitive, corny and self-centered moaning : pick me, choose me, love me !
Ah, yes. To hell with her genuinely good nature. However, I’m very glad you decided to join us. We desperately needed yet another embittered, pretentious and obnoxious jerk.
SER wakes up, sees the front page here, remembers that 'Uncle' isn't bothered about what he posts - then cobbles together a clip art image over the ever-changing front cover whilst forgetting how album titles are usually presented.
Posts 2 versions of said on his IG and 5 minutes later it's a Central post.
That's my guess. Morrissey with a cold flannel on his forehead in a sanatorium doesn't need to come in to the equation (cue statement).
People extrapolating today's post will lead to digital or physical copies of the album tomorrow may want to hold on for a while...
Don’t pretend you’re not a teeny weeny bit excited.
What has he broke free of?
Nothing. Also this bad cringe worthy graphic says nothing. It's the equivalent of us here speculating that because she's gone it must mean we have an album finally. Who's to say she won't get replaced with a duplicate?
Nothing. Also this bad cringe worthy graphic says nothing. It's the equivalent of us here speculating that because she's gone it must mean we have an album finally. Who's to say she won't get replaced with a duplicate?
Whoever takes over, I hope they make a point of being photographed in a Morrissey t-shirt so this place spontaneously combusts
I'm hoping this indicate some kind of good news! As others have said, I fear it doesn't mean much. I imagine though no matter what, Morrissey will eventually get the album back. He's not gonna let it go forever. Here's hoping that it's coming soon!

And how about an update on our dear Morrissey's health?
Maybe the good news has put a pep in his step and the colour back in his cheeks?! He should be up and about by now if he's decided to hang on a while longer on the loneliest planet of all :)
So, Moz is locked away in the alps, recuperating from whatever. Rather than using words to announce something, someone in his camp uses low-effort MS Paint level editing to put out a vague message. I'm going to assume this is another petty swipe at Capitol. I'll believe Bonfire is here when it's coming from my speakers.
Which it won't.
We were handed hard evidence (the email conversation between Moz and the suit what’s-his-name): Capitol or Michelle J hasn’t anything to do with Bonfire not being released. Moz breached the agreement with Miley and refuses to remove her vocals. Anyone believing Michelle J’s resignation will change anything is deluded.
Morrissey's own insane "Stop the Steal" lunatic conspiracy. The man is nuts.
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