Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

It's odd that he thinks I'm posting on "every 4king thread." Looking at the twenty threads listed on the first page of General Discussion, my little avatar for participation is only shown on five of them. Even allowing for hyperbole, one-fourth of threads cannot be called "every 4king thread." My contributions must really grate on his nerves, and be so irritating to him that they appear more prolific than they actually are. But if that's the case, you would think he might avail himself of the ignore function. What a strange person. "CarlisleBaz."

Haha oh Aubrey, I wouldnt ruminate too deeply on anything baz says. I mean, its sort of cute how you're, like, all earnestly puzzled by his post, but trying to work out the sense in anything he says is giving him too much credit. At the end of the day, he's just an angry ineffectual little man with a humiliation fetish who lacks the brain power to even know himself what he's talking about 9/10ths of the time, let alone to recognize vastly superior intelligence when it hits him in the face.
humiliation fetish

Oof. I gather this is something you learned from his prurient confessional poetry? Whenever I see a picture posted of a scribbled-upon notebook page, nowadays I scroll right past. At first I did read them. I thought maybe he was an amateur poet trying to improve with constant practice. That was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Turns out he’s just incessantly bad. Sorry, CarlisleBaz, but your poetry is pretty awful. Take it as constructive criticism.
Oof. I gather this is something you learned from his prurient confessional poetry? Whenever I see a picture posted of a scribbled-upon notebook page, nowadays I scroll right past. At first I did read them. I thought maybe he was an amateur poet trying to improve with constant practice. That was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Turns out he’s just incessantly bad. Sorry, CarlisleBaz, but your poetry is pretty awful. Take it as constructive criticism.
he doesnt even try is the thing. he thinks he's just naturally gifted. sort of like how light housework doesnt even really try at painting, but expects praise for her shitty paintings anyway and cant understand why people dont just naturally want to pay $80 for one. it reminds me of how little kids whose mothers praise them with over effusiveness will scribble all over a colouring page, proclaim it "done!", and then expect people to fall all over themselves praising them for it. eventually the child gets a rude awakening and learns that in the real world he actually has to make an effort if he wants to create something people will actually value. i guess if you're mentally ill or surrounded by drunkards and pissants all the time, it's possible that awakening never comes and you never actually come to understand the mechanism of honest effort and it's rewards.
Oof. I gather this is something you learned from his prurient confessional poetry? Whenever I see a picture posted of a scribbled-upon notebook page, nowadays I scroll right past. At first I did read them. I thought maybe he was an amateur poet trying to improve with constant practice. That was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Turns out he’s just incessantly bad. Sorry, CarlisleBaz, but your poetry is pretty awful. Take it as constructive criticism.
Surely my poetry can’t be as bad as Rifkies so called novels, surely.
She’s been writing the same book for the last 10 years.
he doesnt even try is the thing. he thinks he's just naturally gifted. sort of like how light housework doesnt even really try at painting, but expects praise for her shitty paintings anyway and cant understand why people dont just naturally want to pay $80 for one. it reminds me of how little kids whose mothers praise them with over effusiveness will scribble all over a colouring page, proclaim it "done!", and then expect people to fall all over themselves praising them for it. eventually the child gets a rude awakening and learns that in the real world he actually has to make an effort if he wants to create something people will actually value. i guess if you're mentally ill or surrounded by drunkards and pissants all the time, it's possible that awakening never comes and you never actually come to understand the mechanism of honest effort and it's rewards.
Neil doesn't realize what he's missing, or if he does, he's probably glad you're missing from his life. Constantly judging others you are.
Surely my poetry can’t be as bad as Rifkies so called novels, surely.
She’s been writing the same book for the last 10 years.

I've only read (possibly) a very brief excerpt of rifke's novel. It might be unfair to compare the two, your poetry offerings being so voluminous, and her novel snippet being barely a paragraph, but judging on what we have, she certainly has you beat. I don't think it's necessarily a negative if she's been working on it for ten years. The only thing that matters is the finished product. The artistic process is different for every artist. Isn't Lee Mavers supposed to still be working on the second La's album thirty years on, but is too much of a perfectionist to complete it?
he doesnt even try is the thing. he thinks he's just naturally gifted. sort of like how light housework doesnt even really try at painting, but expects praise for her shitty paintings anyway and cant understand why people dont just naturally want to pay $80 for one.

Light Housework had a good painting of a cat at one point, so I would assume she puts more effort into her work than CarlisleBaz does. Unfortunately, I think her current painting is a portrait of El Bazzo, and she just typed a Yoda-ism. But she is a vegan, and that covers a multitude of sins.
I've only read (possibly) a very brief excerpt of rifke's novel. It might be unfair to compare the two, your poetry offerings being so voluminous, and her novel snippet being barely a paragraph, but judging on what we have, she certainly has you beat. I don't think it's necessarily a negative if she's been working on it for ten years. The only thing that matters is the finished product. The artistic process is different for every artist. Isn't Lee Mavers supposed to still be working on the second La's album thirty years on, but is too much of a perfectionist to complete it?
the thing is, i havent been writing it for ten years. ive been talking about it and putting it off for maybe that long. but it's only in the last couple of months that ive actually put real effort into spending some time every day working on it (with the exception of the past couple of weeks where i havent worked on it AT ALL due to being too tired because of the early shifts ive been getting which--thank the gods-- have seemed to come to an END). because at first when i would think about writing a novel it seemed too confusing and chaotic to me, so that it would scare me off and id go look up stuff to buy or eat candy instead. i mean, there was this real fear, like if i couldnt write it, it would be like stumbling upon the glitch in the universe, that once detected causes everything to unravel. because i think most people dont realize what a novel actually is. it's not just a story. you're creating an entire fabric, and as such you have to create every thread that goes into it and it's a very very difficult thing. i actually think id be better as a film maker because im all about creating scenes and i can see these scenes in my head and how they flow into one another, but writing them is a whole other thing. however the difference between now and before is that 1) i have nothing to else to do with my life now and im not getting any younger, and writing a great work of art novel would be the ONLY thing that could possibly redeem all my wasted years, and two) i have a muse now (his name is neil!! teehee :love: )
the thing is, i havent been writing it for ten years. ive been talking about it and putting it off for maybe that long. but it's only in the last couple of months that ive actually put real effort into spending some time every day working on it (with the exception of the past couple of weeks where i havent worked on it AT ALL due to being too tired because of the early shifts ive been getting which--thank the gods-- have seemed to come to an END). because at first when i would think about writing a novel it seemed too confusing and chaotic to me, so that it would scare me off and id go look up stuff to buy or eat candy instead. i mean, there was this real fear, like if i couldnt write it, it would be like stumbling upon the glitch in the universe, that once detected causes everything to unravel. because i think most people dont realize what a novel actually is. it's not just a story. you're creating an entire fabric, and as such you have to create every thread that goes into it and it's a very very difficult thing. i actually think id be better as a film maker because im all about creating scenes and i can see these scenes in my head and how they flow into one another, but writing them is a whole other thing.

Film-making comes with the problem of it being so collaborative, though. Your vision gets ruined by committee. I think the auteur theory is kind of a misnomer. Nabokov considered himself fortunate to be a novelist when he tried writing a screenplay for Lolita and ran into all the objections of the producers. His draft was something like six hundred pages, and at a meeting with the producers, Stanley Kubrick is rumored to have said, "I can't make a movie out of this. I can't even lift it." The only way for a director to have complete control would be to be (or become) independently wealthy and produce the movie his or herself. So like Nabokov, you might be better positioned to realize your vision as a novelist, even if you feel stymied at times.

i have a muse now (his name is neil!!)

I have to say, I'm somewhat disappointed. I assumed you to have been obsessed with Neil Codling since he joined Suede in the 90s. A singular romantic obsession with a celebrity spanning twenty-five years would've been really impressive. For how long have you found him dreamy?
Film-making comes with the problem of it being so collaborative, though. Your vision gets ruined by committee. I think the auteur theory is kind of a misnomer. Nabokov considered himself fortunate to be a novelist when he tried writing a screenplay for Lolita and ran into all the objections of the producers. His draft was something like six hundred pages, and at a meeting with the producers, Stanley Kubrick is rumored to have said, "I can't make a movie out of this. I can't even lift it." The only way for a director to have complete control would be to be (or become) independently wealthy and produce the movie his or herself. So like Nabokov, you might be better positioned to realize your vision as a novelist, even if you feel stymied at times.

I have to say, I'm somewhat disappointed. I assumed you to have been obsessed with Neil Codling since he joined Suede in the 90s. A singular romantic obsession with a celebrity spanning twenty-five years would've been really impressive. For how long have you found him dreamy?
yes, i guess how i picture it in my head is that im in complete control of the film, but i guess that's not how it works.

if i had been obsessed with neil for over 25 years, you have to believe me when i say i would've walked past his house more than TWICE!!!!! plus i would've undoubtedly already written a novel if he had impressed his dreamy self so early upon my imagination. but for 3 decades i lived not knowing any such person existed, and so yes, life was very bleak, very dark. there was no point in doing anything, certainly not in writing any novels. ("what the hell for?!?!?!"" what is the POINT?!?!"). it was only through a poster on this very message board, one bun bun, that i came to know of the existence of that exquisite-little-sylph and bunny-in-human-disguise and revelation-in-the-form-of-a-man and all around FINE, FINE creature that is neil codling at all. that was about five years ago, and life has since been changed, deepened and enriched. yes, it's sad that i had to go for so long not knowing he existed, but like the character in my novel, i prefer him now to when he was young. there's something beautiful and poignant about someone who was the poetic ideal of youth wedded with beauty becoming wearied and lined with age (even his old man chin wattle which he is certain to have in a good 15 years time will be adorable!!). his beauty was too sharp edged when he was young, all bloodthirsty points specifically designed to cut nice well bred young girls. but now he's softer around the edges, and perfect for my purposes. thanks for asking!! :tiphat:
Indeed there should, and also after "time", which I'm sure you clocked, but I was only addressing the poor spelling, not punctuation.
Next time, maybe. One step at a time, GS.
That was a quote. Did Moz put a comma there? Can’t be arsed to check.

Glad you took the time to include all commas in your last post, though!
I didn't quote directly. Obviously, I would have used inverted commas (quotation marks) if that had been the case.
I don’t know. I’m pretty sure that’s something you would’ve forgotten…
Yes, well spotted by you, I guess, being all the way from Finland, and all. Not bad at all, so credit where it's due. I actually do admire the language skills of people from Scandinavia, particularly with English. Your command of English, which I've noted previously, certainly surpasses the shameful and embarrassing efforts of 'Carlislebaz' (allegedly actually from England) but then a 5 year old could better him, I suspect.
I don’t know why you think I’m from Finland. I’ve never even been to Finland. I hear it’s lovely, though.

Yes, I think my language skills are pretty decent, but so is a lot of folks’ here. Moz fans may be idiots, but they’re not necessarily stupid. And regarding Baz: he’s a decent enough guy, it seems, so let’s leave him alone.
I don’t know why you think I’m from Finland. I’ve never even been to Finland. I hear it’s lovely, though.

Yes, I think my language skills are pretty decent, but so is a lot of folks’ here. Moz fans may be idiots, but they’re not necessarily stupid. And regarding Baz: he’s a decent enough guy, it seems, so let’s leave him alone.
Always thought you a good judge
Of character GS 🤩🤩🤩
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