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I went to an estate sale today with the German guy I wrote about before. He is getting more disabled and I went to help him. He bought a bunch of old windows and then I saw this sitting there. I said to the guy selling the stuff that it's really cool and he said I could have it. It's a Maltese Cross brooch from the 60's. I know someone that collects military pins and jewelry that has this kind of look so I'll probably sell it to him.
before you were the only white dude in the locality where you live now suddenly, A GERMAN dude??? WTF??
you went with a disabled german guy to buy windows??? WTF? for the junkyard??
this is a bit of a stretch for it to be believed....its out there in BGVelcro male modeling DJ land..:straightface:
how did you carry WINDOWS FFS back to the junkyard while wheeling the disabled dude? did you
take a tractor with you?? :lbf:

and to top off this fantasy, you were gifted a nazi cross.:rock:
AND you know a dude that buys nazi crossesdoh:
did you wear knee length white tube socks with those ugly adidas?

FC you need to improve your made up stories. :hammer:

These were my favorite shoes.
Why are they not your favourite now ?
I just finished laundry, and texting with Ken. He's finally glad he's not manic anymore.
The new washing machine is huge. I stripped off all my warm outer clothes and threw them in because there was so much room. My musty towels will smell clean now.
Not exciting news...oh well. I haven't seen that crack addict I gave my TV to lately. Maybe she's back in the psych ward.
I read ebooks on Kindle Unlimited to pass the time, on a tablet, and sometimes read the Mozipedia Verso sent me. Kindle Unlimited is worth the 10 bucks a month.
But you're fluent in getting ebooks free. I like the way Kindle suggests books to me that are included in the monthly flat fee.
I've started reading about a serial killer that used hitchhiking as his means to find victims. Back in the 1940's.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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